
Contents of this article

  • 1. Classic lines from Cloud Atlas
  • 2. Chinese and English comparison of Fincher’s classic lines from the movie
  • 3. Classic English lines from Cloud Atlas
  • 4. Bilingual classic lines from The Great Gatsby

Cloud Atlas classic lines

  "Cloud Atlas" is a feature film produced by Warner Bros. Pictures, co-directed by the Wachowski siblings and Tom Tykwer, starring Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and other Hollywood stars. The film is adapted from David Mitchell's novel of the same name consists of six seemingly independent stories that are mysteriously connected to each other.

  1. Freedom, the fatuous jingle of our civilization. But only those deprived of it have the barest inkling of what it really is.

 <x3 >Freedom is a word we throw around every day, but only those who have been deprived of it can appreciate its true meaning.

  2. Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.

  Our lives are not our own, we are closely connected with others, past, present, every bad deed, every good deed, we nurture our own future.

  3. Just trying to understand why we keep making the same mistakes over and over.

  (I just) want to try to understand why we keep making the same mistakes over and over. Will make the same mistakes over and over again.

  4. would never stoop to violent crime.

  I will never stoop to violent crime.

  5. An act of kindness will determine our future.

  An act of kindness will determine our future rebirth.

  6. To understand ourselves, only through the eyes of others. Our life is immortal nature impact our words and actions.

  To understand We ourselves are only seen through the eyes of others. The immortal nature of our lives lies in the impact of our words and actions.

  7. I believe that death is a door, when it closes, another opens.

  I believe that death is a door, when it closes, another opens. When it closes, another one opens.

  8. A half-finished book is after all a half-finished love offair.

  Only reading half of the book is like just talking Half of love.

  9. Our lives and our choices each encounter suggests a new potential direction.

  Our lives and our choices each encounter often lead to The intersection leads to a new possibility.

  10. We cross and re-cross our old tracks like figure skaters.

  We cross and re-cross our old tracks like figure skaters. on the trajectory of life.

  11. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another.

  Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another. Move forward in one direction. Today, it goes in another direction.

  12. Fear, Belief, Love. Phenomema that determine the course of our lives. These forces begin we are born, and continue after we die.

<x3 > Fear, faith, love. These all determine the direction of our lives. These energies existed before we were born and continue after we die.

  13. There's a natural order to this world, and those who try to upend it do not fare well.

  This world has it The laws of nature, and those who try to break them will not end well.

  14. Our life is not ourselves. From the womb to the grave, we are closely connected with others. Whether in the past life or in this life, every bad deed and every good deed will determine our future rebirth.

  15. Those forces that often transform time and space, those forces that can determine and change our imagined destiny, have been at work long before we are born, and can be in our Continuing to function after death, our lives and our choices are like quantum trajectories, and only by understanding this moment can we understand the next. At every intersection, every encounter contains a new or potential direction.

  16. The boundary between noise and sound is routine. All boundaries are routine, waiting to be transcended. One can transcend any norm, if only one can think of doing so in the first place. At such moments, I can feel my own heartbeat, as clear as if I can feel my own, and I know that separation is an illusion. My life is far beyond my own limits.

  17. But if there were not many water droplets, how could there be an ocean?

  18. Yesterday, my life moved in one direction; But today it went in the other direction. Yesterday, I believed I could not do something; today, I did it.

  19. Those forces that often transform time and space, those forces that can determine and change our imagined destiny, have been at work long before we were born, and will continue to do so in the future. It continues to function after we die.

  20. Our lives and our choices are like quantum trajectories. Only by understanding this moment can we know the next moment. At every intersection, every encounter, there is a new or potential direction.

  21. Maybe the moment I saw you for the first time was also fate.

  22. My uncle is a scientist, but he firmly believes that love is real and that love is a natural phenomenon. He firmly believes that love can transcend life and death.

  23. There is only one truth. None of the other versions are the truth. ——Xingmei

   24. Our life does not only belong to ourselves. From birth to death, we are connected to other people, past lives and this life. Every crime we commit, every act of kindness, breeds our future. ——Xingmei

   25. Whether we are born in an incubator or a mother, we are all purebred people. We must fight, and die if necessary, in exchange for death so that people will know the truth. ——Xingmei

   26. Existence is to be perceived. So it is only possible to know yourself through the eyes of others. Our lives are immortal, and what we say and do will affect our every life. ——Xingmei

   27. I believe death is just a door. As this door closes, another one opens. If I had to imagine what heaven would be like, it would be that there was a door opening, and behind the door I would find Him right there waiting for me. ——Xingmei

   28. Sixsmith, I climb the steps of the Scott Monument every morning, and everything suddenly becomes clear. I really hope you can see this light too. Don't worry, I'm fine. Everything is very, very good. ——Frobisher

   29. Now I understand that the dividing line between noise and music... is tradition. All dividing lines are traditions, waiting to be transcended. A person can transcend any tradition, as long as he is the first to dare to think and do. Our separation is illusory. My life has expanded far beyond my limitations. ——Frobisher

   30. The creation is almost completed. Can't eat, can't sleep. Like Ewing, earthly cares become a noose. I'd rather turn them into tunes. ——Frobisher

   31. Real suicide is methodical and resolute. People arbitrarily assert that "suicide is a cowardly act." This is really nonsense. Suicide requires tremendous courage. ——Frobisher

  32. I really don’t want to leave you like this. This is not the way I wanted to say goodbye. ——Frobisher

  33. You will shake your head and sigh, but you will also smile at the same time. I like you like this. And: Thank you for your vest. I need your stuff to keep me company. ——Frobisher

   34. A book that is read halfway is like a love affair that was stopped halfway. ——Frobisher

   35. On a rainy night, we both felt that Vivian was among us. He was like an indispensable rest, so important. ——Frobisher

  36. In "Cloud Atlas", there are several movements that I imagined while writing... We met again and again in different lives and different eras... . ——Frobisher

   37. Even if I hang myself from the flagpole in Edinburgh, it is better than letting that old parasite rob me of my talents. ——Frobisher

   38. I admit that women’s hearts are as mysterious as their desires. ——Frobisher

   39. There is an unpleasant smell of bitter medicine in the room. The gun is actually so heavy. Why on earth would I want a gun? I can’t tell. I had a gut feeling, a strong gut feeling, that at this moment I was on the point of no return. ——Frobisher

   40. My uncle is a scientist, but he believes that love is real and that love is a natural phenomenon. He believed that love transcended life and death. ——Megan

  41. The passion when the work was completed reminded me of our last night in Cambridge. I admired the last sunrise and enjoyed my last cigarette. The view is perfect enough, and your old fedora adds a pop of color. To be honest, Sixsmith, although you look ridiculous in that hat, in my eyes it is the most beautiful. I race against time to look at you wildly. I believe that I saw you was also predestined. ——Frobisher

  42. I believe there is another world waiting for us, Sixsmith, a better world, I will wait for you there. Death will not take us for long. Let us meet in the next life under the stars of Corsica, where we will have our first kiss. Yours forever...Robert. ——Frobisher

  43. Two ankle sprains and a broken rib. The cause of the accident on the hospital registration form was filled out as... "picking up girls". - Cavendish

   44. I realized that I had a choice: I could leave quietly. Go and continue on your way as planned, or you can muster up the courage to knock on the door to see if there is still a glimmer of hope. ——Cavendish

  45. Outside the window, large snowflakes fell on the slate roof. Like Solzhenitsyn who worked hard in Vermont, I have to keep writing after leaving my hometown; unlike him, I will not be lonely. ——Cavendish

  46. "Freedom" is a word that has been overused by our civilized society. Only those who are deprived of their freedom can appreciate its true meaning. ——Cavendish

  47. Faith, like fear or love, is a force that needs to be understood, just as we understand the Theory of Relativity and the Uncertainty Principle. 》, understand the phenomena that determine the course of our lives. ——Isaac

   48. Yesterday, my life was moving in one direction, but today, it has turned to another. What I would never have done yesterday, I did today. These forces can reorganize time and space. These forces can shape us and change us. We experience life and death, but these eternal powers remain forever. ——Isaac

   49. Our lives and choices are like quantum trajectories, known to us every moment. Every intersection and every encounter in life may set a new course. ——Isaac

  50. What I want to say is: I have fallen in love with Louisa Ray. Is this possible? I had just met her, and yet, I felt like my life had changed dramatically. ——Isaac

   51. Stop being clever, because there is something worse than climbing on the balcony, that is, you climb on the balcony, but you are trapped there and cannot get in. Come. ——Louisa

  52. You have to do what you have to do. ——Louisa

Cloud Atlas lines cappuccino never know, Cloud Atlas classic lines picture 1

Classic quotes from the movie Fincher in Chinese and English

Classic lines from the movie "Cloud Atlas" in Chinese and English

  The story of the movie "Cloud Atlas" is divided into six parts, which took place in the South Pacific Islands in 1849, Cambridge in the United Kingdom in 1936, San Francisco in the United States in 1973, London in the United Kingdom in 2012, New Seoul in South Korea in 2144, and the post-apocalypse. era Hawaii. The six stories seem independent of each other, but there is some mysterious interaction between them, and ultimately form a real connection. The following are the classic lines of Cloud Atlas in Chinese and English:

Cloud Atlas lines cappuccino never know, Cloud Atlas classic lines picture 2

  1. Freedom, the fatuous jingle of our civilization. But only those deprived of it have the barest inkling of what it really is.

  Freedom is a word we throw around every day, but only those who have been deprived of it can appreciate its true meaning.

  2. Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.

  Our lives are not our own, we are closely connected to others, past, present, every bad deed, every good deed, we nurture our own future.

  3. Just trying to understand why we keep making the same mistakes over and over.

  (I'm just) trying to understand why we make the same mistakes over and over again.

  4. I would never stoop to violent crime.

  I will never give in to violent crime.

  5. An act of kindness will determine our future.

  One act of kindness will determine our future rebirth.

  6. To understand ourselves, only through the eyes of others. Our life is immortal nature impact our words and actions.

  We can only understand ourselves through the eyes of others. The immortal nature of our lives lies in the impact of our words and actions.

  7. I believe that death is a door, when it closes, another opens.

  I believe death is just one door and when it closes another one opens.

  8. A half-finished book is after all a half-finished love affair.

  Reading only half the book is like being in a love relationship halfway.

  9. Our lives and our choices each encounter suggests a new potential direction.

  Our respective lives and various choices often intersect, triggering a new possibility.

  10. We cross and re-cross our old tracks like figure skaters.

  Like figure skating, we travel back and forth through our past lives.

  11. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another.

  Yesterday, my life moved in one direction. Today, it goes in another direction.

  12. Fear, Belief, Love. Phenomema that determine the course of our lives. These forces begin we are born, and continue after we die.

  Fear, faith, love. These all determine the direction of our lives. These energies existed before we were born and continue after we die.

  13. There is a natural order to this world, and those who try to upend it do not fare well.

  This world has its natural laws, and those who want to destroy them will not end well.


  Death Life Rebirth Future Present Past Love Hope Courage Everything is interconnected.


Cloud Atlas classic English lines

1. I will never give in to violent crime. (I will never yield to violent crime.)
2. Our lives are not ourselves. From the womb to the grave, we are closely connected to others. Whether in the past life or in this life, every bad deed and every good deed will determine our future rebirth. (Our life is not our own, from the womb to the grave, and others are closely linked. Regardless of past life, an evil, each charity will determine our future rebirth.)
3. Those who often transform time and space Forces, those that can determine and change our imagined destinies, are at work long before we are born and can continue to act after we die. Our lives and our choices are like quantum trajectories that can only be understood Only when you understand this moment can you understand the next moment. At every intersection, every encounter contains a new or potential direction. (Who often transform the forces of time and space, who can decide to change the way we envisioned the power of good fate, to work for a long time before we were born, and be able to continue to function after we die, our lives and our choices, like quantum trajectories, only understand this moment, in order to understand the next moment. In each crosspoint, every encounter, involved a new potential direction.)
4. The boundary between noise and sound is conventional, All boundaries are routine, waiting to be crossed. One can transcend any norm, if only one can think of doing so in the first place. At such moments, I can feel my own heartbeat as clearly as if I can feel my own, and I know that separation is an illusion. My life is far beyond my own limits. (The boundaries between the noise and the sound is routine, all the boundaries are conventional, waiting beyond. A person can go beyond any conventional, as long as the people want to do first thought. At such moments, I could feel his heartbeat, clear like feel, and I know that separation is an illusion. My life is far beyond my own limits.)
5. Those who want to fight against the hydra of human nature must pay the price of great pain, and he His family must pay the price with him! You won’t cry until you see the coffin. You have to understand that the value of your life is just like a drop of water in the boundless ocean! "... But if there are not many water droplets, how can there be an ocean? (And the fight against the hydra of human nature must withstand the cost of great pain, and his family with him to pay the consideration! Does it cry, you have to understand the value of your life, but like a boundless sea of ​​a drop of water! "... If you do not have a large number of water droplets, which have ocean it?)
6. Weak as meat strong gluttonous Weak as meat strong gluttonous
7. There is a certain natural order in this world, and those who want to subvert it will not have good results. Such a movement will never succeed; at best you will be scorned and beaten, at worst you will be lynched or crucified. (This world has a certain natural order, thinking to subvert it, will not have good results. This movement will never succeed, your best results have been cast aside and beaten, The worst outcome is to be lynched or crucified.)
8. The paradise I imagine is opening a door and him waiting for me behind the door. (I imagine paradise, open a door, the door waiting for me.)
9. Death is like opening a door, close the door to open a door.)
10. There is to be perceived only through the eyes of others, in order to truly understand their own (There is to be perceived only through the eyes of others, in order to truly understand their own)
11.My uncle is a scientist, but he believes in love. Love is a natural phenomenon, love transcends life and death. (Uncle is a scientist, he believes in love. Love is a natural phenomenon, love beyond life and death.)
12. "I saw you first because it was destined. "("I'll see you somewhere destined.")
13. I was confused for a while, but we both knew very well who was my only true love in my short and brilliant life. . (I had a moment of confusion, but both of our hearts are very clear, in my brief but brilliant life, who is my one true love.)
14. A person's fate can reverse so quickly, so quickly Completely, isn't this a miracle? (A person's fate will be reversed so quickly, so completely, Is it not a miracle?)
15. I really don't want to leave you like that, it's not the farewell I imagined at all. (Hate on the way to leave you completely not what I imagined farewell.)
16. Faith, like fear and love, must be understood through effort, just like we understand the theory of relativity and the uncertainty principle, just like those decisions Various phenomena in the course of our lives. Yesterday my life was going in one direction and today it's going in another. What I believed I could not do yesterday, I did today. The forces that often reshape time and space, the forces that determine and alter the destinies I envision, have been at work long before we are born and will continue to be at work after we die. Our lives and our choices are like quantum trajectories. Only by understanding this moment can we know the next moment. At every intersection, every encounter contains a new or potential direction. (Faith, and fear, love, and through efforts to understand, as we understand the theory of relativity and the uncertainty principle, a variety of phenomena like those decisions in our life process. Yesterday my life to travel in one direction, but in the other direction. Yesterday, I believe the things I can not do that today, but I do. Who often transform the forces of time and space, I imagine the power of good fate decisions and change the works for a long time before we were born and we die will continue to work. Our lives and our choices, like quantum trajectory only understand this moment, to this road the next moment. Each intersection on every encountered are embedded in a new or potential direction.)
17. I believe there is another There's a world waiting for us, Sicksmith, a better world, and I'll be there for you. I believe we won't be dead for long. Find me under the Corsican stars, where we first kissed. Your eternal R.F. (I believe that there is another world waiting for us, Sigg Smith, a better world, I'll be there waiting for you. I believe that we will not die for a long time. Corsica under the stars, looking for me, it is where we first kiss. Your eternal Law. Eph.)
18. Real suicide has its rhythm and is a well-trained necessity. People rush to the conclusion: "Suicide is a cowardly act", which is wrong. You couldn't be more wrong - suicide requires great courage. (The real suicide rhythm, is a well-trained inevitably, people rush to conclude: "Suicide is a cowardly act" and wrong can not be wrong - suicide requires great courage.)
19. There is only one truth, the others" version" is not the truth. (The truth is only one, the other "version" is not the truth.)
20. The so-called critic is a person who reads a book at a glance and is arrogant, but never pays attention to it. (The so-called critics is read from the book to Yimushihang airs, but never hard.)
21. Why the more words are needed, the more they slip away from our mouths. (Why the more we need the language, the more languages ​​will slip from our lips.)
22. Depriving a person of everything will make you lose control of that person. (Deprive a person of all, will make you lose control of these individuals.)
23. No, the dead never really die. Open your ears, they never stop talking. (No, the deceased is never really dead. Open your ears, they never stop talking.)
24. The immortal nature of our lives lies in the results of our words and actions. (The immortal nature of our lives is that the results of our speech and behavior.)
25. “The hope of such a day is smaller than that of lice. "Yes, but lice are not easy to get rid of." ” ("As a day of hope also smaller than lice." "Yeah, but lice is not easy to be rid of.")
26. A half-read book is like a half-way love affair (A half finished book is a half finished love affair)

Cloud Atlas lines cappuccino never know, Cloud Atlas classic lines picture 3

The Great Gatsby classic lines bilingual

"There is only one truth, and any other version of it is not the truth." - Xingmei 041:48

"A half-read book is like a half-way love affair" - Robert F. Loebisher 041:48

"What I know from Sixsmith at this point in my life is that the world is warped by unseen forces that haunt our minds." - Robert Frobi Sher 051:00

"Remember Xingmei's words: Our lives are not only our own, from the womb to the grave, we are closely connected with others, whether in the past life or this life, every evil Every good deed done will determine our future rebirth." - Prophet 053:52

"You can maintain your rule over a people as long as you provide them with something; deprive a person of everything, that People will no longer be controlled by you" - Xingmei 069:46

"Knowledge is a mirror. For the first time in my life, I can see my past and my possible future. ” - Xingmei 070:42

“If I help you, I might lose my job...or worse, if I don’t help, there will be many people...anything worse or worse Things will happen" (Isaac Sachs 085:30) "You have to do, do what you can't help but do" - Louisa Ray 085:55

"Who caused the human race Decline, if not George Sr.? "(Zachary) "It is the ancestors themselves...The greed in their hearts, this greed is far stronger than their wisdom...Greed gets more" - Melonim 086:15
"Faith , like fear or love, compels us to understand, like the theory of relativity and the uncertainty principle, the phenomena that determine the course of our lives. Yesterday, my life went one direction; today it goes another. What I believed I could not do yesterday, I did today. ”
“These forces that often change time and space can determine and change who we previously imagined ourselves to be, it has been at work long before we are born, and it will continue after we die”
“We Life and our choices are like quantum trajectories, only understood at a certain moment, and at every intersection, every encounter contains new or potential directions. ” — Isaac Sachs 086:52

“I understand now that the line between noise and sound is convention, and that all boundaries are conventions, waiting to be crossed. One can go beyond convention only if one can first think of doing so. "
"At moments like this, I can feel your heartbeat as clearly as I can feel my own, and I know that separation is an illusion... My life is far beyond my own limits. ” - Robert Frobisher 120:25

“We must fight, even necessary sacrifices, to educate the people with the truth” - Star America 143:40
“To know ourselves , only through the eyes of others. The immortal nature of our lives lies in the impact of our words and actions"
- Xingmei 146:04

"My uncle is a scientist, but he believes that love is real and a natural Phenomenon. He believed that love could conquer death" -
Niece of Isaac Sachs 149:54

"I believed that death was just one door, and when it closed, another one opened. ”——Xingmei 155:18

Impressive lines from Cloud Altalas
(Initial work, subject to further edition)

"Truth is singular, it's versions are mis-truths". —— Sonmi 004:51

"A half finished book is a half finished love affair" —— Robert Frobisher 041:48

"At this point in my life, All I know from Sixsmith , is this world bends from unseen forces that twists our hearts" --- Robert Frobi sher 051:00

"Mind the words of Sonmi: Our lives are not our own, from womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime, and every kindness, re- birth our future". ——Prophet 053:52

You can maintain power over your people, as long as you give them something, robe a man of everything, and that man will no longer be in your power. ——Sonmi 069:46

"Knowledge is a mirror, and for the first time in my life I was allowed to see who I was, and wh om I might become". ——Sonmi 070:42

"If I help you, I could loose my job.. or worse, if I don't, a lot of people...anything worse and worse" —— Isaac Sachs 085:30

"You have to do, whatever you can't not do" —— Luisa Rey 085:55

"Who triggered the fall, if not old George? "——Zachry 086:15

"Oldens.... the hunger in their heart, the hunger are stronger than their smart...hunger for more" ——Meronym 086:00

"Belief, like fear or love, is forced to be understood as we understand 'theory of relativity' and 'principles of mis-certainty', phenomena that determine the cause of our lives".
"Yesterday my life was headed in one direction, today it has headed to another; Yesterday I believe that I would never had done, but I did today".
"These forces that often re-make time and space, they can shave and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, began long before we were born and continue after we perish".
"Our lives, and our choices, like quantun-trajectories, are understood only at a moment, and each one of the inter-setion, each encounter, suggest a new and potential direction" ——Zachry 086:52

"I understand now,(that ) boundaries between noise and sound are convintions. All boundaries are convintions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convintion, if only one can firstly can see the (...)"
"Moments like these, I can feel your heart-beating clearly as I feel my own, and I know the seperation is an illusion, My life extends far beyond the limitations of me"
——Robert Frobisher 120:25

"We must all fight, even if with necessary die, to teach people the truth. 143'' ——Sonmi 143:40

"so to know ourselves, is only possible through the eyes of the others, the nature of our immortal life, is in the consequences of our words and deeds" ——Sonmi 145: 50

"My uncle is a scientist, but he believes that love is real, a kind of natural phenomena, he believes tha t love (..) death" ——Isaac Sachs'niece 149:54

"I believe death is only a door, when it closes, another opens" ——Sonmi 155:18

Cloud Atlas lines cappuccino never know, Cloud Atlas classic lines picture 4

The above is all about Yun Tu's lines cappuccino never know, Yun Tu's classic lines, and related content about Yun Tu's lines. I hope it can help you.

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