
Contents of this article

  • 1. What is the Yin Yang Bagua chart?
  • 2. A complete collection of pictures of Yin Yang and Five Elements mutually reinforcing each other
  • 3. What is the Yin Yang Bagua?
  • 4. How to crack the Yin Yang Bagua array

What is the Yin Yang Bagua Diagram?

The Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram, also known as the "Tai Chi Bagua Diagram", is one of the eight basic graphics used in the "Book of Changes", an important classic of Taoism in ancient my country that discusses the changes in all things. It is also called "Bagua" and is composed of "-" and "--" symbols. . The names are: Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and Dui, which symbolize the eight natural phenomena of heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain and lake. The two hexagrams Qian and Kun occupy a particularly important position in the "Bagua".

A complete collection of pictures of Yin Yang and Five Elements mutually reinforcing each other

When it comes to the collection of Five Elements and Bagua pictures, everyone knows that some people ask what animals the Five Elements and Bagua pictures refer to. In addition, some people want to ask how to calculate the Five Elements and Bagua diagrams step by step. Do you know what is going on? In fact, what does the Five Elements Bagua look like? Let’s take a look at what the Five Elements Bagua array is. I hope it can help everyone!

A complete collection of pictures of the Five Elements and Bagua

It is composed of the Five Elements and Bagua. Zhuge Liang’s Eight Formation Diagram is the “Eight Formation Diagram” created by Zhuge Liang. It absorbs the arrangement and combination of Jingtian and Bagua, and is compatible with astronomy and geography. It is a rare battle in ancient times. "The Genealogy of the Zhuge Family" of Shen Shen Tang contains poems and hymns about "the wonderful functions of the Eight Formations and the name of the Eight Formations". The Five Elements and Eight Trigrams of Heaven and Earth.

Praise to the Heavenly Formation: The Heavenly Formation is sixteen, square on the outside and round on the inside, with the four winds rising. Its image is the sky, which is the master of the formation and the leader of the troops. Make good use of the three armies, and their shape will not be biased.

Praise for the Earth Formation: Twelve Earth Formations. They are square in shape, with clouds dominating the four corners. It is difficult to attack the enemy. Its body is unpredictable, its uses are endless, and it cannot be independent. It is matched with Yang. Bagua map.

What does the Five Elements Bagua look like?

Feng Yang Formation Praise: The wind has no formal shape, it attaches to the sky and changes into a snake. Its meaning gradually becomes mysterious. The wind can stir up things and surround them. The snakes can surround them and the three armies are afraid.

The praise of the cloud formation formation: The clouds attached to the ground are invisible at first, and turn into flying birds, and then their shapes are completed. The birds can stand out, the clouds can be obscured, and the sound of golden leather is heard.

Praise for the Dragon Flying Formation: Heaven and earth rush behind each other, and the dragon transforms into it, with claws and feet, a back and a chest. The potential is unpredictable, the movement is infinite, the formation is impressive, and the name is dragon.

Praise for the Tiger Wing Formation: Heaven and earth rush forward and turn into tiger wings. The tiger is about to crouch and fight, holding it in place. When Huaiyin used it, it became Wuji. The gathering at Gaixia was unpredictable by Duke Lu.

Praise for the Bird Soaring Formation: When a bird of prey is about to fight, it must soar first. When the momentum reaches the sky, the birds will crouch down. When judged, there will be slander. If one man attacks, the three armies will not be able to do anything.

Praise to the Snake and Pan Formation: The wind is a snake and pan, attached to the sky and formed, surrounded by potential energy, and capable of bending and extending. Among the four wonders, it is adjacent to the tiger, and then it becomes a regular mountain, trapped head and tail. The front side attracts wealth and the back side is the Eight Diagrams.

The composition of the "Eight Formation Diagram" is based on the four realms of Qian, Kun, Xungen and the Earth, representing the main formation of heaven and earth, as the main soldiers. The northwest part is the dry land, and the dry part is the sky array. The one in the southwest is the earth of Kun, and Kun is the earth formation. The southeastern land is Xunju, and Xunzhi is Fengzhen. The land in the northeast is Genju, and Gen is the mountain. The clouds coming out of the mountains and rivers are cloud formations. Water, fire, gold, and wood are used as the four strange formations of dragons, tigers, birds, and snakes as surprise weapons. The formation is composed of a blue dragon (formation) on the left, a white tiger (formation) on the right, a red bird (formation) in the front, and a basalt snake (formation) in the back, with the general in the middle. The eight formations are arranged in the general formation, which is composed of the eighty-eight sixty-fourth formation, plus the 24th formation of the rangers. There are 32 formations in each of the total formations, 24 formations in Yang and 24 formations in Yin. There are 24 formations of the rangers. After the 60th formation, all marching, forming formations, joining battles, setting up suspicions, filling vacancies, and logistics are all done by the rangers. There is a hymn praising the "Eight Formations": "Formations are arranged between formations, and formations are formed between formations; the past is the rear, and the future is the front; there is no speed to advance, and there is no rush to retreat; four heads and eight tails, the leader is at the point of contact; the enemy rushes into it , both ends are saved; the strange and the right are interdependent, and the cycle is unprovoked; the beginning and the end are corresponding, and the hidden and unpredictable; predicting things like a god, adapting to the situation. ""The method of eight formations, in one formation, two formations follow each other, one fights and one defends; both at home and abroad. The balance between hardness and softness, the virtuality and reality of each other, the sequence of subject and object, changes, just because of the basic cause, the sudden advance of the odd cause, the interaction of multiple causes, and the logistics guarantee. "Complete collection of pictures.

A collection of pictures of the Five Elements and Bagua: What animals do the Five Elements and Bagua pictures refer to?

It’s not about animals, it’s about the non-moko inside.

Authentic pictures of the Five Elements and Bagua blessings, southeast, northwest and Bagua directions.

The picture shows the genuine Five Elements Bagua Fu and Five Elements. Note: The Five Elements and Bagua Blessings are the Five Elements and Bagua Blessings with five characters. The six-character Five Elements and Bagua Blessings, the seven-character Five Elements and Bagua Gate Blessings, etc. are not the Five Elements and Bagua Blessings. Please refer to the "Five Elements and Bagua Blessings Picture Display" to see why there are counterfeit Five Elements and Bagua blessings. "Fu", ***/question/.html?qbl=relate_question_0&word=%CE%E5%D0%D0%B0%CB%D8%D4%B8%A3

The above is the content related to what the Five Elements and Bagua Array is, and what animals the Five Elements and Bagua Array refers to. After reading the collection of Five Elements Bagua pictures, I hope this will be helpful to everyone!

What is the Yin Yang Bagua?

Bagua refers to the eight hexagram shapes in the Book of Changes composed of two lines of yin and yang and three functions: Qian, Kun, Zhen, Ji, Kan, Li, Liang, and Dui. Qian represents heaven, Kun represents earth, Kan represents water, Li represents fire, Zhen represents thunder, Gen (gèn) represents mountain, Xun (xùn) represents wind, and Dui represents Ze.

How to crack the Yin Yang Bagua array

Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram Picture [Vector, CDR] Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Bagua Theory
(1) Research on the Origin, Introduction and Interrelationship of Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Bagua Theory
Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Bagua originated in ancient my country and have spontaneous and The simple dialectical viewpoint has made an important contribution to the development of science and technology in our country. For example, Yin-Yang and the Five Elements are one of the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine; Bagua reflects the development and changes of all things in the universe through the contradictions between positive and negative aspects, and is used in many fields such as astronomy, health preservation, mathematics, and military affairs. It was passed down in the 16th century After entering Europe, it inspired the development of foreign science. Today, many domestic and foreign scholars are still studying it and broadening its application fields to achieve greater benefits. Of course, due to the limitations of historical conditions, the Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Bagua theories are also infiltrated with idealistic ideas and even feudal superstitions, such as divination, prediction of good or bad luck, etc.
1. Yin and Yang: According to legend, before the formation of heaven and earth, the universe was in chaos. Pangu created the world and divided the chaos into two. The sky was yang and the earth was yin. From this, the concept of yin and yang came into being. Later, based on the facts of production, life practice and long-term observation of natural phenomena, the ancients gradually classified the attributes of the sun, masculinity, strength, light, heat, etc. with upward, positive movement, affirmation, goodwill, and enthusiasm as yang. The moon, women, weakness, darkness, cold and other attributes with sinking, static, negative, negative, malicious and cold attributes are classified as yin, and a set of theories on the interaction of yin and yang are summarized to analyze and explain The origin and development of everything in the world. Applying it to nature, human beings, birth, old age, illness and death led to the later theories of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, the Yin and Yang Bagua theory and the ancient theory of traditional Chinese medicine.
2. Five elements: refers to the five substances of wood, fire, earth, water, and metal and their movements. The concept of the Five Elements has appeared as early as the Warring States Period, and is the product of the interaction of Yin and Yang. Wood, fire, metal, and water are listed above and below the land. The first two belong to yang, and the latter two belong to yin. Fire is more active than wood and belongs to yang. Water is located lower than metal and belongs to yin. The land in the middle is neutral. , because water is necessary for the growth of trees, water and wood are interdependent, thus forming a five-element cycle in which wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood, which is called "five elements mutual generation". Following this cycle, matter will create each other, and if it goes against it, it will restrain each other. Wood will restrain earth, earth will restrain water, water will restrain fire, fire will restrain metal, and metal will restrain wood. This is called "the five elements restrain each other." However, there are abnormal phenomena in the development and changes of things, which are "multiplication" and "inflict". Multiplication means excessive mutual restraint, and the order is consistent with mutual restraint. For example, if the wood energy is too strong, too much wood will multiply the earth energy, making the earth energy weak. Mutual insult is also called counter-inhibition, that is, the party that one can defeat is defeated by it instead. The order is exactly the opposite of mutual intimidation. For example, the normal mutual restraint relationship is that wood restrains earth. However, if wood energy is too strong, earth will in turn insult wood. Ancient Chinese philosophers classified the properties of all things in nature into these five categories, and used them to explain the origin of all things in the world.
<Huangdi Neijing> cleverly combines Yin and Yang and the Five Elements to form a relatively complete Five Elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which guides medical practice and disease prevention and treatment. The ancients believed that the five elements correspond to the five stars of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth in the sky. On the earth, they are the five substances of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. In humans, they are the five virtues of benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and faith. These five types of substances form a series between heaven, earth, and people. If Jupiter in the sky has changed, and the trees on the earth and people's benevolence have also mutated. Ancient superstition was based on the mutual influence of heaven, earth and man and the mutual restraint of the five elements to predict people's destiny.
3. Bagua: It was first recorded in the "Book of Changes" and is said to have been created by Fu Xi. The origin of the Bagua is just as the Zhouyi Xici said: "Yi has Tai Chi, which gives rise to two rituals, and two rituals give rise to four images. The four images give rise to the Eight Diagrams, the Eight Diagrams determine good and bad luck, and good and bad fortune lead to great causes." This means that before the heaven and earth were formed, the universe was in a state of boundless vitality (i.e. Tai Chi), and all things in the world evolved from it. The evolution of Tai Chi It is the separation of vitality. The clear yang rises to become the sky, and the turbid and heavy one sinks to the earth. The sky is yang and the earth is yin. Yin and yang (i.e., the two yangs) are divided into four images. The four images refer to the odd and even ones in the two yangs. On the basis of the rebirth of one odd and one even, on top of the four images, the regeneration of one odd and one even will produce the third line. The three lines of yin and yang are intricately arranged to form eight hexagram shapes, called the Bagua. There are more than 384 hexagrams in the sixty-four hexagrams that can be reborn. People can use this to determine good and bad luck, and by pursuing good luck and avoiding bad luck, they can accomplish great things. Bagua has been closely related to the astronomical calendar since its creation. The four images of Bagua represent the four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are replaced by Shaoyang, Laoyang, Shaoyin and Laoyin respectively. There have been records in history that the sixty-four hexagrams and the three hundred and eighty-four lines were used to record dates. The eight trigrams themselves can also be sorted and formed into a trigram chart to indicate directions and predict good and bad fortunes in the past and future.
The Bagua is mysterious because it has rich mathematical connotations and philosophical origins. Each hexagram shape of the Bagua symbolizes or represents a certain natural object or social phenomenon, such as Qian for heaven, Kun for earth, Kan for water, and Li for water. Fire, Zhen is thunder, Gen is mountain, Xun is wind, Dui is marsh (swamp), these are called hexagrams. Hexagrams can symbolize all things. If they are like animals, Qian is a horse, Kun is an ox, and Kan is a ox. It is a pig, Li is a pheasant, Zhen is a dragon, Gen is a dog, Xun is a chicken, and Dui is a sheep. If it is like a human body, the stem is the head, Kun is the belly, the ridge is the ear, Li is the eye, Zhen is the foot, and Gen is the Hands, Sunda is the stock, and Dui is the mouth. From this, we can draw analogies to all things, including various natural and human phenomena.
(2) A brief introduction to the reasonable design of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Bagua in the game
After introducing the knowledge of Yin-Yang and Five Elements Bagua in one breath, I would like to talk about my ideas about its application and design in the game.
1. Yin and Yang: The most suitable overall attribute for a character’s profession. In the online games Tianjiao and Jianwang, the five elements are used as the overall attribute of the character's profession, as well as skills and defensive attributes. I personally think it is inappropriate. The game is nothing more than the division of good and evil. Yang represents good and yin represents evil, which is just right. The attributes of the characters are distinguished by yin and yang in a clear and concise way. If the five elements are used to distinguish the characters, it will cause conflicts between professions, which will easily lead to an imbalance in the game.
2. Five elements: The five elements are used to correspond to the five attributes of strength, constitution, agility, wisdom, and anger. This idea is based on the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine and the five elements correspond to the five major organs of the human body - heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder, etc., which can be Strength, body, sensitivity, wisdom, and energy correspond to each other one by one, and the five elements equipment and items are designed. Of course, this type of five-element equipment and items does not increase the attack or defense of the five elements, but strengthens the five attributes of strength, body, sensitivity, intelligence, and energy.
3. Bagua: Using Qian as the sky, Kun as the earth, Kan as the water, Li as the fire, Zhen as the thunder, Gen as the wind, Xun as the wind, and Dui as the connotation as the Ze, game skills and defensive attributes can be designed , but instead of designing eight types, we grouped sky and thunder into one category, earth and mountains into one category, water and lake into one category, fire and wind, thus designing the thunder and lightning system, earth system, water system, and fire system. system (wind is an auxiliary skill that strengthens the fire system and is classified as fire system), plus normal attack or defense, thus designing five types of skills and defense systems.
The above ideas may make the game more reasonable and avoid cumbersome and unbalanced situations. At the same time, it can also make domestic games exude strong Chinese cultural characteristics.

The above is the complete analysis of Yin-Yang Bagua pictures, what is Yin-Yang Bagua pictures?, and the related content of Yin-Yang Bagua pictures. I hope it can help you.

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