
Contents of this article

  • 1. Famous quotes and examples related to happiness
  • 2. Famous quotes about happiness
  • 3. Famous quotes about happiness
  • 4.Happy famous quotes

Famous quotes and examples related to happiness

1. Happiness does not mean causing even a small amount of pain to others, but means directly contributing to the joy and happiness of others. It seems to me that it can be most succinctly expressed in this respect as follows: Happiness consists in refraining from evil, in forgiving, and in loving others. --Leo Tolstoy

2. Happiness is not stifled by huge disasters or fatal mistakes, but broken down little by little by repeated small mistakes. ——Ernest Timnett

3. People who learn to learn are very happy people. ——Menander

Famous quotes about happiness, Famous quotes and examples about happiness Picture 1

4. Love and kindness are truth and happiness, and they are the real existence and the only possible happiness in the world. --Leo Tolstoy

5. Being loved by others is the same happiness as loving others, and once you get it, it will last a lifetime. --Leo Tolstoy

6. A happy life must be a quiet life to a large extent, because true happiness can only exist in a quiet atmosphere. ——Russell

7. There is a reliable way to get happiness, which is to get it by controlling your thoughts. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances, but on internal circumstances. ——Carnegie

Famous quotes about happiness

   Famous quotes about happiness
  1. Working for the happiness of mankind is such a magnificent cause and how great the purpose is. ! ——Saint Simon
  2. The greatest happiness possible for each person is the greatest happiness achieved by all people. ——Zola
   3. True happiness can only be experienced when you truly understand the value of life. ——Munir Nasuf
  4. Happy are those who are interested in research! Happier are those who can free their minds from delusion and free themselves from vanity through research. ——Lametli
  5. Treat the happiness of others as your own happiness, dedicate flowers to others, and keep the thorns to yourself! —— Valdes
  6. As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will be particularly beautiful. ——Einstein
   7. Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those who are fortunate enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first use their knowledge to serve mankind. ——Marx
   8. Even if you become a handful of dirt, as long as it is paved on the road to truth, let your partners make strides It is also the greatest happiness to rush over. ——Wu Yunduo
  9. The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. ——Irving
  10. Only revolutionaries, whether alive or dead, can bring happiness to everyone. ——Lu Xun
  11. Cows eat grass and horses eat food. Cows enjoy the least and contribute the most, so it is best to be a scalper. I am willing to serve the party and the people as a scalper for the rest of my life. ——Wang Jinxi
   12. People gain happiness in fulfilling their duties. It's like a person carrying something on his back, but he feels very comfortable. If a person does not have it and does not perform any duties, it is like driving an empty car, that is, it is wasted. ——Rozov
  13. My art should only benefit poor people. Ah, what a happy moment! How happy I will be when I can come close to this! ——Beethoven
  14. Creation, or brewing future creation. It is a necessity: happiness can only exist when this necessity is satisfied. —— Romain Rolland
   15. The more happiness is shared with others, the more its value increases. ——Seiichi Morimura
   16. The bounden duty of scientists requires us to continue to strive to completely reveal the mysteries of nature. Mastering these mysteries can benefit mankind in the future. ——Joliot Curie
   17. Only the happiness of the entire human race is your happiness. ——Di Cigen
   18. If happiness lies in physical pleasure, then it should be said that cows are happy when they find fodder to eat. ——Heraclitus
  19. If one day, I can contribute to our public interests, I will consider myself the best in the world. Happy people. ——Gogol
   20. Personal pain and joy must be integrated into the pain and joy of the times. ——Ai Qing
   21. There are tens of millions of buildings in Anhui, which can shelter the poor people all over the world. ——Du Fu
   22. A person who has lofty ideals will feel happy even in the most difficult times. ——Xu Teli
   23. Of course, a writer must make money to live and write, but he should never live and write to make money. ——Marx
   24. Those who have nothing are blessed, (famous quotes because they will gain everything! ——Romain Rolland
   25. When you are happy, never lose the virtues that make you happy. ——Moroa
   26. Sudden death is not very painful, but long-term exhaustion is really unbearable. ——Anonymous
   27. Happiness, if it only belongs to me, the property of one person among thousands of people, then get away from me open it! —— Belinsky
   28. No matter how difficult the struggle for happiness is, it is not a pain, but a joy, not a tragedy. , and just dramatic. ——Chernyshevsky
  29. The vulgar goals that people strive for - property, vanity, luxurious life - I always feel All despicable. ——Einstein
   30. Happiness built on the pain of others is not true happiness. ——A. Babaeva
  31. It is a myth to want to get happiness without paying any price. ——Xu Teli
  32. Digging into the depths of the soul, causing people to suffer mental torture and get trauma, and that is, they get hurt from this. In the process of recuperating and healing, I was washed away from suffering and embarked on the road to rebirth. ——Lu Xun
   33. The true perfection of a person does not lie in what he has, but in what he is. ——Wilde
   34. Humility does not mean caring more about others and less about yourself, nor does it mean admitting that you are incompetent, but it means Basically putting yourself out there. ——William Temple
   35. Humans are the only animals that can blush, or the only animals that should blush. ——Mark Twain
   36. Habits are habits. No one can throw them out of the window, they can only lead them downstairs step by step. ——Mark Twain
   37. Life is not a game, therefore, we do not have the right to give up it based on our own will. ——Leo Tolstoy You understand that human life is neither as good nor as bad as people think. —— Maupassant
  38. The most noble ideas come first, followed by money; a society with only money without the most noble ideas will collapse. . ——Dostoyevsky If pain is exchanged for knowing the truth and adhering to the truth, then you should accept it consciously and happily. Then, and only then, will the pain turn into happiness. ——Zhang Zhixin
   39. The happiness of serious people does not lie in frivolous companions such as romance, entertainment and laughter, but in perseverance and perseverance. ——Cicero
  40. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to bear hardships first. ——Turgenev
  41. The money in our hands is a tool to maintain freedom. —— Rousseau
   42. Happiness is not inherently bad, but some producers of happiness bring trouble many times greater than happiness. ——Epicurus

Famous quotes about happiness, Famous quotes and examples about happiness Picture 2

happy famous quotes

happy famous quotes

  Most people should know the meaning of famous quotes about happiness. Quotes refer to famous sayings. Famous words generally refer to words said by famous people. So do you know what are the famous quotes about happiness? Let’s take a look.

  Happy famous quotes 1

  1. Everyone is the craftsman of his own happiness. ——Thoreau

  2. I am a member of the broad masses of working people. I am happiest when I can help people overcome some difficulties. ——Lei Feng

  3. When a person plans exclusively for himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied in very rare circumstances, and it is never beneficial to himself or others. ——Engels

  4. For most people, they are as happy as they believe they are. ——Lincoln

  5. In order to live happily, we should believe in the possibility of happiness. --Leo Tolstoy

  6. If one day I can contribute to our public interests, I will consider myself the happiest person in the world. ——Gogol

  7. People are happy only when they find the meaning of life. ——Yu Bondarev

  8. You should do more good deeds in order to be a happy person. --Leo Tolstoy

  9. Where there is life, there is happiness. The further you go, the more and more it becomes. ——Romain Rolland

  10. Happiness is just an interval between unhappy times. ——Marquis

  11. Happiness is a fragrance of the soul and the harmony of a singing heart. And the most beautiful music of the soul is compassion. ——Romain Rolland

  12. The secret of pain is spending your free time worrying about your happiness. ——Bernard Shaw

  13. Those who work for a common goal and thus make themselves more noble, history recognizes them as great men; those who bring happiness to the most people, experience praises them as the happiest people. ——Marx

  14. As long as we can still lose some happiness, it means we still have some happiness. ——Tarkington

  15. People find happiness in fulfilling their duties. It's like a person carrying something on his back, but he feels very comfortable. If a person does not have it and does not perform any duties, it is like driving an empty car, that is, it is wasted. ——Rozov

  16. People who are addicted to a certain hobby are happy. ——Bernard Shaw

  17. Feeling that you are needed and close to people - this is the greatest enjoyment and the highest joy in life. This is the truth, don't forget this truth, it will give you infinite happiness. ——Gorky

  18. Just as we have no right to only enjoy wealth without creating wealth, we also have no right to only enjoy happiness without creating happiness. ——Bernard Shaw

  19. Ignorance has never brought happiness to people. The root of happiness lies in knowledge. ——Zola

  20. Happiness does not lie under a house where gold coins are squandered. ——Balzac

  21. The purpose of all human efforts is to achieve happiness. ——Irving

  22. Benefiting others is undoubtedly true happiness. ——Amiel

  23. The happiness of marriage is not entirely based on prominent status and property, but on mutual respect. The essence of this happiness is humility and simplicity. ——Balzac

  24. True happiness is: becoming completely objective and thus reflecting one's ambitions. ——Romain Rolland

  25. Rather than saying that human happiness comes from occasional good luck, it is better to say that it comes from small benefits that occur every day. ——Franklin

  26. Good health and the resulting happy emotions are the best funds for happiness. ——Spencer

  27. There are two ways to achieve happiness, namely, eliminating desires and increasing wealth. ——Franklin

  28. For people, the greatest joy and happiness is to dedicate their spiritual strength to others. ——Suhomlinsky

  29. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to endure hardship first. ——Turgenev

  30. Climbing to the top, the struggle itself is enough to enrich people's hearts. People must believe that there is more to the mountain than happiness. —— Camus

  31. The happiness of each of us also depends on the prosperity of the motherland. If the interests of the motherland are harmed, each of us will not be happy. ——Lei Feng

  32. Let me be destroyed in the struggle of overwhelming numbers. A brave death is happy and glorious! ——Dobrolyubov

  33. I think a revolutionary should put the interests of the revolution first and contribute everything to the cause of the party. This is the happiest thing. ——Lei Feng

  34. Generally speaking, different misfortunes create happiness. Therefore, the more frequent misfortunes happen, the better it is. ——Voltaire

  35. The reason why human beings feel happy is not good health or wealth; the feeling of happiness is due to an honest heart and rich wisdom. ——Democritus

  36. How happy would mankind be if work was not a price imposed on them in life, but a purpose. ——Rodin

  Happy famous quotes 2

  1. Lifelong happiness! This is unbearable for any living person, it would be hell on earth.

  2. Happiness is a form of courage.

  3. People who are obsessed with a certain hobby are happy.

  4. Happiness does not lie in having money, but in the joy of achievement and the passion for creativity.

  5. Rather than saying that human happiness comes from occasional good luck, it is better to say that it comes from small benefits that occur every day.

  6. For most people, they are as happy as they believe they are.

  7. The greatest happiness in life is the belief that someone loves us.

  8. The greatest happiness in the world is to have both love and innocence.

  9. To truly understand a person, you need to examine him in misfortune.

  10. Just as we have no right to only enjoy wealth without creating wealth, we also have no right to only enjoy happiness without creating happiness.

  11. A person can fail many times, but as long as he does not start blaming others, he is not a failure.

  12. Do your best in everything you do and never give up halfway.

  13. If you challenge boldly, the world will always give in. If you are defeated by it sometimes, if you keep challenging it, it will always give in.

  14. It is rare that something cannot be accomplished at all; the reason why it cannot be accomplished is not so much because of insufficient conditions, but because of insufficient determination.

  15. Completing a great cause does not depend on physical strength, but on perseverance. Britain

  16. If you have great talent, diligence will make it more perfect; if you have average ability, diligence will make up for its shortcomings.

  17. Genius only means lifelong unremitting efforts.

  18. People will make mistakes as long as they struggle.

  19. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

  20. What fate gives us is not the wine of disappointment, but the cup of opportunity.

  21. Patience is painful, but its fruit is sweet.

  22. Progress is today’s activity and the guarantee of tomorrow.

  23. People can change the world through hard work, and this kind of hard work can enable human beings to reach new and better realms. No one can cut off his connection with society simply by closing his eyes and not looking at social reality. He must be sensitive and ready to accept new things at any time; he must have the courage and ability to face new facts and solve new problems.

  24. There is no smooth road in science. Only those who are not afraid of hard work and climb along its rugged road can hope to reach its glorious peak.

  25. Those who are determined to win never say it is impossible.

  26. We must do everything we can to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.

  27. Where there is a will, there is a way.

  28. Achievement is the only real joy in life.

  29. But is defeat already decided and victory hopeless? No, you can't say that!

  30. I succeed because I am determined and never hesitate.

  31. If you want to succeed, you should use perseverance as your good friend, experience as your counselor, prudence as your brother, and hope as your sentinel.

  32. Only those who have the patience to complete simple tasks satisfactorily can accomplish difficult tasks easily.

  33. Strength always means responsibility and danger.

  34. Success is forged by a lot of disappointment.

  35. In this world, successful people are those who work hard to find the opportunities they want. If they cannot find opportunities, they create them.

  Happy famous quotes 3

  1. The more happiness is shared with others, the more its value increases. ——Seiichi Morimura

  2. Trembling with happiness. ——Luo Yonghao

  3. Humility does not mean caring more about others and less about yourself, nor does it mean admitting that you are incompetent, but it means fundamentally ignoring yourself. ——William Temple

  4. Of course, a writer must make money to live and write, but he should never live and write to make money. ——Marx

  5. Happiness, if it only belongs to me, the property of one person among thousands of people, then get away from me! ——Belinsky

  6. The greatest happiness possible for each person is the greatest happiness achieved by all people. ——Zola

  7. Labor is the father of happiness. ——Franklin

  8. Working for the happiness of mankind is such a magnificent cause and how great the purpose is! ——Saint-Simon

  9. Sudden death is not very painful, but long-term exhaustion is really unbearable.

  10. Enriching time is happiness. ——Emerson

  11. Happiness and happiness are two different things. ——Zhou Libo's "One Zhou Libo Show"

  12. Only revolutionaries, whether alive or dead, can bring happiness to everyone. ——Lu Xun

  13. Happiness lies in living for others. --Leo Tolstoy

  14. Happiness cannot be perfect. ——Horace

  15. Boredom is the misfortune of happy people. ——Wapole

  16. A person who has lofty ideals will feel happy even in the most difficult times. ——Xu Teli

  17. The bounden duty of scientists requires us to continue to strive to completely reveal the mysteries of nature. Mastering these mysteries can benefit mankind in the future. ——Yorio. Curie

  18. Blessed are those who have nothing, because they will gain everything! ——Roman. Roland

  19. Only the happiness of the entire human race is your happiness. ——Di Cigen

  20. People who are interested in research are happy! Happier are those who can free their minds from delusion and free themselves from vanity through research. ——Lametli

  21. Create, or prepare future creations. It is a necessity: happiness can only exist when this necessity is satisfied. ——Romain Rolland

  22. Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those who are fortunate enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first use their knowledge to serve mankind. ——Marx

  23. I have always found the vulgar goals that people strive for - property, vanity, luxury - to be despicable. ——Einstein

  24. To deviate from nature is to deviate from happiness. ——Cy Johnson

  25. Cows eat grass and horses eat food. Cows enjoy the least and contribute the most, so it is best to be a scalper. I am willing to serve the party and the people as a scalper for the rest of my life. ——Wang Jinxi

  26. The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. ——Irving

  27. Habits are habits. No one can throw them out of the window, they can only lead them downstairs step by step. --Mark Twain

  28. The struggle for happiness, no matter how difficult it is, is not a pain, but a joy, not a tragedy, but a drama. ——Chernyshevsky

  29. When there is life, there is happiness. --Leo Tolstoy

  30. My art should only benefit poor people. Ah, what a happy moment! How happy I will be when I can come close to this! ——Beethoven

Famous quotes about happiness, Famous quotes and examples about happiness Picture 3

happy famous quotes

Famous quotes about happiness (selected 100 quotes)

  In daily study, work or life, everyone may have come into contact with more classic famous sayings. Quotes are relatively famous words that are easy to pass down, conclusions, suggestions or warnings. What kind of famous sayings are of reference significance? Below are famous quotes about happiness that I have compiled for you. You are welcome to read them. I hope you will like them.

Famous quotes about happiness, Famous quotes and examples of happiness Picture 4

  Happy famous quotes 1

  1. Enriching time is happiness. ——Emerson

  2. Happiness is the intoxication of the soul. ——Xi Murong

  3. Xiao Bei: What is happiness? Happiness is the shredded meat on the head of chopsticks. ——Zhang Xin

  4. Happiness and happiness are two different things. ——Zhou Libo

  5. Many people pay the price of success with the happiness of youth. --mozart

  6. Only those who think they are happy can enjoy happiness. ——Cy Johnson

  7. The more passions and ideals a person has, the more likely he is to be happy. ——Charlotte Catherine

  8. The happiest place in life is the emotional network we have built all along. ——Anonymous

  9. Happiness comes from a sense of accomplishment and from creative work. ——Franklin D. Roosevelt

  10. The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom. —— Schopenhauer

  Happy famous quotes 2

  1. Happiness is not killed by huge disasters or fatal mistakes, but by small mistakes that are repeated little by little. ——Ernest Timnett

  2. As long as you have one reasonable thing to do, your life will be particularly beautiful. ——Einstein

  3. But it will be very hard and not easy to be happy. ——Baby Annie

  4. I am a member of the broad masses of working people. I am happiest when I can help people overcome some difficulties. ——Lei Feng

  5. When a person becomes himself, he has reached the pinnacle of happiness. ——Desideus Erasmus

  6. Loving each other is happiness. So simple, so difficult.

  7. The wise enjoy the water, the benevolent enjoy the mountains. The wise are active, the benevolent are still. The wise are happy, the benevolent are longevity. --Confucius

  8. The greatest happiness in the world is to have both love and innocence.

  9. Happiness is when two people find all the places they want to go on the map and go there together.

  10. The value of something should depend on how much happiness it can bring. ——Cambridge

  11. For most people, they are as happy as they believe they are.

  12. When I was missing you upstairs, you suddenly appeared downstairs, and then the shoelaces were untied. Thanks to the shoelaces, you stayed in my eyes for dozens of seconds longer. This is really good, I think. Maybe one day in the future, even if we are too old to bend down, you can put your legs up on the bed, and I will sit on a small bench and tie your shoelaces. That is what I want most in this life. Happiness.

  13. It is much happier to devote oneself to beauty than to live for bread. ——Emerson

  14. Being true to yourself is indispensable to a person's happiness. ——Paine

  15. Books have made me a happy person, and made my life a brisk and comfortable poem, as if the bells of a new life have sounded in my life. ——Gorky

  16. What is happiness? She looked at me with a hint of provocation. ——Baby Annie

  17. To seek the greatest happiness - a true confidant. ——Philippe Massinger

  18. In life, the only happiness is to keep moving forward. ——Zola

  19. Only revolutionaries, whether alive or dead, can bring happiness to everyone. ——Lu Xun

  20. Freedom is one of the greatest blessings God has given to mankind. ——Cervantes

  21. Labor is the father of happiness. ——Franklin

  22. Goodwill produces happiness, and civilization brings harmony. ——Hugo

  23. When I was a child, happiness was a very simple thing; when I grow up, simplicity is a very happy thing.

  24. Happiness is to find a warm person to spend your whole life. After the pain has passed, you will no longer feel the pain, and you will only feel an indifferent heart. Everything can be passed, but it's impossible to go back to the past. To how strong, dare not forget. You are at a loss that I can't imagine, and I am insignificant that you can't imagine. For emotional scenes, I have no acting skills. A person, a city, and his distressed.

  25. Happiness is always full of flaws. ——Baby Annie

  26. The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. ——Irving

  27. Many times, we are always naive, always chasing the future and daydreaming about the happiness in the distance. After our innocence has passed, we realize that the future is far away and our imagination is boundless. We have designed the most perfect path in life, but we have rarely reached the place we have reached. So we know that what we experience is real, and what we own is our own. Imagination is like floating clouds, which can only embellish the sky in the heart and cannot be integrated into life.

  28. The first condition for happiness is health. ——Curtis

  29. Benefiting others is undoubtedly true happiness. ——Amiel

  31. Happiness lies in creating a new life. --Ostrovsky

  32. I am a mortal, and I only seek the happiness of mortals. ——Petrarch

  33. One of the happiest things in the world is to be in the same city as your best friend and have the same tastes and values. You just know that no matter when, where, or in a good or bad mood, you want this person to be with you.

  34. Happiness lies in one’s real work. ——Aurelius

  35. For ordinary people, being ordinary is happiness. ——Nietzsche

  36. True happiness involves the full use of one's abilities and talents. ——Douglas Figgers

  37. The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage. ——Thucydides

  38. The more passions and ideals a person has, the more likely he is to be happy. ——Charlotte Catherine

  39. Fulfillment is satisfaction, and satisfaction is happiness. ——Liang Qiushi

  40. Losing future happiness is more painful than losing existing happiness. ——Balzac

  Happy famous quotes 3

  1. The more happiness is shared with others, the more its value increases. Morimura Seiichi

  2. Happy families are all alike, and every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Leo Tolstoy

  3. The struggle for happiness, no matter how difficult it is, is not a pain, but a joy, not a tragedy, but a drama. Chernyshevsky

  4. People find happiness in fulfilling their duties. It's like a person carrying something on his back, but he feels very comfortable. If a person does not have it and does not perform any duties, it is like driving an empty car, that is, it is wasted. Rozov

  5. Man can only achieve his own perfection by perfecting his contemporaries and working for their happiness. marx

  6. If we choose a career that best works for human welfare, then the burden cannot overwhelm us, because we are dedicating ourselves to everyone; then what we feel will not be pitiful, limited, and selfish fun. , our happiness will belong to millions of people, our cause will exist silently but eternally, and in the face of our ashes, noble people will shed tears. marx

  7. Happiness does not depend on external causes, but depends on our attitude towards external causes. A person who is used to hard work cannot be unhappy. Leo Tolstoy

  8. Happiness, if it only belongs to me, the property of one person among thousands of people, then get away from me.

  9. We have to eat, sleep, play, and love, that is to say, we have to be exposed to the sweetest things in life; but we must not succumb to these things. Joliot Curie

  10. My art should only benefit poor people. Oh, what a happy moment! How happy I will be when I can come close to this.

  11. Working for the happiness of mankind is such a magnificent cause and how great this purpose is.

  12. The wisdom of life probably lies in asking why when things happen. Balzac

  13. Books have made me a happy person, and made my life a brisk and comfortable poem, as if the bells of a new life have sounded in my life. Gorky

  14. They must have faith in life before they can make it last forever. And the so-called confidence is hope. Paul Langevin

  15. The sun is happy because it shines brightly; the sea is also happy because it reflects the joyful light of the sun. Gorky

  16. For a better life, everyone must be an equal and complete master of life. Gorky

  17. In order to live happily, we should believe in the possibility of happiness. Leo Tolstoy

  18. The whole meaning of life is to endlessly explore what is not yet known, and to continuously add more knowledge. Zola

  19. The person who lives the most meaningful life is not the person who lives the longest, but the person who feels the most about life. Rousseau

  20. If one day I can contribute to our public interests, I will consider myself the happiest person in the world. Gogol

  21. If happiness lies in physical pleasure, then it should be said that the cow is happy when it finds fodder to eat. Heraclitus

  22. Happiness does not mean causing others even a small amount of pain, but means directly contributing to the joy and happiness of others. It seems to me that it can be most succinctly expressed in this respect as follows: Happiness consists in refraining from evil, in forgiving, and in loving others. Leo Tolstoy

  23. Happiness exists in life, and life exists in labor. Leo Tolstoy

  24. The joy and happiness in life are not in money or love, but in truth. Even if what you want is a kind of animal-like happiness, life will not let you drink alcohol and be happy at the same time anyway. It will hit you unexpectedly all the time. Chekhov

  25. I always find the vulgar goals, property, vanity, and luxurious life that people strive for despicable. einstein

  26. The purpose of all human efforts is to obtain happiness. Owen

  27. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you can first learn to bear hardships. Turgenev

  28. Those who work for a common goal and thus make themselves more noble, history recognizes them as great men; those who bring happiness to the most people, experience praises them as the happiest people. marx

  29. The greatest happiness possible for each person is the greatest happiness achieved by all people. Zola

  30. The bounden duty of scientists requires us to continue to strive to completely reveal the mysteries of nature. Mastering these mysteries can benefit mankind in the future.

  31. Happiness built on the pain of others is not true happiness. Abbaeva

  32. Feeling that you are needed and close to people is the greatest enjoyment and the highest joy in life. This is the truth, don't forget this truth, it will give you infinite happiness. Gorky

  33. Anyone who creates his own happiness should be the craftsman and creator of the happiness of all workers and farmers. When he becomes the craftsman of the happiness of all, he will become the craftsman of his own happiness. Kalinin

  34. When a person plans exclusively for himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied in very rare circumstances, and it is never beneficial to himself or others. Engels

  35. When you are happy, never lose the virtues that make you happy. Moroa

  36. Create, or brew future creations. It is a necessity: happiness can only exist when this necessity is satisfied. Romain Rolland

  37. No matter what happens, you should still be calm and happy. Life is like this, and we must also treat life bravely, fearlessly, and with a smile - no matter what happens. Rosa Luxemburg

  38. No matter what the trend of the times and the fashion of society are, people can always rely on their noble qualities to transcend the times and society and follow their own correct path. Nowadays, everyone is running, chasing, and competing for refrigerators, cars, and houses. This is characteristic of our time. But there are still many people who do not pursue these material things. They pursue ideals and truth and gain inner freedom and peace. einstein

  39. Yes, the best way to achieve true happiness in life is to be like a spider, spreading the sticky web of love from itself to all directions without restrictions, and catching everything that falls on the web. Leo Tolstoy

  40. Being loved by others is the same happiness as loving others, and once you get it, it will last a lifetime. Leo Tolstoy

  41. Treat other people’s happiness as your own happiness, dedicate flowers to others, and keep the thorns to yourself! Valdes

  42. Love and kindness are reality and happiness, and they are the real existence and the only possible happiness in the world. Leo Tolstoy

  43. The happiness of serious people does not lie in frivolous companions such as romance, entertainment and laughter, but in perseverance and perseverance. Cicero

  44. A person's life is short, but my career is infinitely long-lasting. Although individuals suffer misfortune and a lot of pain, our labor is integrated into the collective victory. I have a share of this happiness. As long as I live, I will work for the party and the people. What is the greatest happiness? Not self-interested at all, but dedicated to benefiting others. Ai Runsheng

  45. Blessed are those who have nothing, because they will gain everything!

  46. ​​You should do more good deeds in order to be a happy person. Leo Tolstoy

  47. When there is life, there is happiness. Leo Tolstoy

  48. People who are interested in research are happy! People who can free their minds from delusions and free themselves from vanity through research are happier. Lametli

  49. Ignorance has never brought happiness to people; the root of happiness lies in knowledge. Zola

  50. If you seek happiness among wealth, power, honor and exclusive love, you will not only not get happiness, but you will definitely lose happiness. Leo Tolstoy


The above is all about famous quotes about happiness, famous quotes and examples related to happiness, and related content about famous quotes about happiness. I hope it can help you.

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