
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to make money by operating an alteration shop
  • 2. Details determine success or failure, attitude determines everything, and mentality determines life.
  • 3. How to run a good department store
  • 4. How do novices open a small supermarket?

How to make money by running an alteration shop

How to make money by operating a grocery store

As a retail industry, traditional grocery stores highlight the word "whole". But in fact, most small groceries sell similar types of products, but the business in the stores is very different. So, what are some tips for successful business owners? The following examples may bring you some inspiration.
Smart price reduction

While his competitors put up billboards that read "100 yuan for 90 yuan", Lao Wang put up a sign at the door of his own supermarket that said "100 yuan for 110 yuan goods." As a result, Lao Wang's business was obviously much better than that of his counterpart. What's the point?

It turns out that "100 yuan buys 110 yuan goods", on the surface, there is no difference from "100 yuan sells 90 yuan", both seem to be 10% off. actually not. "100 yuan buys 110 yuan" product discount is less than 10% off, which can increase profits by 1% compared with 10% off.

For discount promotions, when profits are generally declining, a 1% increase in net profit may be a very important amount. Moreover, the 10% discount method of "selling a product worth 100 yuan for 90 yuan" gives consumers the first intuitive feeling that it is selling at a reduced price, while "buying a product worth 110 yuan for 100 yuan" can make people feel that the monetary value has increased.

Properly arranged goods

In order to attract customers, toy store owner Da Li introduced the most popular new toys in Hong Kong. But for some unknown reason, the children who came to buy toys didn't even look at them and went to other stores to buy some common toys.

"What is the reason for this? "Da Li went to the toy store opposite to take a look. When he came back, he immediately put these new toys on the middle and lower shelves. As a result, children rushed to get these toys after entering the store. It turns out that the most eye-catching places for adults are often the blind spots that children cannot see. Different products should be displayed in appropriate locations according to the customer base to make it more convenient for customers to purchase.

Department stores welcome hundreds of customers

There was a small store selling daily groceries in Beijing that once had the reputation of "Wanbaoquan". The "know-how" of running a small store can be summarized into the following three items:

First, operate small commodities and strive to be complete. Speaking of needles alone, there are not only various types of sewing needles and embroidery needles, but also needles for knitting socks, needles for sewing quilts, etc. They sell shoelaces, ranging from small straps for toddlers to soft leather straps to long straps for high-top sneakers and skates. The size of the zipper ranges from 2 to 3 inches to 2 to 3 feet, which can be used for various purposes. It is really considerate.

The second is to fill in the gaps and sell goods that are not sold in big stores. This store not only stocks accessories for large commodities, such as pot lid buttons, thermos stoppers, tea cup lids, glass pieces for flashlights, etc., but also sells loofah scoops for bathing and hair nets for old ladies, etc. It comes with a lot of convenience.

The third is to be good at understanding the needs of customers and making some products that are not easily available. The grocery store is close to the post office, and customers often ask where they can buy postal parcel cloth. The shopkeeper bought the cloth, cut it into small pieces of various specifications, and sewed bags for customers, which was well received.

The store owner said that his business philosophy is: not to say "no" to customers, but to answer "I will help you look for it" or "we will find a solution for you". To this end, he specially set up a replenishment book to record the customer's needs and contact information so that he can promptly notify customers when the goods arrive. ;

How to run a small department store, how to run an alteration shop to make money Figure 1

Details determine success or failure, attitude determines everything, and mentality determines life.

Yang Shaohua invested 200,000 yuan to open a Fenghua Department Store on Xiushui Road. Although Xiushui Road is not a bustling street, it is adjacent to two large residential areas within the business district with a radius of 500 meters. There are several relatively small-scale enterprises with a relatively large flow of people. If you open a department store in such a place, business will naturally be good. But the good times did not last long. Since last year, several new convenience stores have been opened in Silk Street. The business of department stores has been getting worse and worse. In June last year, a large supermarket also opened a store with a business area of With a branch of 1,000 square meters, Yang Shaohua's business is even worse. Several small shops like his have closed down due to lack of business, and Yang Shaohua is very worried about this. He realized that if he did not change his business philosophy and continued along the same path, the department store would have to close sooner or later. But how can we attract customers?

1. Popularity determines success or failure

After observation, Yang Shaohua discovered that the reason why large supermarkets are so crowded with customers is that they always carry out promotions one after another, and many products are sold at special prices. For example, Northeast high-quality rice only costs 2 yuan per kilogram, and fresh local eggs cost 0.2 yuan each. In other words, there is zero profit for supermarkets selling Northeastern rice and fresh eggs! Yang Shaohua thought to himself, the operating cost of a supermarket is much higher than that of an ordinary small store. Not only does it make no profit at this price, but it also has to pay labor costs. What is the reason for this?

It turns out that large supermarkets and shopping malls sell special products not to make a profit, but to attract customers at low prices. A small number of special offers can not only attract many customers, but also give customers the illusion that all products here are cheaper than elsewhere, thus creating a desire to buy other products. Most customers will buy something else while buying special products, and this is the profit point of those large shopping malls and supermarkets. No wonder those merchants are always keen on special promotions.

After understanding the truth, Yang Shaohua also followed the practices of large supermarkets and launched special promotions. He roughly counted the categories and quantities of all the products in the store, and came up with more than 20 kinds of small products as special promotion items. These promotional items accounted for about one-twentieth of all the products. Then, Yang Shaohua put up an eye-catching sign at the entrance of the store, which stated the types and promotional prices of the special products.

Yang Shaohua's move immediately caused some people to discuss: "What's wrong with this kid? Small shops as big as your palm are also following the big supermarkets in offering special promotions. Do they have the strength? It's really a dung beetle burrowing in the ground - looking for death (shit)! "Yang Shaohua turned a deaf ear to other people's discussions and persuasion. He felt that people had a misunderstanding that only large supermarkets could engage in promotional activities. actually not. As long as you choose promotional products scientifically and formulate a reasonable promotion plan, you can still achieve good promotional results. Compared with large supermarkets and chain convenience stores, small stores can make decisions quickly and have flexible business strategies. As long as the promotion methods are appropriate and the publicity is right.

In order to make consumers feel that Yang Shaohua's special promotions are genuine, when choosing special products, he tries to choose products that are commonly used by people and have relatively transparent prices. Therefore, when customers walk into his store with hesitation, they will find that the special products here are really 20% to 30% cheaper than other stores. As a result, his business in those days was much hotter than usual, and his turnover was more than ten times that of before. Although many items were sold at zero profit, other items sold incidentally were several times the usual amount. In other words, his profits in those days were several times what he usually made.

After the first move was successful, Yang Shaohua resorted to the second move. He took advantage of the fact that there were many children in the nearby community and launched a "birthday gift promotion", which lasted for two months. On their birthdays, children under the age of 15 can go to Fenghua Department Store with their birth certificate to receive a birthday cake worth 50 yuan and a commemorative photo album. Nowadays, children celebrate their birthdays very grandly and are willing to spend money. Therefore, most people will buy some food and drink when they go to receive the cake album. Needless to say, one cake and one album have made the shop very popular. Quite a few. What Yang Shaohua didn't expect was that because he sold more of his stuff and purchased more goods from wholesalers, there would be a greater discount on the wholesale price. Therefore, Yang Shaohua's operating costs have become lower; the turnover of goods is faster, they look fresher than others, and they are more attractive.

In this way, all links have entered a virtuous cycle.

Although Fenghua Department Store has emerged from the predicament, Yang Shaohua knows that the competition he faces will be more brutal. Whenever he has time, he is thinking about finding more ideas to attract and retain customers. There is a bus stop in front of Fenghua Department Store, and there are many people standing there waiting for the bus at any time. Sometimes after waiting for the bus for a long time, people who cannot stand for long, such as the elderly or pregnant women, will come to Yang Shaohua's store to borrow a stool. Or ask for a piece of cardboard to sit on for a while. Yang Shaohua discovered business opportunities from this. He asked someone to place a long row of plastic seats against the wall under the eaves of his store for people waiting to sit on the bus. He also set up a newspaper rack next to it. He bought several newspapers every day and placed them on the wall. Show it to customers there. Although this increased Yang Shaohua's additional expenses, it also increased the popularity of the store. While waiting for the bus, people often came to the store to buy cigarettes, water or snacks. Some people originally planned to go shopping in the supermarket, but saw that they were waiting here. It was convenient and the prices were similar to supermarkets, so I just bought them here. Needless to say, Yang Shaohua got a big deal for a small amount of money.

2. Positioning determines profits

Due to the prominent homogeneity of the products sold by department stores and little price difference, positioning has become a profitable tool for department stores. There are two large residential areas near Fenghua Department Store. There are also high-income residents in the community, so there is no problem with spending power. But there are also many ordinary citizens and laid-off workers here, who are very sensitive to commodity prices. In order to accurately position customers and adopt more effective management methods, Yang Shaohua analyzed the consumer psychology of customers at different levels.

Consumption behavior and psychological characteristics of high-income consumer groups: obvious brand preference, influenced by cultural appeals more than price temptations. High-income groups are mostly "three high" consumer groups with high education, high taste and high consumption demand. They are easy to accept new things and big brands, and will develop corresponding brand preferences. They often spend thousands of dollars on a razor in order to pursue a "man's world". This group of people makes larger purchases in a single transaction, but makes less frequent purchases.

High-income groups are busy with work and show great irregularity in their lives. Except for weekends, shopping can only be a "luxury" for them. But shopping expectations are higher. High-income consumer groups are affected by their social status and expect merchants to give them special care when shopping.

Consumption behavior and psychological characteristics of low-income consumer groups: focus on price. Everyone has had the experience of being short of money. When you have no money, you always have to count every penny of your expenses. This is particularly true for low-income earners. Meeting as many consumer needs as possible with the least expenditure is their most "luxury" wish; they focus on quality.

The consumption habits of urban low-income people are different from those of rural consumers. They already have a sense of self-protection during consumption and the pursuit of healthy living and nutritious diet. Even if they buy bulk or unbranded products for the sake of frugality, they are still worried about the quality of the goods and long for the arrival of "shopping with confidence"; shopping in smaller quantities and more frequently. Low-income people, especially housewives among them, have a very regular life. They basically wake up on time, go to bed on time, buy things on time, and watch TV on time every day. Their single purchase amount is small, but their shopping frequency is high, and sometimes they purchase several times a day.

After the investigation is done, the next thing is to formulate an implementation plan. With only a business area of ​​100 square meters and no strong financial strength, how should it face the two extreme consumer groups? According to the 80/20 law, 80% of Fenghua’s profits come from 20% of high-income groups, who are Yang Shaohua’s “money counting machines”. 80% of ordinary consumers only create 20% of his profits, but this 80% is the foundation for Yang Shaohua to establish a foothold in Xiushui Street, so in terms of business positioning, he must have both fish and cake.

After some thought, Yang Shaohua decided to distinguish between the extensive operation methods of supermarkets and convenience stores, and take the path of composite positioning of "based on characteristics, one specialty and multiple capabilities", taking into account the humanities of high-income customers It also provides low-income customers with assured "benefits" to meet the demand gaps of different consumer groups. In the competitive stage of homogeneous products, same prices, and same promotions, department stores, which are between supermarkets and convenience stores, want to attract as many customers and sales profits as possible within a limited business district. , it is necessary to pave the way for the brand, follow up the culture, create a unique shopping concept and consumer culture, and create as much added value for customers as possible.

Based on the characteristics of high-income residents, Yang Shaohua set up a boutique area in the store, which displays various famous brands, including razors worth thousands of yuan, lighters worth several hundred yuan each and various Famous cigarettes and wines, etc. In terms of operation, we should weaken prices and focus on services; focus on practical products, closely follow demand and take into account various forms. At the same time, a membership system is implemented that can provide them with consumer consultants, shopping information, door-to-door delivery, and year-end rewards.

For salarymen and laid-off workers, Yang Shaohua adopts a low-price strategy and opens special sales areas in department stores to sell general brands of daily chemicals, department stores and household consumables. Launched the "Daily Special Offers, Free Free Delivery at Affordable Prices" campaign to allow ordinary consumers to shop happily and with confidence.

And implement the "Hollyland" rebate plan: that is, launch the "Hollyland" shopping smart card to the general target consumer group. Every time you swipe your card to register for shopping, you will enjoy a certain percentage of rebates and lucky draw gifts at the end of the year, in order to cultivate and maintain customer loyalty.

3. Details determine the customer base

As a traditional department store, it faces the double squeeze of large supermarkets and convenience stores, homogeneous products and homogeneous marketing. If you want to survive in the cracks, unique marketing details are the key to success or failure. Yang Shaohua positioned his store as "easy" and "friendly" from the beginning. After referring to the opinions of many friends, I believe that the key to business success lies in service quality: as a department store that distributes daily necessities, good service can shorten the direct distance with consumers from the beginning. As the saying goes: Everything depends on people. To have good service, you must first have good clerks. He strictly recruits employees with higher salaries and requires candidates to have store experience. Before taking up the job, he hired a full-time etiquette service coach to learn basic sales etiquette, action language, counter promotion art, consumer psychology, and how to consult customers. months of training. After taking up the job, the employees were polite and courteous, leaving a good impression on customers.

In addition to improving the quality of shop assistants, Yang Shaohua also attaches great importance to creating a good shopping environment. Since the store is on the roadside and has a lot of dust, the store and exterior must be thoroughly cleaned before opening every day to make it spotless.

Some people say that small department stores are not high-end and operators do not need to put much effort into displaying merchandise, but Yang Shaohua does not think so. He feels that the smaller the store, the more it should make good use of the space. The products should be arranged in an orderly manner so that customers can easily find the products they need after entering the store, saving time and effort. Such as children's food and toys. Many children who buy these things do so on a whim. They want them when they see them, but they don’t remember to buy them when they don’t see them. Therefore, in order to attract children, Yang Shaohua placed these fresh toys on the middle and lower floors of the shelves. That way, it's easy for kids to see and easy to pick up. After entering the store, no matter whether adults buy it or not, children rush to hold one in their hands. Similarly, he also arranged the snacks that children like to eat in this way, and they sold well. It can be seen that whether it is a large supermarket or a small department store, product placement is always an important means to attract consumers to shop.

As the saying goes: "If you don't have all the goods, you won't make money." When running a small department store, the most important thing is to have all the goods. In addition to large daily necessities, Yang Shaohua's department store also ensures sufficient supply of small commodities such as mosquito coils, sewing kits, and flashlights at all times, because these inconspicuous little things can often solve customers' urgent needs. Although these products only make a small profit, they can win word-of-mouth among surrounding consumer groups and bring popularity. Only when the goods are complete and customers have a wide range of choices can they be satisfied. Therefore, when operating a small department store close to the community, you must not ignore those small commodities. Only by relying on them to attract customers can you maintain a long-term business.

After several years of business, Yang Shaohua also understood some consumer psychology. For example, when people are shopping, they often have the illusion that odd numbers are smaller than even numbers, and numbers with decimal points are smaller than integers. He We adopt a fractional pricing strategy for the products in the store. For example, for a product worth 1 yuan, he sets the price at 0.98 yuan. Although it is only 2 cents cheaper, it makes consumers feel like they are getting a bargain.

In daily operations, Yang Shaohua also learned to let himself "suffer losses" and did not argue with customers when collecting payments. Some inconspicuous little odds and ends are simply discarded, giving customers the psychological pleasure of getting a bargain. Of course, although he won't take the change, he will definitely make it clear to the customer. Let the customer know that you owe him a favor, thereby creating a feeling of gratitude, and the chance of buying again in the future will be high.

Yang Shaohua also has a rigid rule for store clerks. If a customer purchases a lot, the clerk must help the customer carry it to his home within a distance of 100 meters. If the distance exceeds 100 meters, he must help the customer carry it into the car.

It is such "details" that have made Yang Shaohua's career a small shop as big as a palm. For most people, this is just a small business that is enough to make ends meet. The reason why Yang Shaohua is able to make a prosperous business, making money every day, with annual profits and taxes exceeding one million, which even the big supermarkets nearby feel inferior to, is because he is constantly thinking about business, actively learning from convenience stores and Based on the successful experience of large supermarkets, and based on the actual situation of their own stores, they introduced unique business strategies and constantly sought innovation and changes, thus achieving greater success.

How to run a small department store, how to run an alteration shop to make money Figure 2

How to run a good department store

Department stores mostly sell small commodities, including household items, skin care and beauty products, digital accessories, cultural and sports supplies, etc. Multiple categories provide convenience for people's shopping. In order to retain more customers, it is necessary to ensure that the products are complete in variety, fashionable in style, practical and novel, and have high quality and low price, so that consumers can't put them down.
Appropriately shorten the purchase cycle, increase the speed of updating goods, purchase fashionable items with a sense of design according to trend trends, meet people's growing needs, continue to attract consumers, gain profits with new products and popular models, and increase Department store sales.
It is necessary to concentrate advantageous resources on advantageous categories, choose to sell high-quality products, increase the value of products, and make consumers feel that they are worth their money. This can highlight the uniqueness of the store and make it easier for customers to accept it.
Place different products reasonably according to the consumer groups targeted by the products, fully display product information, highlight advantages, and attract consumers' attention. Display products of the same category together so that customers can see them clearly at a glance; you can also use the complementarity between products to display them in combination to facilitate customers' selection and increase the probability of purchase.
The store should be clean and comfortable, with lighting and music to create a warm and relaxing atmosphere for consumers. Store clerks should treat customers sincerely, be polite to every customer, and appear promptly when they need help. They should not provide too many services, leaving customers with room to make their own purchases.
Promotional promotions can expand the reach of department stores. During holidays, some promotional activities can be held to attract people's attention; during normal times, you can also post eye-catching posters or use Moments to convey store features and preferential activities to consumers to let them know and leave an impression on the department store.

How to run a small department store, how to run an alteration shop to make money Figure 3

How do novices open a small supermarket?

1. Prepare funds

To open a small supermarket, you must first prepare funds. That is to say, you must prepare start-up capital. To open a supermarket, you need to select a location and stock up on goods, so you don't have to have enough funds on hand. Because capital is the material basis, if you don’t have capital, just like a clever woman can’t make a meal without rice, it will be difficult for you to successfully open a supermarket because you don’t have sufficient capital in your hands, and you don’t have the capital to start.

2. Choose the address

To open a small supermarket, you must also choose a good address. To open a supermarket, you must have a good port, because supermarkets need people flow. If your supermarket has a bad port, or the address is relatively remote, it will be difficult to have good business and more people. . Therefore, it is very important to choose a good port when opening a supermarket. If you do not choose a suitable address, the supermarket's business will generally be affected.

3. Set a good direction

To open a small supermarket, you must also set a good direction. The direction here refers to what products your supermarket is going to sell. A supermarket is a department store, but it is impossible to have all the goods like a large supermarket. The best way is to think in advance what products you want to sell and set the direction of the business. , because with a plan, we can operate better.

4. Determine the source of goods

To open a small supermarket, you must also determine the source of goods. After your supermarket is opened, if you want to run it well, it is still very important to find a good source of goods. Where does your supply come from? How to replenish the supply when the goods are sold out. These are all very important. Therefore, before opening a supermarket, you must also find a good source of goods. Once the supermarket is open for business, you can replenish the supply in a timely manner.

How to run a haberdashery store, how to run an alteration shop to make money Figure 4


If you want to open a small supermarket, the second issue you need to pay attention to is choosing a good location. When opening a supermarket, it is not possible to choose a location, because the location of the supermarket will affect the supermarket's business to a great extent. Therefore, before opening a supermarket, you must carefully investigate the address. It is not too late to open the supermarket after choosing a suitable address.

When opening a small supermarket, the third issue to pay attention to is operating with integrity. As a small businessman, you must remember one thing, that is, only by operating with integrity can you win many repeat customers. If you do not pay attention to operating with integrity, you will offend your customers, offend your own repeat customers, and also damage the reputation of your supermarket. , of course it will also affect your business.

The above is all about how to run a haberdashery store, how to make money by running an alteration shop, and other related content about haberdashery stores. I hope it can help you.

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