
Contents of this article

  • 1. Pictures of how genealogy is done?
  • 2. How to write a profile of the characters in the family tree
  • 3. How to make electronic version of genealogy
  • 4. How to create a family tree picture for your own family

Pictures of how to do family tree?

1. Formulate a family tree revision plan
1. Version: hardcover, paperback, CD-ROM, online.
2. Time: completion deadline and work schedule.
3. Budget: funds and personnel.
4. Scope: same clan, joint clan, family.
5. Tools: charts, questionnaires, computers.
2. Articles of Association
Organize committee members, outline for revising the genealogy, assign responsibilities, and set examples.
3. Raising funds
One person should bear the burden, everyone should share it, family solicitation, early application for subsidies, public sales of organization content outlines, making lineage charts, filling in business resumes, writing celebrity family biographies, researching the origin of surnames, and recording migration processes. , description of literary and artistic works, appendices of photos and plates, and other minor contents.
4. Data analysis
Revise old genealogy, talk about genealogy, research genealogy data, research and filter data, and consult genealogy experts.
5. Search for historical materials
Genealogy documents, lineage information, birth and death registration certificates, household registers, household removal registration information, ancestral tablets in shrines, names of newly promoted persons in family temples, regulations for worshiping public property, rosters, tombstone texts, tombstones The location of the burial location, obituaries, essays, merits and deeds, oral records of elders, family biographies, chronology, commemorative collections, old photos, audio and video materials, ancient documents, contracts, certificates, official history, local chronicles, personal directory, and classmate directory , old newspapers, phone books.
6. Editing content
Organize the content outline, make a world chart, fill in the business resume, write the family biography of the famous person, verify the origin of the surname, record the migration process, record the literary and artistic works
, appendix photos and plates, and other minor matters content.
7. Review and Approval Content
Expert review, proofreading multiple times, and final completion.
Note: It is best to have scholars and experts participate in the review. The review must be careful, it can be slower but it must be accurate.
8. Printing and publishing
Black and white or color, paper or CD, select a printing house, print several copies, and set up a family website.
9. Collect genealogy collections
Organize genealogy activities, and clan members will receive genealogy and store it in the library.

How to write a profile of the characters in the family tree

1. Preface
The preface is similar to the preface of modern books. It can be written by a highly respected person in the clan or by an outsider. Mainly, the genealogy is viewed through the eyes of another person or persons. Normally, the new sequence comes first, and the old sequence is included and placed behind the new sequence.
2. Introduction
Even for one’s own family, not many people can fully understand it, so
it is necessary to introduce one’s own family first. Contents that can be mentioned include: common genealogy and family genealogy. Who participated in the creation (revision), time, and why it was revised; what is the basis for this coding; the overall situation, history, migration history, current distribution, and number of people of the family; the clan, sect, and generation, that is, recording each generation Naming rules; location of ancestral tombs and distribution map of each generation in ancestral tombs; examination and verification of ancestral affairs.
In short, this is not a specific person, but an overall description of the entire family.
3. Character History
In fact, a family tree itself is a record of characters, but usually, one or more outstanding typical characters or groups will be recorded in the family tree. When recording these outstanding figures, there are often various formats, including the person's biography, articles and manuscripts written by him, honors, official names, pictures, portraits, inscriptions, etc. What needs to be noted here is that historical celebrities with the same surname must not be forced into this family tree, even with small reminders. Because when future generations continue the genealogy, they often pass on lies because they believe it to be true this time.
4. Genealogy table
Genealogy is the most important item in the family tree. The simplest family tree sometimes only has one genealogy table.
A pedigree table records the relationship between each person in the family. In computer terms, this one-to-many structure is a "tree" structure, but in reality it is often more complicated. When a family is large and has many people. There will be phenomena of succession (through adoption, adoption, giving away), and migration in and out.
5. Genealogy table
Under normal circumstances, a family tree with only a genealogy table is actually meaningless. When faced with some names that are not famous people, apart from these few words, what else can you know? A A good way is to add a family history table, which is a table that records the resume of each clan member in the lineage table. This part can be combined with the genealogy table, or it can be listed separately. I think a single column is better, because combining the two into one often results in the genealogy table being too fat and too large, making it very troublesome to find a member.
In many genealogies, the genealogy only records the father’s name, married wife, number of children, and number of names. Although this writing looks quite standardized overall, it actually doesn’t make much sense, because the genealogy table itself can express this kind of information. . I think it is not possible for everyone to have a complete resume in Shilue, but at least it should include: date of birth and death, main position, professional title, main place of life and work, personal work resume, main achievements, wife’s name, wife’s marriage The place of birth, the name of the wife’s father, the wife’s resume, the names of the children, the place where the daughter was married, and the name of the married person. In this way, not only can the wife's family tree be traced to the family through the family tree, but the family can also be traced to the daughter's family through its own family.
6. Postscript
Just write some thoughts in the postscript.
(Source: Baidu experience, etc.)

How to make electronic version of genealogy

Take the WPS 2019 version as an example:

You can click "Insert - Flowchart" to create a new family tree in the flowchart. You can also consider using similar types of recommended templates.

How to make a family tree, pictures of how to make a family tree? Picture 1

How to make a family tree, pictures of how to make a family tree? Picture 2

How to create a family tree picture for your own family

Genealogy is generally divided into two types: European style (Ouyang Xiu) and Soviet style (Su Dongpo).
European style is very simple, each page is first divided into 5*5 tables. In the table, the upper row is the parent of the lower row, and the one directly below the father must be the eldest son of that person. In the same row, the brother on the right is the brother on the left. In each box, you can write your wife, number of sons, daughter’s name, personal resume, etc.
The Su-style diagram is divided into a lineage diagram and a family diagram. The lineage diagram is very similar to the European type. The difference is that it only has names and no content; while the family diagram lists the wives, children of each generation in order of generation. , and resumes are written in sequence.
The advantage of the European style is that the genealogy is closely linked, which is very intuitive. The disadvantage is that it cannot be used to analyze the whole situation on a large scale, making it troublesome to search. Moreover, due to the limited grid size, the number of words that can be written in each resume is limited.
The advantages and disadvantages of the Soviet style are exactly the opposite of the good European style.

The above is all about how to make a family tree, pictures of how to make a family tree?, and related content on how to make a family tree. I hope it can help you.

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