
Contents of this article

  • 1. Are the Yijing and Zhouyi the same thing?
  • 2.
  • 3. Is the Zhouyi the Book of Changes?
  • 4.What does I Ching mean?

Are the Yijing and Zhouyi the same thing?

"Book of Changes" is "Book of Changes". They are the same thing, but they have different names.

The "Book of Changes" contains simple and profound thoughts on the harmony and dialectics of natural laws, and is the crystallization of the five thousand years of wisdom of the Chinese nation. It understands and grasps the world from a holistic perspective, and regards man and nature as an organic whole that interacts with each other, that is, "the unity of nature and man."

The "Book of Changes" has long been used as a "divination guide". "Divination" is to predict the development of future events, and the "Book of Changes" is a book that summarizes the laws and theories of these predictions.

The difference between the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi. Are the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi the same thing? Figure 1

The "Book of Changes" believes that all things in the world are in a state of never-ending development, and it explains this "natural" law. This law reveals the characteristics of the entire universe and encompasses the attributes of all things in heaven and earth. "Easy" means "changeable", "simple" and "difficult".

Change refers to the way of change. Everything is changing all the time. Simple, one yin and one yang, encompasses the principles of thousands of things; where there is heaven, there is earth, where there is up, there is down, where there is front, there is back, they are all opposites and complement each other, and the unity of opposites.

It is not easy. Although things in the world are complicated and changeable, there is one thing that never changes, and that is the law; the heaven and the earth move, the four seasons rotate, cold and heat alternate, winter is cold and summer is hot, the moon waxes and wanes, the sun and noon are tilted, and the extremes of things must reverse. This is the rule.

The difference between the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi. Are the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi the same thing? Figure 2

Is Zhouyi the Book of Changes?

The Book of Changes belongs to the Book of Changes, and there is no difference between the two.

The origin of the name "Zhouyi": "Zhouyi" is also called "Yi Jing", which is divided into Jing part and Zhuan part. The original name of Jing part is "Zhou Yi", which reveals and corresponds to the typical symbolism of the four hundred and fifty hexagrams of Yi. Judgment of good or bad luck.

The "Book of Changes" is known as the first of all the classics and the source of the great truth. It is the general program of traditional Chinese culture. It contains simple and profound natural laws and harmonious dialectical thoughts. It is the crystallization of the five thousand years of wisdom of the Chinese nation.

The difference between the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi. Are the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi the same thing? Figure 3

Time when the Book of Changes was written:

Composed in the Western Zhou Dynasty: Gu Jiegang's research conclusion on the production date of the hexagrams and lines of the "Book of Changes" is that it was written in the early Zhou Dynasty. Li Xueqin also believed that Gu Jiegang's article "presumed that the writing date of the hexagrams and lines of the scriptures should be in the early Western Zhou Dynasty" and "is believed by scholars. It can be said that it basically determines the scope of the hexagrams and lines of the "Book of Changes" and is a great contribution. ".

Completed in the Warring States Period: Most scholars believe that "Yi Zhuan" was written in the Warring States Period. Since Ouyang Xiu's "Yi Tongziwen" and Su Shi's "Book of Changes" and Su Shi's work, few people have believed that Confucius did it for hundreds of years. Qian Mu, Gu Jiegang, Feng Youlan, Guo Moruo, Li Jingchi and other famous scholars at home and abroad have all concluded that the Yi Zhuan was written. The statement in Sima Qian's "Historical Records" is not credible.

It is said that the Book of Changes was written by Confucius. If it was not a mistake by Sima Qian, it must have been forged by Liu Xin, a Han Confucian. According to the content of "Yi Zhuan", it should be a work after the emergence of Mencius and Xunzi's theory of life and heaven, and it has obvious elements of Huang Lao Taoism and Yin Yang School.

What does I Ching mean?

The Book of Changes belongs to the Book of Changes, and there is no difference between the two.

"The Book of Changes" is an ancient classic that explains the changes in all phenomena in the world. It is a profound and profound dialectical philosophy book. It includes three Yi books, "Lianshan", "Guizang" and "Zhouyi". Among them, "Lianshan" and "Guizang" have been lost, and only "Zhouyi" is extant.

The "Book of Changes" is known as the first of all the classics and the source of the great truth. It is the general program of traditional Chinese culture. It contains simple and profound natural laws and harmonious dialectical thoughts. It is the crystallization of the five thousand years of wisdom of the Chinese nation.

The difference between the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi. Are the Yi Jing and the Zhouyi the same thing? Figure 4

related information:

The origin of the name "Zhouyi": "Zhouyi" is also called "Yi Jing", which is divided into Jing part and Zhuan part. The original name of Jing part is "Zhou Yi", which reveals and corresponds to the typical symbolism of the four hundred and fifty hexagrams of Yi. Judgment of good or bad luck.

The biography includes "Wenyan", "Yu Zhuan" upper and lower parts, "Xiang Zhuan" upper and lower parts, "Xici Zhuan" upper and lower parts, "Shuo Gua Zhuan", "Xu Gua Zhuan" and "Miscellaneous Gua Zhuan", a total of ten chapters in seven categories , called "Ten Wings", is an annotation of the "Book of Changes" scriptures by Confucian disciples and a discussion of the principles and functions of divination.

The above is all about the difference between the Yijing and the Zhouyi, are the Yijing and the Zhouyi the same thing, and the related content about the difference between the Yijing and the Zhouyi. I hope it can help you.

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