
Contents of this article

  • 1. What is the grinding of teeth?
  • 2. What are the similar idioms for gnashing one’s teeth?
  • 3. Gritting one’s teeth, what animal is the zodiac sign?
  • 4. The meaning and sentence of gnashing teeth

What gnashing of teeth

Gritting teeth

What does gnashing of teeth mean, what does gnashing of teeth picture 1

To clench one's teeth: to clench one's teeth due to extreme anger or to hold back great pain: to gnash one's teeth; to gnash one's teeth with hatred; to clench one's teeth to bear the pain. Or the upper and lower teeth grind together and make sounds when sleeping, which is caused by indigestion and other reasons. Here is the first meaning.

Teething: refers to the upper and lower teeth clenching tightly, expressing extreme anger or hatred.

Gritting one's teeth describes extreme hatred or hatred. It also describes trying to suppress a certain emotion or feeling.

What does gnashing of teeth mean? Picture 2 of gnashing of teeth.

This idiom is used to describe someone who hates something very much. Earlier literature only used the word "cutting teeth". "Han Feizi·Shou Dao" discussed the method of preserving the country and believed that if the country can truly establish the law, reward and punish severely so that the people can follow it, then "the master will be willing to submit to the Yutang." "There is no danger of jealousy and gnashing of teeth." This means that if the laws are established well, the monarch will be able to enjoy a luxurious life in the palace, and no one will stare, clench their teeth, and want to overthrow him in anger. Later, on top of "gnashing teeth", the word "gnashing teeth" was added to agree, and it became "gnashing teeth", which was widely used by later generations to express great sorrow and resentment.

What are similar idioms for gnashing teeth?

Gritting one's teeth   
〖Explanation〗Grinding one's teeth: Gritting one's teeth, expressing hatred. It describes extreme hatred or hatred. It also describes trying to suppress a certain emotion or feeling.

What does gnashing of teeth mean, what does gnashing of teeth picture 3

Gritting his teeth, what animal is his zodiac sign?

Gritting one's teeth is a Chinese idiom. It means gritting one's teeth to hold back extreme anger or great pain. It can also be used to express desperately suppressing emotions. Rats are rodents. They have no canines, only incisors and molars, and the incisors grow very quickly. If they don't grind their teeth, it will affect their eating. Therefore, rats have to chew things to shorten their incisors. Rats can be described as gnashing teeth, so the answer to the zodiac sign of gnashing teeth is "rat".

What does gnashing of teeth mean, what does gnashing of teeth picture 4

The meaning and sentence of gnashing one's teeth

gnashing one's teeth in a sentence
  1. Among American cartoonists who criticize President Bush, it is difficult to find one who is more gnashing one's teeth than Ted Lall.
  2. They gritted their teeth and spoke aggressively.
  3. The 1898 Coup of 1898 prompted a large number of intellectuals to turn to the anti-Qing revolution, planning riots, organizing assassinations, and all kinds of fierce and even gnashing of words followed.
  4. When people in Africa are starving, I see so much deliberately destroyed and wasted food that it really makes me grit my teeth with anger.
  5. He danced and sang popular songs, following a fierce rhythm as if he was gnashing his teeth in unison.
  6. Dixon thought to himself, wondering if Welch heard him gnashing his teeth.
gnashing one's teeth
[Pinyin] [yǎo yá qiè chǐ]
[Definition] gnashing one's teeth: clenching one's teeth to express hatred. Describes extreme hatred or hatred. It also describes trying to suppress a certain emotion or feeling.

What does gnashing of teeth mean? Figure 5 of gnashing of teeth.

The above is all about the meaning of gnashing teeth, what gnashing of teeth is, and the related content about the meaning of gnashing teeth. I hope it can help you.

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