
Contents of this article

  • 1. Tao Xingzhi’s story of teaching and educating people
  • 2. Introduction to Xu Mingqing’s information
  • 3. What famous people have come out of Taizhou?
  • 4. How about Zhouning County Bulian Buyu Home Textile Co., Ltd.

Tao Xingzhi’s story of teaching and educating people

  Tao Xingzhi is a famous educator in my country. He has made great contributions to my country's education. Do you want to know what Tao Xingzhi’s classic education stories are? Next, let’s share Tao Xingzhi’s classic education stories that I compiled for you!
   Tao Xingzhi’s classic education stories 1
  Rescuing Communists

  Liu Jiping is the secretary of the underground party branch of Xiaozhuang Normal University. He was one of the first comrades arrested after Xiaozhuang was closed. He organized fellow prisoners to escape from prison and escape to Shanghai. In June 1932, Liu Jiping was arrested for the second time. Mr. Tao Xingzhi, who was in Shanghai, was very anxious when he found out. In order to raise money to hire a lawyer, he found many friends and even pawned some of his clothes. Finally, within four hours After raising 500 yuan, I immediately went to the law firm and hired a well-known lawyer to appear in court for defense that afternoon. Due to the lawyer's strong arguments, the court did not sentence Liu Jiping to death, but instead sentenced him to life imprisonment and transferred him to East Yantai Prison.

   Mr. Tao immediately wrote a handwritten letter and sent Xu Mingqing to Taishan to meet General Feng, because Han Fuqu, chairman of the Shandong Provincial Government at the time, was originally a subordinate of Feng Yuxiang. Mr. Tao wrote in the letter: "Brother Huanzhang: Xiaozhuang student Liu Jiping was arrested and has been transferred to Jinan." Dare to rescue with all your strength. If you receive a helping hand, I feel the same way. My younger brother Zhixing pays homage. ‛After Feng Yuxiang saw the letter, he immediately went to Han Fuqu and tried his best to rescue him. Although Han Fuqu did not dare to release him rashly, he did not dare to offend Feng Yuxiang, so he did not make it difficult for Liu Jiping in prison. After a few years of delay, Liu Jiping was released from prison. Xu Mingqing is also one of the leaders of the underground party branch of Xiaozhuang Normal University and was the secretary of the Xiaozhuang Communist Youth League branch.

  In the spring of 1932, she was working underground in Shanghai without proper professional cover, and her life was very difficult. She turned to Mr. Tao Xingzhi for help. Mr. Tao did not hesitate and introduced her through a friend to the "Shanghai No. 28 Refugee Factory" as the education section chief. At that time, all walks of life in Shanghai donated a lot of materials to the refugees, but they were embezzled by the factory. Xu Mingqing mobilized refugee workers to fight against the factory and developed revolutionary forces. The factory owner became angry and fired Xu Mingqing on pretext. When she left the factory, the affected workers lined up to see her off, expressing their protest against the factory. After Mr. Tao Xingzhi learned about this, he praised Xu Mingqing for her good work and a just action. He also gave Xu Mingqing a new job and asked her to organize a new engineering school group in Beixinjing, Shanghai - the Morning Geng Engineering Group. He also treated her Said: "You compete with the Shanhai Engineering Group to see who can do it well." ‛Xu Mingqing therefore has an open and legal identity, which is conducive to party work. Soon, the enemy began to monitor the morning watch group and was about to take action. The party organization decided to transfer Xu Mingqing. After being introduced by Mr. Tao Xingzhi, Xu Mingqing went to work as a teacher at a cram school for female workers run by the Labor Department of the Shanghai YWCA. Xu Mingqing continued to propagate revolutionary principles among female workers and develop revolutionary forces.

  In 1935, Xu Mingqing was unfortunately arrested due to a traitor's informant. Mr. Tao Xingzhi immediately tried to rescue him and sent Xiaozhuang students Lu Jingxia and Chen Luwei to visit Xu Mingqing in the detention center. Later, Xu Mingqing was escorted to Hangzhou Prison. Mr. Tao was very anxious because the rescue work had become more difficult. It was mid-autumn, and the weather turned cold. Tao Xingzhi was worried that Xu Mingqing had no clothes to keep out the cold, so he asked his female worker Zhu Bingru to deliver clothes to Hangzhou. After some time, winter came, and Tao Xingzhi asked Zhu Bingru to visit Hangzhou again, saying: "It's cold, please give me some clothes. It's very hard in the Kuomintang prison." ‛When Xu Mingqing took over the clothes entrusted by Mr. Tao again, he couldn't help but burst into tears. In order to rescue Xu Mingqing, Tao Xingzhi

   rushed around, contacted many parties, and made great efforts. At the same time, underground party organizations also actively rescued people through various relationships. In June 1936, Xu Mingqing was finally released from prison and went to Yan'an, the holy land of revolution. Dai Botao is an underground party member of Xiaozhuang Normal University. In 1936, he followed Tao Xingzhi and participated in the establishment of Yucai School. After the Wannan Incident, the Kuomintang reactionaries stepped up their anti-communist campaign, and Dai Botao was notified by the organization to evacuate as soon as possible. Dai Botao and five or six other people hid in the attic of Yinxingzhi's residence.

  Every morning, Mr. Tao goes out to buy a pack of noodles and comes back to treat them to dinner. One day, Tao Xingzhi came back and told them: "I met Yu Zhongchi (former Xiaozhuang student) this morning. He has climbed to the position of Kuomintang major general and spy." He knows you, so don’t go out again!” The news is getting louder and louder, and news of Communist Party members and progressives being arrested and killed continues to spread in Chongqing. Mr. Tao Xingzhi felt that there would inevitably be danger if he lived there any longer. Several other people, including Mr. Tao, asked their friends to try to move them out, leaving only Dai Botao.

  The agents are looking for Dai Botao everywhere. What should they do? He thought of his old friend General Feng Yuxiang. One night, Tao Xingzhi quietly brought the disguised Dai Botao to Feng Yuxiang's mansion in Bashu Middle School. Tao Xingzhi introduced Bo Tao to Feng Yuxiang: "He is my student Baitao. The Kuomintang wants to arrest him. He has no place to live. He wants to stay with you for a while. Do you think it will work?" Feng Yuxiang believed in Mr. Tao Xingzhi very much. Without hesitation, he said: "Welcome! Welcome!" When Tao Xingzhi said goodbye to Dai Botao, he held his hand tightly and warned him again and again: "You must be careful everywhere and follow General Feng's arrangements." I hope you will work harder after arriving in Guangming District. I hope we can meet one day in the future!" After he finished speaking, he turned around and said goodbye to Feng Yuxiang: "Brother Huanzhang, please give me everything!" General Feng said with a generous smile: "Your student That is to say, my disciple, I will make arrangements, so don’t worry. ‛ Dai Bo Tao lived in Feng Mansion for more than a month. Later, Feng Yuxiang sent a division commander to ask Bo Tao to pretend to be a soldier and mix with the hunting team to escort him out, so that he escaped from the tiger's mouth. Dai Botao finally arrived in the Northern Jiangsu Liberated Area.
  Tao Xingzhi’s classic education story 2
  Educating talented people from children with emotional difficulties

  After the July 7th Incident, the Japanese army A large-scale attack on China, the Kuomintang troops fled, a large area of ​​the country was lost, and refugees poured into the southwest like a tide, many of them children.

  One day, Tao Xingzhi and Dai Botao went to inspect a wartime nursery in Chongqing. I saw that when eating, the children, big and small, were crowded together and fighting for each other. The older one was full, but the younger ones didn't get a bite and were crying and screaming. In a gloomy and damp house, a group of sick children lay groaning on the ground, and several dead children were still lying among the sick children. In the nursery, dignitaries come every day to select children in need to be goddaughters or godsons. They made comments in front of the children, which caused great physical and mental harm to the children with physical disabilities. Tao Xingzhi felt very sad.

  Tao Xingzhi remembered what he had seen in a temporary nursery in Hankou. There he saw a child suffering from dysentery directing the children to sing, showing unusual abilities and being very smart. Immediately, Ren Guang, who was inspecting with Tao Xingzhi, taught the children to sing the first few lines of his newly composed song "Sorghum is Red". Then he asked: "Who can write it down in music?" After a moment of silence, the boy with dysentery raised his hand again. He accurately wrote the melody of the two lines of the song he just sang on the blackboard. Was pleasantly surprised. Tao Xingzhi believes that there are indeed many gifted children among difficult children, but these seedlings lack sunshine, rain and dew. He was determined to open a nurturing school to select young talents for the country and the nation, and to select children with special talents from difficult children for special training.

   After the opening of Yucai School, Tao Xingzhi found that the child with leprosy and musical talent was not selected, so he asked the teacher in charge of admissions, Chang Xueyong, to introduce him to this school. The characteristics of a child in need prompted Teacher Chang to find him no matter what. Later, after making many inquiries, Teacher Chang found out that this child was named Chen Yixin and was in Datianba No. 1 Nursery School. It turned out that Chen Yixin was suffering from malaria when Yucai School enrolled students, so he missed the opportunity. After Tao Xingzhi learned of this situation, he immediately wrote to Luo Shuzhang, the director of the hospital, asking him to send someone to send this troubled child to Yucai School. Luo Shuzhang sent a teacher named Yuan to take Chen Yixin over the Jinjian Snow Mountain, across the Jialing River, via Beibei to Beiquan, and was escorted to Gusheng Temple by a teacher from Yucai School. Tao Xingzhi was very happy to see him and arranged for him to study in the music group. He also wrote to the composer Ren Guang in Singapore: "We have welcomed the bald kid you admired in Hankou." ‛

  As Chen Yixin grew up, he became depressed due to leprosy. Tao Xingzhi was anxious and asked a dermatologist to treat him, but the effect was not obvious. Later, Tao Xingzhi heard that there was a Dr. Liu in Rongchang County, more than 100 miles away from Chongqing, who was good at treating this disease, so he asked General Feng Yuxiang and Youth Association Secretary Huang Cixian to invite Dr. Liu to the school to treat Chen Yixin. During the treatment, Tao Xingzhi came to the school and personally prepared medicine for Chen Yixin. Under Tao Xingzhi's care and careful care, Chen Yixin's bald head

   was finally covered with black hair, and he became a tall man with smart eyes, full of confidence and musical talent. handsome young man.

  Chen Yixin is now the director of the Conducting Department of the Central Conservatory of Music and a well-known musician in China.
  Tao Xingzhi’s Classic Education Story Three
  Tao Xingzhi’s Two Pockets

  Tao Xingzhi is a As a people's educator who not only teaches by words but also teaches by example, he has a very strict discipline and leads by example.

  The ancients said:

  He himself uses his actual actions to achieve success

  Yucai School It was Tao Xingzhi and the teachers and students of the school who ran it with their bare hands. Sometimes the teachers and students of the school could hardly cook. Tao Xingzhi

   was so busy that he had no choice but to stop physical exercise every day. Instead, he ate two meals of gruel to survive. In such hardships, some people advised Tao Xingzhi to stop the education program, but he firmly refused. He mobilized all the teachers and students of the school to go around the streets and raise funds from enthusiastic people from all walks of life to overcome one difficulty after another.

  Tao Xingzhi took the lead in going out to collect donations and announced a rule: all the money raised goes back to the public, and under no circumstances is anyone allowed to misappropriate a penny for any reason. He said so himself and did so. There are two pockets sewn into his coat, one for public money and one for private money. Once he went to a distant place to collect donations. He visited many places and collected a lot of cash, and his bag was full. On the way home, he suddenly found that there was not a penny in the pocket where he kept his personal money. At that time, he had a firm idea that he would never use a penny from the public money. Even though he was exhausted after a day's running, he was exhausted and confused. I was very hungry, but I still insisted on walking back to school from ten miles away.

  When the teachers and students of Yucai School heard the news, they were very moved. When they rushed to Mr. Tao Xingzhi’s residence to offer condolences, Tao Xingzhi spoke to everyone cordially and profoundly. A metaphor said by Han Feizi in "Yu Zhi":
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Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s stories of teaching and educating people Figure 1

Brief introduction to Xu Mingqing

Xu Mingqing, female, was born in an ordinary farm family in Nan'ao Village, Linhai County, Zhejiang Province in May 1911. His previous names were Xu Yibing and Xu Ming. Joined the Communist Youth League of China in 1926. In 1929, he transferred to the Communist Party of China. He once served as secretary of the student branch of Nanjing Xiaozhuang Normal School of the Communist Youth League, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Left-Wing Educators Alliance, and director of the Morning Gengong Study Group. In mid-April 1935, he was arrested for being betrayed by a traitor and spent more than a year in prison. In June 1936, he was released from prison through the rescue of the menstrual organization and Mr. Tao Xingzhi. After being released from prison, he set off for the northwest revolutionary base area. He arrived in Xi'an in late August. After 1936, he served as member of the Xi'an Municipal Committee and secretary of the Women's Committee, director of the Women's Federation of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and member of the Women's Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. During this period, he helped Jiang Qing go to Yan'an.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he followed his husband Wang Guanlan to work in the Ministry of Agriculture, and served successively as deputy director of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, deputy director of the Cadre Division of the Rural Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, deputy director of the Education Division of the Agriculture and Forestry Office of the State Council, and consultant to the Education Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s stories of teaching and educating people Figure 2

What famous people have come out of Taizhou?

Celebrities who have come from Taizhou, Zhejiang include: Daoji (Jigong), Fang Xiaoru, Ye Wenling, Wang Juan, Ye Rutang, etc.

1. Daoji (Jigong)

His original name was Li Xiuyuan. He was an eminent monk in the Southern Song Dynasty and a native of Yongning Village, Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province. Later generations respectfully called him "Living Buddha Jigong". He first became a monk in Guoqing Temple, then lived in Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, and then in Jingci Temple. He was an eminent monk with profound knowledge and good deeds. He was listed as the fiftieth ancestor of Zen Buddhism and the sixth ancestor of Yang Qi Sect. There are 10 volumes of "Rongfeng Quotations".

Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s stories of teaching and educating people Figure 3

2. Fang Xiaoru

Fang Xiaoru (1357-July 25, 1402) was a native of Ninghai. His courtesy name was Xizhi, and his second name was Xigu. His nickname was Xuzhi. He once named his study "Xuzhi". Because his hometown used to be in Gucheng, it was called "Xuzhi". "Mr. Gucheng"; and because when he was a professor in Hanzhong Mansion, King Xian of Shu named his study place "Zhengxue", also known as "Mr. Zhengxue", he was a minister, scholar, writer, essayist and thinker of the Ming Dynasty.

Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s stories of teaching and educating people Figure 4

3. Ye Wenling

Ye Wenling, female, contemporary novelist, was born on November 4, 1942, in Chumen Town, Yuhuan, Taizhou, Zhejiang. His representative work is "Ye Wenling's Collected Works", among which "Heart Fragrance" was rated as the National Outstanding Short Story in 1980. Graduated from Truman Town High School.

After her novel "Dreamless Valley" was published, it aroused strong response. After receiving the "Outstanding Achievement Award for Chinese Literary Creation" from the International Cultural and Art Center in New York, she also won the Zhejiang Province Outstanding Literary Work Award; in 1997, Ye Wenling won the "Lu Xun Literature and Art Award - Outstanding Achievement Award" awarded by the Zhejiang Provincial People's Government.

Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s stories of teaching and educating people Figure 5

4. Wang Juan

Wang Ju'an (about 1167-1232), also named Jianqing and Zidao, was originally from Fangyan (now Wenling) and settled in Yankuifang (now Jiajia Lane), Huangyan County. In the 14th year of Chunxi of the Southern Song Dynasty (1187), he was awarded Jinshi and ranked third in the first class. He served as an official in Huizhou for 10 years, and later served as a criminal envoy to Jiangdong, a doctor of imperial studies, a writer, and an editor of the Record Academy of the National History Museum.

Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s stories of teaching and educating people Figure 6

5. Ye Rutang

Ye Rutang was born in March 1940 in Wenling, Zhejiang. Graduated from the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University in July 1965. He served as the Chairman of the 8th and 9th Council of the Architectural Society of China and the Honorary Chairman of the 10th Council of the Architectural Society of China.

He is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. He was awarded the title of honorary member by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the Architectural Institute of Japan, and the American Institute of Architects. He once served as a visiting professor at the School of Architectural Engineering of Zhejiang University and the Department of Architecture of Tianjin University.

Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s story of teaching and educating people Figure 7

How about Zhouning County Buyian Buyu Home Textile Co., Ltd.

Zhouning County Buyian Buyu Home Textile Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Zhouning County, Ningde City, Fujian Province on August 6, 2014. Its registered address is at West Street, Chunchi Village, Chunchi Town, Zhouning County, Ningde City, Fujian Province number 1.

The unified social credit code/registration number of Zhouning County Bulian Buyu Home Textile Co., Ltd. is 91350925310719352D. The corporate legal person is Xu Mingqing. The company is currently in business.

The business scope of Zhouning County Buyian Buyu Home Textile Co., Ltd. is: wholesale and retail of textiles, home textile supplies, curtains, and wall coverings (projects that require approval according to law can only be carried out with approval from relevant departments). In Fujian Province, the total registered capital of companies with similar business scope is 137.04 million yuan, and the main capital is concentrated in 10 enterprises with a scale of 10-50 million yuan. Within this province, the current registered capital of enterprises is considered to be good.

View more information and information about Zhouning County Bulian Buyu Home Textile Co., Ltd. through Baidu Enterprise Credit.

Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s story of teaching and educating people Picture 8

The above is all about Xu Mingqing and Tao Xingzhi’s stories of teaching and educating people, as well as Xu Mingqing’s related content. I hope it can help you.

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