
Contents of this article

  • 1. Taurus signs of jealousy in boys
  • 2. What will happen if a Taurus man is jealous?
  • 3. Signs of jealousy and jealousy in Taurus men
  • 4. How can you tell that a Taurus girl is jealous?

Taurus signs of jealousy in boys

  The quiet Taurus is at a disadvantage in love, because they don't like to be jealous, but what will happen if Taurus is jealous? Next, I will sort out the symptoms of jealousy in Taurus for your reference. I hope it can help you!

  Taurus signs of jealousy

  Taurus is at a disadvantage in love. They are quiet and don't like to be jealous. If a Taurus falls in love with the other person, they will spend money on the other person. When a Taurus discovers a love rival, they will consider in advance whether they should continue to smash or whether they can beat the love rival. If the love rival has more wealth than a Taurus, then the Taurus will look at the other person's attitude. If the other person is a person who loves money as much as his life, then Taurus will give up.

  "Let me tell you, this person is very abnormal, otherwise how could he be..." Then he started talking about various inferences that he thought were extremely accurate. But how could a Taurus not know how obvious his jealousy is? Even if it's obvious, you still have to show it like this. Taurus sometimes does things regardless of face.

  How much face is there? However, losing face has at least yielded some results. Taurus' naturally slanderous expression has won the admiration of many people, who feel that Taurus may really be an upright person. It seems that sometimes being more obvious is a good thing.

  Taurus' jealousy manifests itself in weird ways. For example, if a Taurus girl finds her boyfriend staring at a woman, they will ask: Is that beauty pretty? Do you enjoy watching it? Can't see clearly? Do you want to get closer? Similar to this sarcastic question, usually, because the boyfriend is familiar with their behavior, he will pretend to say: Yes, he is much more beautiful than you.

  Psychological analysis of jealousy

  Jealousy is a normal psychological reaction and a different manifestation of love and care. Subconsciously, it is a kind of protection for feelings and fear of loss. In love or marriage, if two people turn a blind eye to each other and are not jealous at all, love will be bland and tasteless. Being jealous once in a while may be able to "eat" a vast world out of a mediocre and trivial life, but when the jealousy is strong, it may be too much. Jealousy is a common psychological feeling in relationships. Even if you love each other deeply, one of you will be jealous because of a certain incident. Rational jealousy will not lead people to take extreme measures. It will only make you use love to deal with emotional problems, that is to say, make up for your own love and use more perfect love to firmly tie the other person.

  The role of jealousy

  1. Deepen the relationship between both parties

  When love is deep and intense, in order to show love, one party deliberately makes an imaginary love rival jealous in front of the loved one. The purpose is to remind the loved one, give him an anti-epidemic shot, let the loved one relive the original vows of eachother, and repay "I am very good." You belong to none.” Use this to eliminate unwanted thoughts about your loved one and monopolize the love you love. This is the best food for jealousy, but it should not be eaten often. Eating it once is enough. Eating too much will hurt the relationship between both parties.

  2. Test the other person’s feelings

  After expressing love many times, I learned that the person I like has another heart, and my love has been dedicated to another person. Although I feel sour in my heart, I will never continue to entangle the person I like or love, but sincerely wish her or him. Found true happiness. This is the middle grade of jealousy and deserves praise.

  3. Worsening the relationship between the two parties

  Knowingly knowing that the person you like or the one you love has other interests, the love is no longer with you, and the emotional gap between the two parties cannot be bridged. Even if you are unwilling to do so, you still want to break the vinegar jar. When the jealousy is strong, you will become more evil, until it leads to a tragedy of life and death, and even harms innocent people. This is the worst kind of jealousy. When people sigh with regret, they can’t help but say: It’s not worth it.

How to tell when a Taurus is jealous? How does a Taurus behave when a boy is jealous? Picture 1

What will happen if a Taurus man is jealous?

When a Taurus man is jealous, he will act sullen and silent. Because Taurus has a relatively reserved personality and strong tolerance, they will not express their emotions directly and strongly, so even if they are jealous, they will try their best to hold it back and not let you know.

How to tell when a Taurus is jealous? How does a Taurus behave when a boy is jealous? Picture 2

Taurus is no less possessive than Scorpio, who is famous for being jealous. In the face of love rivals and potential love rivals, they will always appear around their partners and declare their sovereignty to them through actions. Even if he introduces his girlfriend to his friends, he will definitely make his attitude clear - this is mine, you go away!

How to tell when a Taurus is jealous? How does a Taurus behave when a boy is jealous? Picture 3

Especially Taurus boys who are usually relatively quiet will react more intensely at this time. Or they may want to fight with each other, or they may forcefully kiss the girl they like. At this time, girls must not resist, just let him hug and kiss him.

How to tell when a Taurus is jealous? How does a Taurus behave when a boy is jealous? Picture 4

Taurus boys are always gentle and reserved, but sometimes they are a little conceited and quite domineering. When a Taurus boy is jealous, he will go out of his way and stop being gentle and considerate. Instead, he will become a little like a child, like a child who didn't get candy.

Signs of Jealousy and Jealousy in a Taurus Man

How to tell when a Taurus is jealous? How does a Taurus behave when a boy is jealous? Picture 5

Signs of jealousy in a Taurus man:

1. A Taurus man is a very jealous person. He is petty-minded and possessive. He cares about every move of his partner, but he will not let you know when he is jealous. So when he is unhappy, it may be you. Made him jealous.

2. A Taurus man is very concerned about physical material things. If the other person doesn't take advantage of him, he can still tolerate it without getting angry. But once you go too far, he will think that you want to invade his girlfriend, which can be a big deal. It's out of control.

3. Taurus men are sultry men and they attach great importance to love. Any actions of the other party will affect the mood of Taurus. He is very jealous, so as long as you have more contact with the opposite sex, he will become jealous. However, Taurus will not be jealous directly. Express it, but choose to be depressed and silent until you automatically admit your mistake.

Ways to deal with jealousy of a Taurus man:

If a Taurus man is jealous, it means that he still loves you very much. At this time, his mind is relatively fragile. You should comfort him well, spend more time with him, and tell him that you love him and care about him very much. If you act coquettishly, the Taurus man will be unable to hold back and ignore you.

Do you understand the signs of jealousy in a Taurus man? You are jealous because you care about you, but as the partner of a Taurus man, if you also love him, you should do a good job so that he will not be "jealous".

How can you tell that a Taurus woman is jealous?

How can you tell that Taurus is jealous?

  How can you tell that Taurus is jealous? Taurus people are relatively pragmatic, and in terms of personality, Taurus men who usually seem to smile happily have always adhered to a pragmatic attitude towards life and outlook on love, but they seem to be jealous. time, but in fact, Taurus is like most boys. Let’s take a look at how to tell when Taurus is jealous and related information.

  How to tell that Taurus is jealous 1

   1. unhappy

  When a Taurus boy is jealous, although he won't say it out loud and will keep it in his heart, you can tell that he is very unhappy. Taurus boys are quite jealous. As long as his girlfriend has more contact with the opposite sex, he will easily become jealous and angry.

   2. Emotional excitement

  When a Taurus boy is jealous, his behavior is more obvious, sometimes making things that can be handled properly become very complicated. When jealous, Taurus boys will forcefully kiss their girlfriends, and they will be fine after a kiss and a hug.

   3. Declare sovereignty

  Taurus is no less possessive than Scorpio, who is famous for being jealous. In the face of love rivals and potential love rivals, they will always appear around their partners and declare their sovereignty to them through actions. Even if he introduces his girlfriend to his friends, he will definitely make his attitude clear - this is mine, you go away!

   4. Extreme physical conflict behavior occurs

  The strong externalization of boys' jealousy is usually due to an attack of bad sexual passion. They often lose their minds and complicate matters that could have been properly handled. The psychological root of men's "jealousy" is mainly their strong desire to possess and control the other person.

   5. Don’t worry about face

  "Let me tell you, this person is very abnormal. Otherwise, how could it be..." Then he began to talk about various inferences that I thought were extremely accurate. But how could a Taurus not know how obvious his jealousy is? Even if it is obvious, it still needs to be expressed in this way. Sometimes Taurus does things regardless of face.

   Taurus jealousy index: ★★★★☆

   Can't stand lover's betrayal

  A Taurus man who usually smiles is very pragmatic, but don't think that he won't be jealous! He can't stand the betrayal of his lover. Even if you go to have dinner with other men, his jealousy will kill you! Taurus The jealousy mentality is very strong. For example, if your lover has a friend who celebrates his birthday, she gives him a very expensive gift.

  At this time, the Taurus man begins to get jealous in various ways. What is the reason? The Taurus man does not like his lover to make a lot of material contributions to other members of the opposite sex. This will make the Taurus man feel particularly unbalanced. Therefore, Taurus men don’t like lovers giving expensive things to other members of the opposite sex. You know, it’s scary for a Taurus man to be jealous and silent.

  How to tell that Taurus is jealous 2

  Taurus: slander the object of jealousy

  When Taurus is jealous of someone, he behaves more openly. As long as he is really jealous, he will bravely speak out. He will frown cutely and slander the person he is jealous of.

  "Let me tell you, this person is very abnormal, otherwise how could he be..." Then he started talking about various inferences that he thought were extremely accurate. But how could a Taurus not know how obvious his jealousy is? Even if it is obvious, it must be shown like this. Taurus sometimes does things without regard for face.

  How much face is there? However, losing face has at least yielded some results. Taurus' naturally slanderous expression has won the admiration of many people, who feel that Taurus may really be an upright person. It seems that sometimes being more obvious is a good thing.

   What kind of temptation can a Taurus boy endure the most?

   1. Indirect ambiguity

  Taurus boys value the distance between themselves and girls. When a girl inadvertently breaks this distance, a Taurus boy will blush and his heart will beat.

  For example, when the two of them went to eat together, they usually sat facing each other to eat, but this time the girl suddenly ran to him and sat to eat, and then used her chopsticks to pick up vegetables and feed him. At this time, the Taurus boy looks calm on the outside, but actually he is panicking inside.

   2. Physical contact

  Taurus boys are very sensitive to their physical senses. The body scent of a girl or her careless touch can easily seduce a Taurus boy. A Taurus boy also likes to hear girls compliment his body, such as good figure, good physical strength, strong muscles, etc.

  How to tell that Taurus is jealous 3

   Main manifestations: extreme physical conflict behavior

  How to comfort: Quietly let him hug and kiss

  The strong externalization of boys' jealous psychology is usually caused by bad sexual passion attacks. They often lose their minds and complicate things that could have been properly handled. The psychological root of men's "jealousy" is mainly their strong possessiveness (i.e., desire for exclusivity) and desire to control the other person.

  Especially Taurus boys who are usually relatively quiet will react more intensely at this time. Or they may want to fight with each other, or they may forcefully kiss the girl they like. At this time, girls must not resist, just let him hug and kiss him.

   Taurus jealousy index: ★★★★☆

   Can't stand lover's betrayal

  The Taurus man who usually smiles is very pragmatic, but don’t think that he won’t be jealous! He can't stand his lover's betrayal. Even if you go to have dinner with other men, he will be so jealous that he will kill you! Taurus has a strong jealousy mentality. For example, if a lover has a friend who celebrates his birthday, she gives him a very expensive gift.

   Taurus jealousy ranking: tenth

  Taurus' jealousy manifests itself in weird ways. For example, if a Taurus girl finds her boyfriend staring at a woman, they will ask: Is that beauty pretty? Do you enjoy watching it? Can't see clearly? Do you want to get closer? Similar to this sarcastic question, usually, because the boyfriend is familiar with their behavior, he will pretend to say: Yes, he is much more beautiful than you. Taurus is at a disadvantage in love.

  They are quiet and don't like to be jealous. If a Taurus falls in love with the other person, they will spend money on the other person. When a Taurus discovers a love rival, they will consider in advance whether they should continue to smash or whether they can beat the love rival. If the love rival has more wealth than a Taurus, then the Taurus will look at the other person's attitude. If the other person is a person who loves money as much as his life, then Taurus will give up.

   Taurus jealousy index 60 points

   Because I want to possess you

  Taurus people like to know the whereabouts of their partner at all times, making themselves feel that the situation is under his control. Where are you going? Who are you going with? What to talk about? If you don't explain anything clearly, he will be very jealous and very scary when he gets angry. Taurus's view of love is a standard bullish temperament. Love after persistence can only be said to be persistence and persistence. The love of a Taurus man is like healing the heart.

  He is very warm and attentive to every detail, but a Taurus man needs you to be very kind to him. A Taurus man is born with a business mind and does not engage in loss-making business. So in your case, the Taurus man also hopes to get happy love. In addition, the love of the Taurus man is very realistic. If it were not for love and if he did not love enough, the Taurus man would not be able to accept this reality. Taurus men just can't accept their lover cheating or having other behaviors!

How to tell when a Taurus is jealous? How does a Taurus behave when a boy is jealous? Picture 6

The above is all about how to tell when a Taurus is jealous, how a Taurus boy shows jealousy, and how to tell when a Taurus is jealous. I hope it can help you.

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