
Contents of this article

  • 1. Libra’s shady evaluation: a vicious conspirator
  • 2. The most thoughtful zodiac sign
  • 3. Is Libra an easily deceived sign?
  • 4. What zodiac sign is Libra compatible with?

Libra's shady evaluation: a vicious conspirator

   Libra: The vicious conspirator

   Libra man: This is very confusing. More fiery than Aries, more money-loving than Taurus, more boastful than Gemini, more sensitive than Cancer, more chauvinistic than Leo, more mysophobic than Virgo, more vengeful than Scorpio, more promiscuous than Sagittarius, more promiscuous than Capricorn More cunning and calculating, more fantasy-loving than Pisces, and more limitless than Aquarius. What I am talking about is the inner os of a Libra man. What about the surface? It’s what you think are the advantages of the remaining 11 zodiac signs. So Libra men are basically fake. Always wear a mask. Extreme idealist. The older you get, the calmer you will be, and your career will get better and better. I want to eat secretly but I am unable to do anything. Haha [meaningful].

  Libra woman: The charlatanism is very strong. On the outside, we look like a lady and love to dress up, but on the inside, we are quite a man. Except for dressing up and making friends, he is very, very, very, very lazy about things other than dressing up and making friends. Do you think Libra women are elegant? In fact, in her heart she is scolding your entire household, but on the surface she is calm and relaxed. Why? Too lazy to speak. Heat slowly. I have a dream in my heart of a prince rescuing a princess. You never follow a routine when looking for a partner. For example, why do you always provoke Cancer men? Victims and perpetrators of cold violence.

  Libras are a group of people who are hot on the outside and cold on the inside. They appear to be kind, talkative, easy-going, and reserved on the outside. Both men and women are polite and polite. But inside he is as cold as ice, insensitive, cold-blooded, selfish, and inhumane. They have strong diplomatic skills and are good at winning over people's hearts, gathering groups, and using them for their own purposes. Their biggest characteristic is that they like to "take care". This kind of care is a large-scale care. Regardless of the closeness of the relationship, the number of people, or their age, this kind of care that is extremely Libra-like is often revealed deliberately and without any accidents. . However, this kind of care is not out of kindness and sincerity, but is just a habitual way for them to deal with others. This is completely different from Leo. Leo's care is a small-scale care. They will care for people they are familiar with sincerely and sincerely, without being hypocritical or deliberate.

  Libras appear to be peaceful and love harmony, but in fact, they are not peaceful people in their daily lives. They just want others to be peaceful and avoid conflicts, making people think that they are good people who value peace. They like to take care of everything and keep harmony and balance in all aspects. They like to convene and create a collective atmosphere, leading people to immerse themselves in the general trend, thereby burying their individuality and losing themselves. Libra will start from its own strong mentality and use its own value orientation to demand and limit others. At this time, if the religious leader Taurus is summoned, the demons and monsters (Virgo, Cancer, Pisces and Aquarius) will easily submit to this collective consciousness. However, in such a seemingly high-profile collective atmosphere, Libra itself behaves in a low-key manner and does not respond much to the theme itself. It seems that it has nothing to do with itself and feels like it is outside the matter. Such low-keyness is also part of Libra's display of emotional intelligence. The good popularity accumulated in daily life makes people unable to refuse Libra. They are a type of people with strong organizational skills.

  Regarding Libra's care, Gemini is not used to measures similar to wooing. They prefer a sense of sworn friendship, and one-on-one alone is best, which creates the pressure of alienation. But Libras cannot feel these pressures, and they will not destroy the harmony of the overall atmosphere just because Gemini is alone. At this time, Gemini took the initiative to withdraw from the group because he did not like the excitement of the group and the constraints of the rules. For lions, this kind of care suppresses self-release to a large extent. A group constrained by rules makes it difficult for Leo to let go of himself and adapt to the rules, thus reducing his own development. When lions are sensitive to the threat of self-annihilation brought about by this kind of care, they will instinctively rebel against the rules. As conflicts increase, people in the group will resent the lion's uniqueness. Although the lion is rebellious, it also reminds them to avoid losing themselves. But the inner calmness of the lion was misinterpreted by them as being aloof and going its own way. The rules brought fatigue to the lions, forcing them to part ways with the team, and their desire to be born became stronger and stronger.

  Libra behaves kindly and kindly externally, but internally it is hegemonic, irritable and arbitrary. This is similar to Virgo's domestic violence, but Libra is more cunning and cunning than Virgo. Virgo's hegemony is a kind of ignorance and willfulness, not knowing the heights of heaven and earth, and not distinguishing between right and wrong. Libra is an innate official airs, similar to the domineering presentation of elders to juniors, bosses to subordinates, or Libras of the same level. They have a strong sense of discipline. This kind of discipline is for the convenience of restraining others, making a team subject to a military-like institutionalized control. Everyone obeys the system and loses their own development. Libras attach great importance to rules, invisible leadership, and soft traction, making it easy for them to achieve interpersonal success. Libra people have very poor mobility and are basically immobile. They stagnated before meeting Sagittarius. They have grand plans in their hearts, but they fail to implement them due to their own laziness. Only when the shooter leads the demons and ghosts to run forward and backward for them and put them into action can they maximize their benefits. They are not heinous like Sagittarius, they are just greedy. They will not focus on suppressing groups. Instead, they will enthusiastically support and appoint monsters to facilitate the implementation of their plans. In terms of interests, we will also strive for fair distribution, as long as our own part is not infringed, and a mutually beneficial and win-win situation is achieved.

  They love to enjoy themselves, so they are keen on greed and taking advantage. For the groups they convene, they live in harmony with each other. As long as the monsters and ghosts don't cause trouble, the scales can't destroy bridges. And for the lion who parted ways with them, there would be no fairness and justice. When lions break away from the group and still make achievements through individual efforts, the team they organize becomes worried because they cannot control the lions, and feel uneasy because they cannot surpass the lions. This leads to jealousy and a desire to deal with the situation quickly. Because they hate the lion's personal heroism, which outshines their entire team, Libra feels that it may infringe on their own interests.

  At this time, the high-ranking Libra will suggest the crazy Sagittarius, the jealous and crazy Taurus will give advice, and all kinds of monsters (Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius) will take action to fight against the Lion. Among them, the Virgo is the most destructive, so that He tried his best to persecute the lion. The top and bottom colluded, the official banned him, his colleagues framed him, and he forced the lion to step down. He used all possible means. These tricks were resolved by the lion one by one, and they were repelled one by one. They had to admit that they were no match for the lion, but they were unconvinced and secretly waited for the lion to fall. There were days to help this group at the critical moment, and due to some irresistible unnatural force, the Libra Group succeeded. The lion becomes a hero with unfulfilled ambitions. In the end, they relied on their power to vilify, cover up, and obliterate the lion's achievements, and tampered with history so that future generations would not know the existence of the lion. Then carefully build the virgin who has no talent, virtue or incompetence to plagiarize the achievements of the lion, occupy the achievements of the lion, and become the greatest achiever, the greatest authority in a certain field, while Libra and the Sagittarius become the biggest beneficiary, with glory, wealth, fame and fortune. , all enjoy a long life and take care of themselves.

Why are Libras said to be conspirators? Comments on Libra’s shady character: A vicious conspirator. Picture 1

The most thoughtful zodiac sign

I believe many people have heard that Libra is a first-class constellation. It is very particular to become a first-class constellation. Not all constellations can become everyone's eyes. If you don't have extraordinary abilities, it will be difficult to convince people from other constellations. Today, let's talk about why Libra is a first-class constellation and who is the most suitable partner.

1. Why is Libra the first-class constellation? Who is the ideal lover?

Libra's wisdom is unparalleled, and some zodiac signs are far-sighted and cunning, which are useless under Libra's quick thinking. When it comes to eloquence, Libra is a well-known sophist. The unreasonable can be said to be reasonable, and the useful can be said to be useless. Who can match it? What's more, the wisdom of other zodiac signs comes from Libra. How can they compete with Libra for position? They are the most suitable partners. It's Gemini .

2. The most suitable partner is Aries

There is also the logic of one person subduing another in love, and the one who can subdue Libra is none other than Aries. The two people have somewhat opposite personalities. Aries is straightforward and strong in action, while Libra thinks too much about things and is always hesitant. When two people are together, Aries makes most decisions, and Libra is only responsible for providing opinions. As they get along slowly, Aries has tamed Libra, and they are a perfect match together. Taming is not a complete change, but just making Libra better.

Why are Libras said to be conspirators? Comments on Libra’s shady character: A vicious conspirator. Picture 2

3. The most suitable partner is Aquarius

In addition to love, the most important thing in love should be trust between each other! Because only two people who trust can get along for a long time. Libra and Aquarius are a long-term combination that can trust each other. They are typical fellow travelers, similar but different. Both like to make friends. Love is just a part of life. Libra and Aquarius maintain a close relationship while also maintaining independence. Free space, this kind of love will not be tiring, it is more like a relationship between good friends and lovers, sharing each other but not for possession, it is a true portrayal of soul mates.

Why are Libras said to be conspirators? Comments on Libra’s shady character: A vicious conspirator. Picture 3

4. Libra personality traits

Libra is a sign with strong tolerance. It is not easy to express pain to others. It bears it alone and is not very competitive. It respects what is you, what is not you, is never yours. Libras require balance in everything, and maintaining deep connections with others is their life goal. They are more likely to feel lonely, and often feel depressed mentally.

Why is Libra said to be a conspirator? Libra’s shady evaluation: a vicious conspirator. Picture 4

Is Libra a gullible sign?

Libra people look very smart, but in fact they are very simple. They pursue fairness and insist on justice, but this is unrealistic in the eyes of many people. Libra people have their innocent side, but they can be easily deceived. Libra people are indecisive and always worry a lot before doing something. They are good at analysis, they can think of everything, but in the end they cannot make a decision. Libras have soft ears and are easily swayed by other people's opinions and influenced by others, so Libras are easily fooled. At that point, they let their guard down and ask for help. Unexpectedly, this is the most vulnerable time to be deceived.

Why are Libras said to be conspirators? Comments on Libra’s shady character: a vicious conspirator. Picture 5

Libras often eat sweet words. Many times, as long as the other person pretends to be pitiful in front of them, says all kinds of nice things, and coaxes them, Libra can forget all the unhappiness between two people. Because they still love each other, they are easily moved by sweet words. Even if the other party deceives them, Libra cannot like everything about the other party and is happy to be deceived. Only their generous attitude can allow the other party to gain more.

Why are Libras said to be conspirators? Comments on Libra’s shady character: a vicious conspirator. Picture 6

Libra has always been a generally optimistic person. Many times, their requirements for relationships are really very low. As long as they like each other and the other person also likes them, they can be completely together. Even if they know that they may be approaching with a purpose or they may be lying, Libra doesn't care that much. After all, they weren't meant to die bound by such feelings. They can try to pull away at any time.

Why are Libras said to be conspirators? Comments on Libra’s shady character: a vicious conspirator. Picture 7

Libras love to show off. No matter what good things they have, they like to show them out in their circle of friends. Everyone around them knows about them. They think that being rich is not their fault, so getting rich is just their daily life. However, others don't think so. It looks like there is such a fat sheep in front of me, I have to get more money from him. Therefore, many people approach Libra under the guise of love, but actually want to get their money.

What zodiac signs are compatible with Libra boys?

Vicious tongue does not mean swearing, swearing, or making the words sound unpleasant. Venomous tongue is related to the cute attribute: Venomous tongue should be a more advanced way of speaking that uses intelligence to humiliate people but makes them unable to fight back and can only vomit blood. If the venomous words come from the mouth of a likable person (for example, someone with strength and a good image), you will be angry and laugh at the same time. It gives you an abrupt feeling. You won't necessarily care. It is not called poisonous tongue if it is just for the purpose of cursing. It runs through life and is a habit, a personality, a way of speaking. Therefore, venomous tongues are not always used on people you hate, even those who are close and friendly can't avoid it. So, where are the venomous tongues of boys in our zodiac signs?

As for Libra men, this group is full of weirdos, because they like to think of themselves as elegant, especially Libra men, who can usually make a blind eye and seduce everyone. But in the final analysis, they can use these gimmicks to confuse little girls. Regardless of their appearance, they feel that they are talented and elegant young men every day. In fact, behind closed doors, they are definitely the kind of big men who pick their feet while eating. , not to mention the mess at home, but I still don’t understand life very well. Sisters should never ask Libra what they want, they themselves don’t know. (Twelve constellations/astro/)

Libra men are very easy to change their minds and need to be given some free rein. It’s terrible to say that they don’t know how to appreciate or love, and they are as bad as the great conspirators of the modern era. They are not like Capricorns, who have the nerve to eat soft food openly. Unlike Aries, who is full of silky charm but dares to think of himself as Daniel Wu. Libra men are the most scheming and the most difficult to get along with. Not only are they sanctimonious, but they also have a secret pattern of working hard to gain daring. But in the final analysis, what they want in life is nothing more than the vanity stuff of getting famous all over the world without working. Oh, it's really boring.

Paginated navigation
  • 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongues: Pisces
  • The 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongues: Aquarius
  • 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongue: Capricorn
  • 12 Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius
  • 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongue: Scorpio
  • 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongues: Libra
  • 12 zodiac signs: Virgo boys with poisonous tongues
  • 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongues: Leo
  • The 12 zodiac signs of poisonous boys: Cancer
  • 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongues: Gemini
  • 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongues: Taurus
  • The 12 zodiac signs with poisonous tongues: Aries

Why are Libras said to be conspirators? Comments on Libra’s shady character: a vicious conspirator. Picture 8

The above is all about why Libra is said to be a conspirator, Libra's shady evaluation: a vicious conspirator, and related content about why Libra is said to be a conspirator. I hope it can help you.

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