
Contents of this article

  • 1. What kind of writer is Yu Xinyan?
  • 2. Xu Xinyan’s profile information
  • 3. Excerpts from the original reading notes of "Love and Education"
  • 4.A brief introduction to the author Yu Xinyan

What kind of writer is Yu Xinyan?

Yu Xinyan, whose original name is Xu Weicheng, is from Wuhu, Anhui. CPC member. In 1949, he graduated from the Economics Department of Shanghai Daxia University.

He has successively served as editor-in-chief of Shanghai Youth Daily, deputy editor-in-chief of Liberation Daily, alternate secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, deputy secretary of the party committee, deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and president of Beijing Daily, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and director of the Propaganda Department.

Yu Xinyan’s works: “Reading for the Rise of China”

Zhou Enlai saw with his own eyes that the Chinese were unfairly treated in the concession. This was the direct trigger for him to set up the lofty ambition of "study for the rise of China." This incident not only made him truly understand the "degeneration of China" The meaning of it triggered him to think more deeply and gradually made his life goal clear.

Author information of Yu Xinyan, what kind of writer is Yu Xinyan? Picture 1

Extended information:

story behind

After the Revolution of 1911 broke out, Zhou Enlai took the lead in cutting off his braids and getting in touch with progressive books. He read the books of Zhang Taiyan, the leader of the Liberation Society, the magazines of the Tongmenghui, and articles by Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao. Whether it was Zhang Taiyan's difficult ancient prose or Liang Qichao's modern prose, Zhou Enlai read them carefully. Although the ideological emphasis of progressive publications differs, the principle of simple patriotism is the same. Zhou Enlai's vision broadened through reading, his thoughts were sublimated, and he had his own unique understanding of things. Therefore, when other students had never thought about why they should study, Zhou Enlai had clearly stated "study for the rise of China."

Later influence:

This sentence is included as the first text in the special topic "Growth Stories" in the seventh unit of the fourth grade volume of the People's Education Press. It assumes the task of leading the unit theme and continuing to learn and understand the characters' thoughts and feelings while reading.

"Reading for the Rise of China" is about the young Zhou Enlai who heard and witnessed the Chinese people being bullied by foreigners in foreign concessions but had no way to explain. People around him dared to be angry but dare not speak out. From this, he deeply realized what his uncle said about "China." The meaning of "sluggishness", and thus determined to "study for the rise of China". It shows the broad mind and lofty ambition of young Zhou Enlai. The article depicts the characters in detail through the description of their language and demeanor.

Profile information of Xu Xinyan

Yu Xinyan
Yu Xinyan, formerly known as Xu Weicheng, was born in Wuhu, Anhui. CPC member. In 1949, he graduated from the Economics Department of Shanghai Daxia University.
Chinese name
Yu Xinyan
Wuhu, Anhui

Excerpts from the original reading notes of "Love and Education"

    Today I started reading teacher Li Zhenxi’s book "Love and Education - Notes on the Exploration of Quality Education".  

    Why study? Studying is for further education. After I got into high school, I still studied. What's the final goal? Find a good career and live a better life. So a new question arises: Can reading good books definitely achieve this goal? What does it mean to read a good book? Does having a high score mean that you can read well?

    It is said that teachers have the most noble profession because the products they produce are the most advanced products in the world - talents. Man himself is the highest form of matter known in the universe. Processing and carving this highest-level material form is of course the highest-level labor. Man’s understanding of himself is still far from sufficient. Under such circumstances, engaging in human education is an arduous, exploratory labor whose consequences are often difficult to fully determine.

    From Comrade Li Zhenxi’s notes, we can get the most important inspiration. The first thing is to recognize the goals of our own educational activities, not just report cards one by one, not one by one. Stacking scores is not an admission notice from a higher-level school, but a living person, a talent, a talent who can gain a foothold in the future society and start a career. Such talents not only need to study in school and acquire certain solid knowledge through reading, but also need to have a lifelong interest in reading and a desire for knowledge, and have the ability to learn by themselves, the ability to find the knowledge they need, and the ability to absorb these Knowledge. Such talents must also be able to correctly handle various complex interpersonal relationships in society and experience smooth and difficult, successful and setback tests. They need to have knowledge, ideals, strong will, and good qualities, all of which need to be laid in school. Comrade Li Zhenxi believes that this is exactly his duty.

    Only by loving children can we cultivate children's love. Only by loving children can we care and watch every detail of their growth. Only by loving children can we be sincerely happy for their every little progress and can we feel them. distress and confusion, and expend their efforts to solve these problems.

    ——Excerpted from "Preface: Why We Want Education" by author Yu Xinyan, formerly known as Xu Weicheng, former executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

    There is a capital word "人" on the banner of quality education: education with "people" in mind is education full of humanity, humanity and humanity, and education for the all-round development of all people!

    The cornerstone of Suhomlinsky's entire theory on education is nothing more than a simple and humane wish: to cultivate every student into a happy person! He said that education syllabuses and textbooks stipulate all kinds of knowledge that should be given to students, but they do not stipulate that students should be given the most important thing, which is: happiness. His educational belief is: “To cultivate real people! "This is Suhomlinsky's educational ideal so that everyone trained by him can spend his or her life happily.

  Comrade Liu Bin summarized the "Three Essentials of Quality Education": facing all students, allowing students to develop in an all-round way, and allowing students to develop lively and proactively.

    Tao Xingzhi’s “life education” and Suhomlinsky’s “harmonious education” have direct guiding significance for our quality education today. Tao Xingzhi said: "The education we have here is an education for life, an education that provides for the needs of life, not a fake education. What we need in life is what we teach. "He clearly pointed out that the "four major policies of life education are democratic, popular, scientific and progressive policies." He also loudly called for “liberating children’s creativity”, “liberating children’s hands, liberating children’s mouths, liberating children’s space, and liberating children’s time. "Suhomlinsky said: "The so-called harmonious education is how to combine the two functions of human activities to balance them: one function is to know and understand the objective world, and the other function is to Self-expression, the expression of one's own inner nature, the expression and display of one's own world view, viewpoints, beliefs, willpower, and character in active labor and creation, as well as in the mutual relationships of collective members. It is on this point, that is, on human performance, that profound reflections should be made and educational work should be reformed in this direction. "Suhomlinsky also described it in a language as beautiful as poetry: "The wisdom of communist education and the true humanitarian spirit lies in: discovering in everyone (everyone without exception) His unique source of creative labor helps everyone open his eyes and see himself, allowing him to see, understand and feel the spark of human pride in himself, thereby becoming a mentally strong person and a person who safeguards his own dignity. The invincible warrior...the full expression of human beings, which is not only the happiness of society, but also the happiness of individuals. "

- Excerpted from "Introduction: Raising the Educational Banner of Democracy, Science and Individuality - My Educational Thoughts" written by Li Zhenxi on January 8, 1998

Experience: Body Living in the times, we should learn and think more.

Introduction to the author of Yu Xinyan

He has successively served as editor-in-chief of Shanghai Youth Daily, deputy editor-in-chief of Liberation Daily, alternate secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, deputy secretary of the party committee, deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and president of Beijing Daily, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, director of the Propaganda Department, and director of the Propaganda Department of Beijing Daily. Deputy Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Executive Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, and Chief Editor of China Encyclopedia Publishing House. Member of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Director of the Study Committee, and member of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1985.

The above is the author information about Yu Xinyan, what kind of writer Yu Xinyan is, and the related content about Yu Xinyan. I hope it can help you.

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