
Contents of this article

  • 1.How do you say hello everyone in English?
  • 2.Does Teacher Wu have any deeds?
  • 3. What does the name Wu Qianqian mean?
  • 4. Ye Shengtao Cup preliminary round winners list

How do you say hello everyone in English?

You can call Salin, Hennie, Milly, Linda, Shady

Wu Ruolin Nanchang, how do you say hello everyone in English? Picture 1

What is Mr. Wu’s deeds?

  Xia Xiaola (Reporter of Wenzhou Business Daily)
  In my more than three years of journalistic career, there has never been an interview as unforgettable as this one, and there has never been a person who touched people's hearts like Teacher Wu Ruolin. The interview that lasted for more than half a month left me deeply moved, and tears could not help but fall out of my eyes several times. And those memories soaked in tears are not blurry but become more vivid.
  On the evening of April 3, 2006, the weather was a bit gloomy. The hotline of the newspaper office rang. An enthusiastic old man called and said that his grandson would not eat at night and insisted on seeing a teacher. , saying that the teacher has a high status in the students' hearts. The reporter's sensitivity drove me to go to the hospital to find out.
  When I rushed to the Second Affiliated Hospital, it was already 7pm, and I saw Teacher Wu unconscious in the ward. There is an oxygen tube inserted into her nose, and for the past few days, she has relied on oxygen and food through her nose to maintain her life. The doctor said that Teacher Wu was suffering from an infectious disease. His condition was very serious and he was not out of danger yet. “It’s been five days and she can’t talk, she can’t open her eyes and look at us. " Teacher Wu's husband Hong Haidong said distressedly.
  After learning, this teacher was Wu Ruolin, an English teacher and deputy director of the Political and Education Department of Wenzhou No. 12 Middle School. Even though she was sick, she insisted on teaching the students for three days using crutches and a wheelchair. However, she could no longer hold on and finally collapsed.
  Looking at his unconscious wife on the hospital bed, Hong Haidong said to me, "I fell in love with her because she was ambitious. She is like this. She is always thinking about students. She is usually at home. I don't like to talk much. When I talk about daily life, I talk about students and how some excellent teachers teach classes. ”
  In Hong Haidong’s heart, his wife is a workaholic. Every time she said a word, I found that Haidong's voice was choked with sobs, but I could feel that she understood her wife's work.
  Just when I learned about Teacher Wu’s condition from Haidong, more than 60 students currently studying in Wenzhou Middle School and Wenzhou No. 2 High School asked for leave and came spontaneously. Suddenly, Ward 4 of the Neurology Intensive Care Unit of the Second Affiliated Hospital and the corridor outside were crowded with students. They are all students taught by Teacher Wu.
  "Teacher, we see you are here! Teacher, can you wake up! Teacher, did you hear the blessing we gave you on the radio this afternoon? "Beside the hospital bed, the students called softly. This was a heartfelt blessing from all the students.
  However, Teacher Wu failed to open her eyes and look at so many students who came to see her, and failed to answer the blessings sent to her by the students. Teacher Wu, who was originally active in the classroom, was so powerless and helpless in the hospital bed at this moment.
  Faced with this situation, the students felt sad and could not suppress the tears in their eyes. I saw that every student's eyes were moist. I heard bursts of sobbing in the ward that didn't stop for a long time. Their tears were so pure and sincere.
  Seeing them cry makes me want to cry too. I took out a tissue and handed it to the classmate next to me. She wiped her tears and said to me three times in a row, "When I heard the news about Teacher Wu, my heart felt like it was falling."
  I asked the students, what kind of person is Mr. Wu in your mind? Student Zheng Yangyang told me, "When I graduated from the third year of junior high school, I had to take the physical education test. Teacher Wu came to school every morning at around 6 o'clock to run with us in the morning. At night, he would go to the dormitory to ask about our living and studying situation until we turned off the lights. She just came home, and her care and love for us will never be erased from my heart. "
   Student Wu Zhenyu said, "Without Teacher Wu, I would not have achieved the results I have now. Teacher Wu is my caring teacher. When I am sick, the teacher will never forget to ask about my welfare. He is more caring than my parents. I. "
  As I asked questions, their crying became more intense, and tears slid down their faces and soaked my eyes. I didn't dare to continue asking, so I said to them: "Go back and rest quickly, we have to go to school tomorrow. With your blessings, Teacher Wu will definitely get better. "Yes, we wish the teacher well. You must get better." "With the good news of Teacher Wu's recovery, I will definitely inform you. The only thing you can do now is to study with peace of mind." They exchanged contact information with me one by one.
  Finally, the students left a special gift for Teacher Wu. The gift was very simple, just a piece of paper with the names of all the students written on it. "No matter what, we are here for you. "Come to life, We need you (Get well, we need you)", after writing these words, the students reluctantly left.
  I was about to report back to the club. At the stairway of the hospital, I met my colleague Chen Fangfang who came to visit Teacher Wu. She said of Teacher Wu: "She is very friendly with every student and treats students very well." Just like treating one's own children, many students later became Teacher Wu's lifelong friends precisely because of the uninterrupted daily contact and mother-child interaction. Teacher Wu is well-known in the school for her dedication and dedication to her job. She is strict with herself and always does the best in whatever she takes over. ”
  This is my first time to interview Teacher Wu, and I was accompanied by a photojournalist during this interview. On the way to report back to the club, she kept saying to me: "The scene at night was really touching, the students' feelings for the teacher were so sincere, I couldn't stop crying. "I said: "Yes, when I wrote down the greetings and blessings from the students to the teacher, I also cried. "
  The day after the interview, the first report "Teacher Wu, wake up quickly" appeared on the front page of "Wenzhou Business Daily". That day, the newspaper office and my mobile phone never stopped calling. There were calls asking about Teacher Wu’s condition, greetings, and blessings. There were calls from students, parents, and local calls. , there are also calls from other places. Many reporters from provincial and municipal media called me for confirmation, asking me if there really is a teacher in Wenzhou who loves his children like his children. I said: “Really, I can feel the students’ respect and love for Teacher Wu during the interview. ”
  A girl studying at Zhejiang Normal University called me to ask about Teacher Wu’s condition. I told her that Teacher Wu was still unconscious for the time being and that she relied on oxygen and nose to eat. To sustain life, before I finished saying all this, she was already choking on sobs on the other end of the phone.
  With every phone call and every sound, I can feel that the person on the other end of the phone is so full of sorrow and tenderness.
  After I reported what I saw and heard during the interview to the leaders of our newspaper, they were also moved. The editorial board of the newspaper immediately held a pre-editorial meeting to discuss and decide, and conducted in-depth interviews from different aspects of Teacher Wu’s students, colleagues, students’ parents, school leaders, family members, etc. to discover typical deeds.
  At noon the next day, when I came to the ward of the Second Affiliated Hospital again, I was moved by the scene before me, and my eyes were wet with tears again. I saw Mr. Wu’s current class of Grade 2 (4) students bringing a thousand paper cranes folded overnight and praying silently for Mr. Wu with tears in their eyes.
  I saw parents coming spontaneously and silently crying for Teacher Wu. Ms. Lin, Xiaoyu’s mother who studied in Wenzhou Middle School, recalled: “My son loved playing basketball, but he couldn’t calm down and study seriously. At that time, his English scores were poor and he had no interest in English. Teacher Wu often talked to my son and offered him free lessons. 'Small stove'. My son scored 110 points in the English test during the high school entrance examination, all due to Teacher Wu. "Ms. Lin now always recommends that the children of relatives and friends enroll in Teacher Wu's class.
  When I walked into the second grade (4) class, I asked the whole class: "Do you fall in love with Teacher Wu's class?" The whole class told me loudly: "I like it. Teacher Wu's English class is very active." "Time flies in Teacher Wu's class." Student Zhang Lin said to me, "Teacher Wu not only knows how to teach, Teacher Wu can also educate people." She often tells us that the first thing is to learn to be a human being, and the second thing is to be a scholar. "
  The next day, we published the newsletter "Teacher Wu, pouring his heart out for the students". After this interview, I also have a more comprehensive understanding of Teacher Wu: I know how this yellow-haired girl, who is only 1.49 meters tall and was still "inconspicuous" in the eyes of her colleagues when she graduated in 1994, through her own efforts, became the winner in 2004 She became a municipal-level outstanding teacher in 2008; I know how she encouraged her younger sister who teaches at Wen No. 19 Middle School to be a good teacher; I know how grateful parents are to Teacher Wu; I know that in the hearts of parents, In the eyes of colleagues, Teacher Wu is very serious about her business. I understand better that Teacher Wu is a good teacher who teaches her students to grow with all her heart.
   During the more than twenty days and nights that Teacher Wu was in the Intensive Care Unit of the Second Affiliated Hospital, groups of students, parents, teachers, and city bureau leaders came to visit her one after another.
  On April 4, Director Lin Weiping of the Municipal Education Bureau came and asked that we do our best to treat Teacher Wu; on April 7, Deputy Mayor Qian Chengliang of the Municipal Government came and said that Wu Teachers are outstanding representatives of the teaching team; on April 10, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Bao Zhedong came. He said that Teacher Wu has done extraordinary deeds in an ordinary position and is an example for us to learn from.
  Teacher Wu, did you hear their greetings? All your friends and relatives are here, and your family is watching over you all day and all night. How we hope you can open your eyes and take a look at the bright red carnations on the windowsill, the white calla lilies on the ground, the pink roses as bright as you, and the paper cranes fluttering about to fly. These are yours. The blessings, prayers and thoughts from your family, your leaders, your colleagues, your students and their parents! No matter how soft your voice is, you still answer us.
  When Teacher Wu was ill, many readers called this newspaper and me, asking whether Teacher Wu’s medical expenses were enough. If not, they were willing to donate their love. We have repeatedly emphasized that Teacher Wu’s medical treatment is provided by the public, and medical expenses are not a problem. But they have repeatedly stated that this is their intention. In the end, we received a donation of 1,700 yuan. When I handed this warm "love" to Teacher Wu's family, I thought Teacher Wu would also feel relieved.
  In the twenty days between Mr. Wu’s hospitalization and his death, we have been paying close attention to Mr. Wu’s condition since the first article “Teacher Wu, wake up quickly” was published. I also made follow-up reports and published a total of 12 articles. In almost every article, I ended the interview and wrote every word with tears. During the interview, I felt the concern and respect for Teacher Wu from students and teachers all the time.
  I once promised my classmates that I would convey the good news about Teacher Wu’s recovery to them one by one, but I failed to do so.
  Teacher Wu, 35 years old, an age in his prime, just passed away. Just when she was ambitious to put her educational ideas into educational practice, a bad fate ruthlessly took away her life.
  I vaguely remember April 25, the day of the farewell party for Teacher Wu’s body.
   Outside the Kianshan Funeral Home, light rain fell, just like people's tears. In Chang'an Hall No. 5, the largest room in the funeral home, Teacher Wu lay peacefully surrounded by flowers. Teacher Wu fell asleep forever. In the Chang'an Hall, the elegiac couplet "Diligence and thrift bring out the gardener's heart to pursue the sun, and dedication turns the garden into a spring filled with peaches and plums" hanging on both sides. Teacher Wu was lying quietly among the flowers.
  At the farewell meeting, Director of the Municipal Education Bureau Lin Weiping came, Deputy Director Xie Shuhua came, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Hu Changlin came, the principal of the municipal middle school came, students, parents, colleagues, relatives and friends They all came, and many citizens who were strangers to Teacher Wu also came - Chang'an Hall, which could only accommodate more than 200 people, had an influx of more than 400 people. In the sound of sad music, everyone expressed their respect for Teacher Wu with tears in their eyes -
   Let us listen to everyone's condolences for Teacher Wu in the sound of sad music: Teacher Wu, you Life is too short, only thirty-five summers and winters. When spring comes and autumn comes, there are still so many things waiting for you to do. The students in Class 2 (4) are waiting for you to attend class, and the weekly classes are still waiting for you to arrange. The stars for the star class evaluation have not been posted yet. My sister still needs your guidance in teaching, and my former students want to chat with you. How many books do you still have to read...and how many educational ideals are there to be realized...
  The 82-year-old Ye Qing, a retired teacher at Wen No. 12 Middle School, was so moved that he used the phrase "the style lasts forever" "Four words to describe Teacher Wu. A parent named Zhou next to me had tears in her eyes. She kept covering her nose and told me that without Teacher Wu’s earnest teachings, my child would not have achieved today’s results.
   Cheng Xienan, a sophomore at Wenzhou Middle School, couldn’t restrain his emotion and wrote a poem on a cardboard: “The teachers and students have taught us profound lessons over the past year, and now I am in tears. "You work hard to educate talents, and you work hard to cultivate talents." This expresses respect for the teacher.
  Li Zhengzhang, a student of Class 5, Class 3, 1997, said, "Teacher Wu, you have gone to a place far, far away, but you will always live in our hearts. Your sincere teachings and regrets, Always spur me to study and work harder. "
   Teacher Wu's husband Hong Haidong said: "Ruolin, you can go in peace, I will take care of the family." ”
  In this situation, who would be stingy with his tears. All the students, parents, teachers and media reporters present shed tears silently. I cried too...
  In the past few days when Teacher Wu was ill, I often heard the same words in the streets of Wenzhou: "Teacher Wu", "Excellent People's Teacher", " "Children's mentor"... On Wenzhou BBS and community forums, there are countless posts and text messages telling everyone's admiration for this good teacher: How can a teacher be like this? The deceased has passed away, but the teacher's morality will last forever! Teacher Wu, we love you. No matter where we are, our hearts will always be filled with gratitude to you. We will use this grateful heart to repay the society and repay your kindness. Teacher Wu is definitely a good teacher, as her students can attest. I wish I could fall down for her. Moved and admired. Her students are lucky to have such a good teacher. The so-called learning is a teacher. From Teacher Wu, students can not only receive cultural knowledge education, but also feel what dedication and dedication are from an ideological and spiritual perspective, and thus receive a lofty outlook on life education. Teacher Wu is very admirable. She devotes herself to teaching and loves her children as much as her children. Her professional ethics and professionalism are a model and a good example for us to learn from. Going to class with a cane is as touching as the reports I saw earlier about kneeling in class. They use their sweat to nurture the healthy growth of generations of students. I wish Teacher Wu a speedy recovery and discharge from the hospital, and return to the podium. Having such a teacher who only cares about students is truly worthy of respect. Teachers should be like Teacher Wu. Teachers like this are rare. I have been watching the news about Teacher Wu Ruolin these past few days. I am very moved. A good person has a safe life! Teacher Wu Ruolin's touching personal story is known to everyone and has been reported in newspapers. Through this incident, we should learn how to take good care of our bodies and serve everyone with the spirit of Teacher Wu Ruolin, so as to achieve the best of both worlds and have the cake and eat it too.
  Teacher Wu’s typical deeds moved Wenzhou and Zhejiang. Zhejiang Daily, Qianjiang Evening News, Today Morning Post, Wenzhou Daily, Wenzhou Evening News and Wenzhou TV Education Time and Space Zero Distance Zhejiang TV and other media have reported on Teacher Wu’s deeds.
  I heard that almost everyone was full of praise and high regard for Teacher Wu. Why is Teacher Wu so respected by students and parents? Principal Wu Buxu summarized that as much love as teachers give to students, they will receive much love in return. Teacher Wu is the best proof.
  Teacher Wu is an ordinary people’s teacher, but she has brought us tremendous spiritual wealth.
  Teacher Wu will always live in our hearts.

Wu Ruolin Nanchang, how do you say hello everyone in English? Picture 2

What does the name Wu Qianqian mean?

"Wu Yueming" Overview
Name Traditional Chinese Characters Simplified Strokes Traditional Chinese Strokes Kangxi Strokes Character Meanings Five Elements Radicals Chinese Pinyin Wu Wu 777 Mukou wú Yueyue 101011 Fire 忄 yuè, yue Mingming 111414 Jin 钅 míng
Three talents and five elements : The five elements of the surname and the five elements of the name constitute the three talents of "wood, fire, and metal", heaven, man, and earth, and the configuration is good.
Zhouyi hexagram: The name hexagram is (mountain wind Gu) and (fire wind tripod). If the hexagram is good, the hexagram energy is strong, the name will have good luck.
Name Spirit Number: A person with a name spirit number of 1 has the talent of being confident, strong and leading others.
The total number of the name is 28, and the number of heroic and chivalrous whereabouts is unknown. The number of sufferings, the heroic spirit, wandering all over the world, and the restless life.
Overall score: 75 points, your name is better!
NO.1 Three Talents and Five Elements
Analyze the personality, career, wealth, health and other information contained in the name based on the meaning of the word and the Five Elements of the name and the Three Talents of the name
The meaning of the word and the Five Elements
The main five actions of the word "Yue" "Fire", for people who like "Fire", it can enhance their initiative, be enthusiastic and courteous, good at making friends, good eloquence, and popular; but for people who avoid "Fire", they will become less calm. , easily impulsive, constant disputes.
The main five elements of the word "Ming" are "gold". For people who like "gold", it can enhance their decisiveness, act steadily, work seriously, and be resolute and resolute; but for people who are afraid of "gold" , they will become aloof, headstrong, and extremely aggressive.
The five elements used in the name should be determined according to the horoscope of the birth date. This is the core of name luck change and the essence of Chinese onomastics.
"Yue Ming" is a combination of "fire and gold", "fire" overcomes "metal", and fire is strong. People with this combination are straightforward, moody, vain, outspoken, impulsive, and often get into trouble. They are not strong-willed, like to speculate, spend money wastefully, have poor patience, and find it difficult to develop in their careers.

Wu Ruolin Nanchang, how do you say hello everyone in English? Picture 3

Ye Shengtao Cup preliminary round winners list

  List of the 16th China Shengtao Cup Essay Contest (Junior High School Group) May 31, 2010
   First Prize (136)
   Fang Yutao Guangdong Shenzhen Experimental School Middle School Department (Yu Chaoying)
  Ren Tairan, Middle School Department of Guangdong Shenzhen Experimental School (Liu Kedong)
  Ye Ruling, Middle School Department of Chongya Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong Province (Huang Junnong)
  Lian Hengyu Huiyang No. 1 Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zeng Hongjian)
  Xu Liujing Huiyang No. 1 Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Li Yuling)
   Xie Cuixiang Huiyang No. 1 Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Sun Weiqiang)
   Wu Sitong Huiyang No. 1 Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Ye Zhenzhen)
   Yang Qian Huiyang No. 1 Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong ( Liu Qiaoling)
  Chen Geng Huigao Affiliated Experimental School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Liu Yuqiong)
  Li Wenqi Huigao Affiliated Experimental School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Li Yuxin)
  Liu Jiaqi Huigao Affiliated Experimental School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Huang Xin)
  Fang Minghui Huigao Affiliated Experimental School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Qiu Cuizhen)
 < x3>Xie Qiyao Huiyang, Huizhou, Guangdong District Huigao Affiliated Experimental School (Wei Yundi)
  Jiang Qiyun Huigao Affiliated Experimental School in Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zhou Jianjun)
  Zhang Yi Huigao Affiliated Experiment in Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong School (Qiu Wei)
  Zhang Fenglan Guangyao Experimental School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Hu Fuchun)
  Liu Huifan Liangjing Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zhou Xiqiong)
<x3 > Li Shuying Qiuchang Middle School (Li Hua), Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong
  Lu Jiazheng Qiuchang Middle School (Wang Guizhen), Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong
  Miao Xinsu, Huizhou, Guangdong Huiyang District Zhongshan Middle School (Liu Li)
  Wu Xiaoying Huiyang No. 4 Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Liu Yurong)
  Xie Yiqi Huiyang No. 4 Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Yang Meimei)
  Zhang Huilin Yonghu Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Xiao Lihong)
  Yang Yuanrui, Huigao Junior High School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Gerong)
 < x3>Zhong Ying Huigao Junior High School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Hu Xuefeng)
  Zhang Lei Huigao Junior High School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Wang Junyu)
  Li Xiaotian Guangdong Huigao Junior High School, Huiyang District, Huizhou (Yu Yijiang)
  Li Yunhui Huigao Junior High School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (He Xiuquan)
  Peng Yinwei Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong High School Junior High School (Yang Hui)
   Lin Yifeng Huigao Junior High School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Xiao Qinwen)
   Zhong Zhen Huigao Junior High School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Xiao Qinwen) Hu Xuefeng)
  Zhou Xiaoqing Chongya Experimental School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Wang Zhijiang)
  Zhong Jianmei Zhenlong Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Ou Yumin)
   Zhang Yuhuan Zhenlong Middle School (Zhong Xiangfeng), Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong Province
  Huang Jiacheng Zhenlong Middle School (Liu Huichan), Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong Province
  Huang Xiaona, Huiyang District Town, Huizhou, Guangdong Province Long Middle School (Pan Limin)
  Tang Tianzhuang Zhenlong Middle School (Huang Xiaojia), Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Huang Xiaojia)
  Xie Nanlin Zhenlong Middle School (Huang Xiaomei), Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong
<x3 > Luo Ruxia Zhenlong Middle School, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Wang Yingli)
  Lu Jiayi Dahu School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Yan Lijuan)
  Zheng Tingli, Huicheng, Huizhou, Guangdong District Dahu School (Zhong Shuya)
  Lin Jiayan Geology Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zou Xiaoying)
  Xie Yingni No. 7 Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Pu Lihua)
  Shen Lishan No. 7 Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Xu Yuqin)
  Shen Jingmei No. 3 Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Guan Yuxing)
  Huang Qimin The Third Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Qiu Hui)
   Huang Huibiao The Fifth Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Liu Shaomei)
   Zhu Rongkun The Fifth Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Ren Xiaolan )
  Liao Shuping The Fifth Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zeng Zhiqiang)
  Zhang Shuli The Fifth Middle School of Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zhang Weilan)
   Ding Shiting Henan'an Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Chen Tingying)
   Zhang Shihang Henan'an Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Chen Wanli)
   Wang Yanqiong Overseas Chinese Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Li Xueqin)
  Zeng Zhiying Huihuan Middle School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zhan Xin)
  Zhang Ning Huihuan Middle School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Zhong Xuejuan) )
  Dai Shuzhen Huitai School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Li Xiaoyan)
  Chen Xiaoxia Huitai School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Tong Shanshu)
 < x3>Yang Yukang Huitai School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Xu Wanying)
  Yang Xiaolin Huitai School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Yang Deli)
  Shi Bei Longhu School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Li Liuming)
  Ou Yuling Ruhu Middle School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Liu Dingjiang)
   Russell Na Shuikou Middle School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Chen Zhiming)
 < x3>Li Xiaoyu Shuikou Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (He Weiqi)
  Hu Peilin Shuikou Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Ren Huiyan)
  Chen Jiahui Shuikou Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Wang Wenhong)
  Liu Mengqiao Shuikou Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Yan Weijiao)
  Xu Guiwu Tongqiao Middle School in Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Huang Liuyan)
  Zhang Biyun Guangdong Yanda Middle School, Huicheng District, Huizhou (Liang Yu)
  Wu Minhua Yinghua School, Huicheng District, Huizhou, Guangdong (Deng Ping)
<x3 > Xiao Yi Guangdong Experimental Middle School (Ding Zhijing)
  Kuang Xiaoyu Hainan Experimental Middle School (Huang Wei)
  Fu-Yu Hainan Experimental Middle School (Zhang Xiuju)
  Xing Huixin Hainan Experimental Middle School (Zhang Xiuju)
  Lin Shuaichen Hainan Experimental Middle School (Zhong Zhen)
  Deng Yuhan Hainan Experimental Middle School ( Lin Yan)
  Ouyang Xueying Hainan Haikou No. 1 Middle School (Wen Ruifang)
  Paiyanxin Shandongbei Town Middle School Experimental Junior High School (Zhang Weifang)
  Su Chang Sichuan Chengdu Yulin Middle School (Wan Yanqun)
  Kang Yuyan Sichuan Deyang Middle School Junior High School (Zhong Liying)
  Wu Chenhao Zhejiang Ningbo Wanli International School (Shen Yong)
  Sun Longqiang Gansu Tongwei No. 2 Middle School (Ding Runxuan)
   Yao Yueyang Tonghe Junior High School, Tongwei County, Gansu (Liu Yunxia)
   Ran Liao Tonghe Junior High School in Tongwei County, Gansu Province (Li Yaoming)
  Sun Fuxiong Tonghe Junior High School in Tongwei County, Gansu Province (Zheng Yurui)
  Nan Qilong Tonghe, Tongwei County, Gansu Junior Middle School (Ma Junhong)
  Peng Fanghui No. 2 Experimental School of Shandong Wudi County (Guo Jianmei)
  Wu Yezhen Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 2 Middle School (Qiao Yu)
< x3> Xu Xiaoqi Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 2 Middle School (Wang Kui)
  Kang Xi Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 2 Middle School (Wang Kui)
  Deng Mengyan Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 2 Middle School (Song Xiaojing)
  Tao Sirui, Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 2 Middle School, Huayu Branch (Xie Yuchao)
  Gao Wenhui, Xinjiang Urumqi No. 4 Middle School (Li Ling)
< x3> Lv Xuewei Xinjiang Urumqi No.11 Middle School (Malina)
  Zhang Weiqing Xinjiang Urumqi No.11 Middle School (Xu Binqiang)
  Wang Xueer Xinjiang Urumqi Jin Ying Foreign Language School (Du Qianqian)
  Ju Yushan Xinjiang Urumqi Jinying Foreign Language School (Zhao Hong)
  Wei Xuejin Xinjiang Urumqi No. 12 Middle School (Mao Lei)
  Hong Yu Xinjiang Urumqi No. 12 Middle School (Feng Min)
   Mu Siyu Xinjiang Urumqi No. 12 Middle School (Wang Shuangli)
  Yu Zhijun Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 1 Middle School (Zhou Chunhua)
  Hou Wenbo Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 1 Middle School (Cui Ailing)
  Liu Zhiqi Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 1 Middle School (Jin Yan)
  Sun Yuying Xinjiang Urumqi City Corps No. 1 Middle School (Li Hongyan)
   Shang Xuechen Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 1 Middle School (Lu Hongyan)
   Yu Di Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 1 Middle School (Rui Kanli)
  Wang Xuemeng Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 1 Middle School (Wu Yanmin)
  Jiang Mingxuan Xinjiang Urumqi Corps No. 1 Middle School (Wu Yuanyuan)
  Ma Xiaoshuang Xinjiang Urumqi No. 29 Middle School (Huang Yun)
   Yuan Hong Xinjiang Wujiaqu No. 2 Middle School (Liu Fang)
   Long Danni Xinjiang Wujiaqu No. 2 Middle School (Bai Cuilian)
  Yu Yongyang Xinjiang Urumqi No. 9 Middle School (Tian Yan)
  Tang Ruoxiang Xinjiang Urumqi No. 9 Middle School (Qi Liang)
 < x3>Huang Xinyao Xinjiang Wujiaqu No.1 Middle School (Zhao Xia)
  Sun Chunjiang Xinjiang Wujiaqu No.1 Middle School (Sun Yanhong)
  Yu Wanying Xinjiang Urumqi No.11 Middle School ( Zhao Jing)
<x 3> Shen Kailun Xinjiang Urumqi No. 10 Middle School (Wu Qingjun)
   Zhou Haidi Xinjiang Urumqi No. 10 Middle School (Li Huimin)
   Wang Jiang Xinjiang Urumqi No. 21 Middle School General Education Department (Jin Xinfeng)
  Han Beili, the High School Affiliated to Xinjiang Agricultural University (Han Xiaohui)
  Li Xiuqi, the High School Affiliated to Xinjiang Agricultural University (Wang Xiaorong)
  Guan Wenjun, Xinjiang Agricultural University High School Affiliated to Xinjiang Agricultural University (Yang Yi)
  Zhao Zhihao High School Affiliated to Xinjiang Agricultural University (Wulinbei)
  Zhai Hao Xinjiang Kuitun City No. 3 Middle School (Liu Xiao)
 < x3>Hu Yaqi Xinjiang Urumqi Experimental School (Zhang Hua)
  He Xiaobing Xinjiang Urumqi Experimental School (Cao Xiaohong)
  Wang Chunyu Nuxi Middle School in Jiangkou County, Guizhou (Wu Naiyun)
  Wu Chengping, Guizhou Shiqian Longjing Township Junior Middle School (Tan Tingxue)
  Li Xiaoyan, Guizhou Sinan County Silin Middle School (Fu Qiang)
   Zhou Yuqin Silin Middle School, Sinan County, Guizhou (Zhao Zhun)
  Zhou Xin Middle School Affiliated to Tongren College, Guizhou (Wang Juan)<ph 131>  Ao Jingyi High School Affiliated to Guizhou Tongren College (Xiao Ying)
  Zhan Ruifeng Guizhou Guiyang No. 2 Experimental Middle School (He Nian)
  Qi Jing Guizhou Guiyang Experimental No. 2 Middle School (Chai Li)
   Yang Pengqian Guizhou Guiyang Experimental No. 2 Middle School (Li Ling)
   Yu Xiaocong Jiang Nanchang No. 10 Middle School (Li Fan)
  Zhang Meiying Jiangxi Yushan Xianyan Middle School (Mao Jian)
  Second Prize (333)
 < x3>Fan Yiliang (Wang Wei) Xu Weijia (He Qing) Zhang Nan (Zhang Hao) Xu Bei (Ren Jie)
  Jiang Xiangying (Luo Can) Feng Zexin (Tan Qiaoxian) Wu Ruoyang (Ling Ruige) Xu Zishu (Xia Changping)
  He Yuxiang (Ren Jie) Li Fangyuan (Liu Huiyin) Qi Shaopeng (Liu Jinping) Fang Te (Huang Junnong)
  Du Rui (Yang Minggu) Zhuang Yunshi (Zeng Qunru) Zheng Minyi (Qiu Wei) Liao Yaqian (Liu Yurong)
  Huang Fendi (Liu Yurong) Song Feifei (Pan Limin) Zhu Yanyi (Huang Junnong) Zhu Yifan (Lin Ruiqiong)
   Li Yanping (Zhong Xiangfeng) Wu Biling (Zhong Xiangfeng) Zeng Shunda (Liu Huichan) Peng Guanyan (Ou Yumin)
  Liang Jiali (Lai Wenhua) Zhong Yishu (Zeng Hongjian) Feng Chengcheng (Huang Xiaoqing) Ling Sifan (Zhong Bingyun)
 < x3>Pan Xiaocheng (Luo Chunxia) Zhang Huijun (Ye Zhenzhen) Wu Bifang (Liu Qiaoling) Tong Shushu (Li Yuxin)
  Shen Xueyao (Huang Yan) Liu Bing (Qiu Cuizhen) Liao Piaoyin (Qiu Cuizhen) Huang Siyue (Wei Yundi)
< x3> Liu Ting (Wei Yundi) Pan Jiaxin (Wei Yundi) Jian Bingya (Ou Shuyan) Wu Zhonghui (Gu Jinhua)
  Lai Jili (Ye Guojun) Yu Zhiqing (Guo Zhenxiong) Zhu Zhihui (Liang Wenping) Zhang Qin Hui (Chen Ruoxi)
  Xie Jiamin (Deng Huajiao) Li Wenting (Zhou Jianjun) Lin Jiayi (Zhou Jianjun) Zeng Shunwen (Zhou Jianjun)
  Li Mian (Qiu Wei) Lai Zhicheng (Qiu Wei) Xie Sijia (Qiu Wei) Zhang Shan (Chen Meng)
  Deng Xing (He Huajiao) Ye Jiaru (Lin Wei'an) Liu Xiangjuan (Lin Wei'an) Yang Chunxue (Nie Min)
   Li Jia (Huang Aiping) Kang Linwei (Huang Aiping) Li Tingting (Yang Meimei) Zeng Lihao (Zeng Shuqing)
   Hu Jing (Ge Rong) Wu Ruolin (Hu Xuefeng) Zhang Baohua (Hu Xuefeng) Tan Rui (Wang Junyu)
  Wu Yuantong (Yu Yijiang) Deng Kaijia (Li Fenglan) Tan Yongqi (Yan Huirong) Zhu Jianqi (Liu Juntao)
< x3> Wu Haibin (Xiao Qinwen) Zhang Yue (Xiao Qinwen) Zeng Qiaoni (He Jianxiong) Zeng Lingqiao (Di Jie)
  Ye Zhencheng (Ou Yumin) Li Yanxin (Ou Yumin) Man Jianping (Zhong Xiangfeng) Li Xin (Zhong Xiangfeng)
  Liu Xialing (Zhong Xiangfeng) Li Siyuan (Zhong Xiangfeng) Liu Kaiyi (Liu Huichan) Liu Yuchan (Liu Huichan)
  Luo Haiqi (Zhang Juncheng) Luo Zixuan (Pan Limin) ) Zhang Siting (Pan Limin) Chen Wende (Huang Xiaojia)
  Cheng Lihang (Huang Xiufen) Liu Xiaoxin (Lin Yuefang) Wu Biling (Pan Limin) Zhang Yicheng (Huang Xiaomei)
  Zhu Huimin (Wang Yingli) Yu Jun (Wang Yingli) Liu Yawen (Wang Pengfei) Mai Zhanhua (Li Shengquan)
  Chen Shumin (Yu Weichun) Zou Baoyu (Zhang Xuezhong) You Han (Yuan Jianwen) Qiu Zhicong (Zhou Chunxia)
 < x3>Liu Lili (Chen Huiting) Ma Jiang (He Zhihong) Yang Yaocheng (He Zhihong) Xie Qishan (Pu Lihua)
   Lin Jiayin (Wu Jingxia) Cui Xin (Xu Yuqin) Chen Chuling (Zhang Xiangfen) Zeng Zhiting (Huang Meiling)
  Wang Wucheng (Luo Huimin) Gao Jingting (Miao Xiaoqun) Zhong Haibin (Xiang Xianyou) Liu Huiling (Zeng Xiao)
  Yu Jiahui (Zhang Xiaoli) Chen Huiyi (Huang Huiling) Huang He (Lin Hongjuan) Zhong Xing (Su Caifeng)
  Zhang Siting (Yang Chanfei) Zhong Minjun (Chen Fengling) Cui Tingting (Liu Wenxiu) Wu Chuang ( Dong Kaiji)
  Zou Jingui (Liu Yifei) Liu Huizi (Yu Lifang) Cai Baoling (Zhang Yaqiang) Huang Yiwen (Zhang Yaqiang)
  Cai Wanlin (Fei Shuling) Zhang Xiaoshan (Wu Jingjing) Huang Yuanfen ( Wu Xiaoxia) Sun Mingxing (Yan Yinghui)
  Zheng Xiduan (Yip Zuowang) Gao Quanhao (Yip Zuowang) Huang Qiongshan (Chen Hao) Zhang Yiming (Zeng Birong)
  Owen Hong (Ren Deli) Lin Xingyu (Tang Shaojuan) Yin Junhao (Cao Xiongxing) Wang Jingxiu (Deng Yuliu)
  Lu Menghong (Fang Shunan) Guo Huijuan (Bai Weiyi) Zhong Shuqi (Chen Shiqin) Chen Yongsheng (Chen Zhiming)
  Ji Xiaoling (Hu Kefeng) ) Li Ci (Huang Junlong) Lin Xiaoyue (Lu Huiying) Zhang Likun (Tan Guofu)
   Li Guiqiu (Wang Mingzhu) Huang Baoyi (Yan Yuechan) Zhang Li (Yang Dongmei) Li Junjie (Ye Lihua)
  Li Zengyu (Yi Jiaojiao) Liu Zhennan (Zeng Xiaoling) Fang Shengqi (Yangfeng) Zhong Miaoting (Ye Hongying)
<x3 > Zeng Yuanqing (Gao Baifang) Xiao Jingjing (Qiu Yuning) Zhuang Cheling (Zhang Xiaowei) Zhang Libin (Huang Dianji)
  Gu Zhimin (Wen Wenxian) Zhang Jiamei (Zhang Weixian) Zhu Na (Peng Cong) Tang Chunmei (Xiang Qiangqiang)
  Xu Huayu (Guo Ru) Zhai Ni (Wei Fang) Lin Genhao (Yang Yinger) Cheng Rongyu (Zhang Xinshang)
  Liu Siting (Chen Tinghui) Zhang Yinghua (He Promotion) Ye Shuhua (Li Jihuan) Chen Jiaqi (Liu Xianyu)
  Liu Xingyu (Chen Shijia) Hong Liangping (Wu Fubin) Gu Yupei (Luo Jingfeng) Feng Liude (Huang Haiqin)
 <x3 >Li Yang (Xiang Yi) Zeng Tianxin (Wei Yiwen) Kuang Qiwen (Song Xiaojuan) Ouyang Siyan (Wang Pengfei)
  Ding Haohao (Chu Yun) Zhong Minghui (Yu Junhua) Lin Jiada (Hu Xuefeng) Ye Xiaowa (Hu Xuefeng)
  Feng Ziqian (Fu Jian) ​​Sun Yifang (Huang Wei) Wu Tong (Ou Qingyi) Xue Yingzi (Zhang Xiuju)
  Zhang Shengrun (Zhang Yanli) Zhang Demeng (Zhong Zhen) Li Junjie (Chen Dongyan) Huang Xiaoyun (Zhou Yanhua)
  Feng Yuhui (Gong Xinwen Fu Jiuyang)
  Lei Siqi (Xue Wei) Zhang Luqi (Wang Qiongyu) Wei Shuning (Gao Jinglan) Xue Ziqi (Xue Ming)
<x3 > Jiang Xiaojing (Jiang Jingwen) Peng Zhen (Zhao Dapeng)
  Han Yu (Zhong Liying) Zhao Yakun (Huang Runhua) Cai Shuxian (Li Mingyan) Guan Hongyingyue (Xu Huaping) )
  Zhang Shuran (Zeng Anxian) Zhao Bowen (Hua Junping)
   Qiu Shuqing (Yang Songlin)
  Gao Jie (Zheng Dahua) Feng Keyou (Tan Juqing) Deng Fangzhou (Shen Yong)
  Zhang Juanxia (Shao Jianren) Wang Chongyang (Fu Caixia) Wan Wenwu (Yang Yong) Ma Han (Xi Quancheng)
  Yuan Yansheng (Ren Huiying) Kang Juan (Li Li) Niu Mengshu (Zhou Yu) Li Yongli (Ma Hongyuan)
  Liu Qiangqiang (Wang Xujun) Wang Jungang (Zhang Xiaoyan)
 < x3>Yang Boxuan (Peng Min) Tan Shanchao (Jin Yan) Bie Qinwei (Zhou Chunhua) Wang Zilie (Lu Hongyan)
  Wang Jiamei (Miao Liqing) Niu Zihan (Shao Xueli) Wu Di (Jiang Hong) Huang Jiayue (Rui) Kan Li)
  Geng Xueying (Wang Yichen) Lu Zhenzhen (Zhang Weina) Xi Xiaoyu (Zhou Liping) Sun Yihua (Zhang Li)
  Li Xiaoya (Miao Liqing) Xu Jingyi (Cui Ailing) Zhang Muchen (Zhang Rongrong) Li Xianzhe (Jiang Feng)
  Wei Qiran (Mao Lei) Li Fangyu (Ren Jing) Huang Yuqi (Ji Shufen) Chen Lu (Wang Caihong)
  Guo Sijia (He Xinping) Li Zeya (Ma Zhengjiang) Qiao Qianqian (Wang Kui) Sun Yuting (Zhao Jiao)
  Hei Mengqi (Zhao Jiao) Zhai Yujia (Li Heling) Wang Zijun (Li Heling) Liu Jingjie (Li Siqing)
   Han Jingying (Xie Rongmei) Han Jiaxin (Li Dan) Yu Ruixue (literary) Yuan Ruoyi (Chen Rui)
  Long Ying (Sun Rongying) Wang Jia (Wei Huiying) Tang Ye (Zhang Chuanhui) Wang Sixie (Guo Dongxia)
  Yan Yuqi (Yu Xuefeng) Zhan Yuanyuan (Tang Yongping) Li Ruijie (Fan Yunping) Du Liuyezi (Yang Yi)
 < x3>Zhang Run (Zhang Junhua) Yang Yanbin (Xie Cuiling) Wang Yue (Song Xixin) Shakula (Yang Qujun)
  Wang Xiaomeng (Li Shengbin) Chen Jiayi (Yang Yaoting) Hu Yuhan (Duan Wenjing) Zhao Jun (Pang Jianying)
  Chen Xiaoya (Pang Jianying) Zhao Jinglin (Pang Jianying) Liu Tingting (Xie Jing) Ganlu (Li Mei)
  Guo Ge (Gu Lingyun) Yu Nana (Shen Xiuying) Jiang Bowen (Zhou Liping) Wang Xinyi (Zhou Liping)
  Dai Hanchen (Li Hui) Wang Qihan (Li Li) Zhang Jin (Zhao Rong) Yan Zhengpeng (Cui Ailing)
 < x3>Sun Bowei (Ji Rongli) Yang Yang (Xu Changhong) Wang Xuewen (Liu Xinchuan) Lou Yaxi (Wang Xiaorong)
  Wang Chenyu (Li Yumei) Yang Menglu (Haiyuan) Wang Zhenyang (Lin Weifang) Li Zhenglong (Wu Linbei) )
  Li Mengchu (Xu Xin) Xu Jiaqi (Sun Jianhong) Chen Xiaolan (Zhao Wenjuan) Li Dandan (Liu Xiao)
  Wang Ruoyan (Zhang Guoying) Tang Panting (Gong Yan) Dong Dongxiao (Gong Yan) Xu Qian (Wang Ling)
  Gong Danyang (Guo Feng) Han Xiao (Chen Honglian)
< x3> Wu Yuanyuan (Yao Fenghong) Tong Ling (Zheng Xuegui) Jia Liyuan (Wang Yihua) Miao Shuiqin (Ling Zhidong)
  Wang Qian (Yang Yuanwen)
  Wang Xinxin (Li Chuanfeng)
  Wu Yudi (Yang Jian) ​​Yang Limin (Wang Xia) Liang Xiaojie (Zhu Qinghong) Wan Zhangqing (Feng Xinhua)
  Wang Rui (Li Chaoyou) Wang Boyun (Wang Jianyong) Zhang Fangxia (Tian Maogui) Yuan Qin (Xu Zhongyan)
  Xiong Lei (Luo Bo) Yang Feifei (Fu Kaisheng) Wang Xinglan (Luo Fangli) Zhao Qingqing (Yang Jie)
  Zhou Sha (Li Jianneng) Kou Zhongmei (Fu Renping) Zhang Ying (Li Yuehong) Rao Siwei (Deng Songli)
  Jiang Lurong (Shi Yi) Zhang Xingyin (Shang Xiaoyong) Yuan Xue (Wu Gang) Yang Yi (Tian Hui)
  Mou Mengmeng (Yang Guangqiang) Chen Yingjie (Yang Shengyong) Chen Luyi (Liang Mingjiang) Zhong Zhen ( Yu Mali)
  Qin Huali (Ma Jianye) Zhu Qinqin (Tian Daiming) Yao Dunyu (Xia Youqun) Yang Haomiao (Zhan Xiaomin)
  Tao Shenglan (Wei Jun) Yu Jielin (Xia Linli) Bi Siyuan (Jianghan) Wu Qinyin (Ping Mingning)
  Wang Yuhan (Yang Yan) Ren Mokai (Ni Zhujun) Pan Qi (Yang Shan) Li Shasha (Zhong Weiying)
 < x3>Dong Lingwei (Jiang Yingqiu) Feng Yumei (Hu Juan)

Wu Ruolin Nanchang, how do you say hello everyone in English? Picture 4

The above is all about Wu Ruolin Nanchang, how to say hello everyone in English, as well as Wu Ruolin’s related content, I hope it can help you.

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