
Contents of this article

  • 1. How to write a family tree preface (model essay)
  • 2. How to write a family tree
  • 3. If you want to personally like the family tree, you need to write a like. How to write it?
  • 4. How to write a family tree and template

How to write a family tree preface (example)

1. Pay attention to the completeness of the content

The continuation of the genealogy is the supplement and improvement of the old genealogy. It is also the continuation and development of the new spectrum. Therefore, except for the two types of people who are unable to search and those who are mobilized and do not want to revise the genealogy, the materials cannot be collected and they can only maintain the original content of the genealogy. The rest of the people should pay attention to the integrity of the content of the world table.

How to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example) Figure 1

2. Pay attention to the unity of format

The writing format of each family tree is not exactly the same, but the basic content summarized is the same. The writing format of the new genealogy should be consistent with the old genealogy.

The biggest problem in the revision of the genealogy is the inconsistency in the women's line. It is believed that there are generally three situations where a woman may be pregnant: first, a childless household with a daughter can be pregnant with a woman; second, a child with the mother's surname can be pregnant; third, an unmarried daughter can be pregnant. In addition, if it is clear that the son-in-law is a son-in-law, it is appropriate to hang a thread for the son-in-law according to the ancestral system. It is particularly important to emphasize that if the writing format of the female hanging thread is the same as that of the male hanging thread, the difference is that the surname of the child must be clearly stated. .

3. Pay attention to the accuracy of word usage

The old music spectrum has many advantages in writing, especially the use of words that are concise, standardized, accurate and expressive, which are clearly stipulated in the rules. 

4. Pay attention to the authenticity of the materials

Genealogical revision is a serious matter, and it is also a matter of responsibility to the ancestors and descendants. We should ensure that the materials of the genealogy are reliable, authentic and accurate, and should be expressed realistically.

5. Reflect the characteristics of the times

Our country has undergone earth-shaking changes from the feudal era to the era of democratic politics. People's concepts, moral principles, living habits, and evaluation standards have all changed. The first thing to do when revising a genealogy is to respect the ancestral system and at the same time reflect the characteristics of the times.

①After the implementation of the funeral reform, the burial place and location are generally no longer written, but personal wishes must be respected and there is no need to stipulate their removal;

② With the implementation of the national policy of family planning, the reality of only children and the deepening of the concept of equality between men and women, women can not only be named in the family tree, but can also pass it on, but women should have unified requirements. In order to reflect the equality between men and women, some married women also write the dates of birth and death. I think it is unnecessary, because the dates of birth and death should be included in the family tree of the other party. From this point of view, they are equal.

③ In the old society, women could only stay together forever. Nowadays, it is natural for divorce and remarriage to occur, but they must be filled in truthfully.

④Education, positions, and professional titles are much different than in the past, and this aspect reflects the cultural level and contribution to society of the tribe, so it should be filled in with emphasis.

How to write a family tree

Here’s how to write a family tree:

1. First collect content

The content of the genealogy includes: genealogy name, genealogy preface, genealogy examples, genealogy theory, enrong records, portraits, origins of surnames, family training, ancestral halls, five-service diagrams, genealogy tables, family heirlooms, genealogy notebooks, family property, and deeds There are a total of twenty-four items including literary covenants, tombs, historical records, official records, chronology, artistic writings, genealogy of characters, name of the leader, sequels, names of donors, etc.

2. Determine the family tree directory

Generally speaking, it is impossible to compile all the contents of the genealogy in the genealogy. This is because the genealogy at each stage has its own characteristics of the times. This has led to modern genealogy to pay more attention to the content and ignore the role of the catalog.

How to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example) Figure 2

3. Division of work and writing

After collecting the content and determining the directory, you can start the arrangement work. Generally, the responsibilities of the genealogy editing committee are relatively clearly divided, and the staff configuration includes the editorial board director, deputy director, editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, editor, etc. You can first write the preface, examples, art, biographies of famous people, and postscript.

4. Arrange family lineage

Family genealogy is the most important thing when organizing a family tree, and it should not be taken lightly. Because family lineage ranges from a few hundred to several thousand to tens of thousands, editors need to have strong logical abilities and a certain understanding of family seniority, titles, and nouns (heir, heir-in-law, widow-in-law, etc.).

5. Data integration

According to the order of the catalog, the collected information is placed in the corresponding position and bound into a volume, which is the preliminary genealogy manuscript.

Genealogy genealogy personal like, need to write a like, how to write it

There are four basic description formats for family trees: Soviet style, European style, ultimatum style, and pagoda style.

1. Soviet style genealogy format

How to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example) Figure 3

The Su family tree format, also known as the Chuizhu style, was created by Su Xun, a writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. The characteristics of the Soviet-style genealogy table are: the generations are straight and drooping, there are no horizontal lines connecting the generations, all are connected by vertical lines, and the chart format is also arranged from right to left, mainly emphasizing the patriarchal relationship.

2. European genealogy format

How to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example) Figure 4

The European genealogy format, also known as horizontal style, was created by Ouyang Xiu, a writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. The characteristics of the European style are: generations are divided into grids, running horizontally from right to left, and there are five generations in one table, which is very convenient to use. In the European style, there is a life story to the left of the name of each generation, introducing the person's name, title, title, official title, date of birth, spouse, burial place, achievements, etc.

3. Documentary genealogy format

How to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example) Figure 5

The ultimatum-style genealogy format does not use horizontal and vertical lines to connect the relationship between the names of generations, but purely uses words to express this relationship. Each person's name has a relevant introduction, such as: name, title, title, official title, date of birth, burial place, achievements, etc. The ultimatum-style lineage has a fixed form, clear order, and saves paper.

4. Pagoda-style family tree format

How to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example) Figure 6

As the name suggests, the pagoda family tree format is to arrange the names of generations from top to bottom like a pagoda. The pagoda style adopts the horizontal and vertical line connection method. The vertical line is always in the middle of the horizontal line. For a large family with a large number of people, it is impossible to arrange the names on the same page, and it will be difficult to write if the relationship between brothers is not clear. It brings a lot of inconvenience to read and write music.

How to write a family tree and template

Genealogy genealogy format:

1. Spectrum sequence

There is a difference between self-order and other-order. If this book is continued to be revised, in addition to the newly published preface, the old prefaces from previous revisions should also be included. Sometimes in order to increase the family's prestige, celebrities will be invited to write a preface to the family tree. Some genealogy prefaces have nicknames such as "Yin", "Pu Shuo", "Pu Ming" and "Pu Qian".

2. Inscription

Inscriptions are not included in all family trees. Most of them are inscriptions from former emperors or famous people who refer to the family or genealogy. They are usually placed in a conspicuous position in order to honor the ancestors and increase the family's reputation.

3. Enrong

There are centralized records of the emperor's praises for family members in history, and some also have plaques inscribed by the emperor or local officials, which can highlight the ancestral virtues.

4. General examples

Also known as musical notation, it mainly introduces the writing style, collection scope and structural characteristics of musical notation.

5. Picture

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, most of the first volumes of genealogies had pictures, usually including pictures of ancestral temples, ancestral halls, pastures, etc.

6. Filial piety

From the Song Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, special emphasis was placed on filial piety and filial piety. It was an honor for a family to have a filial wife and filial sons.

7. Like

Draw the appearance of prominent people among the family's ancestors, in order to increase the family's reputation.

8. Examination

A family has experienced hundreds to thousands of years. When something is unclear, it needs to be studied carefully. When revising the genealogy, it needs to be written down. It has to be studied and verified.

9. Lineage

Also known as the family table, lineage table, lineage diagram, and root diagram, it reflects the blood relationship of family members in the form of a diagram and is the main content of the family tree. Usually there are five generations in one table.

10. Lineage records

It is an explanation of the genealogy table, which is a resume that records a person's life, old age, illness, death and burial. The content contains too much family information, especially birth, death and lineage.

How to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example) Figure 7

11. Paiyu

It is also called the character generation, which is used to record the ranking of the clan members. Especially in the feudal era, the family ranking has a certain meaning.

12. Biography

It is somewhat similar to the lineage record. The difference is that the lineage record is for all men, but the biography is only for people with special deeds, great achievements and other important actions in the family.

13. Family rules and regulations

It is equivalent to the laws and regulations in the family. The content is relatively broad. It is generally for self-discipline, law-abiding, and family order. It has rules, and clan members must abide by the rules. In addition, there are family mottos, which are used to admonish future generations.

14. Ancestral hall and tomb

Record the history and current situation of the family ancestral hall, the shrines, etc., as well as the management of the family worship sites and the distribution and orientation of each cemetery.

15. Examination of past lives

It mainly describes the family history and the distribution of ancestors and tribes, especially the migration and settlement history of this branch.

16. Ambition

One of the more important contents in the genealogy, most of its meaning is the name of the collection of special information in the family, which is formed from the special history.

17. Miscellaneous Notes

Contents that are not included or omitted are described here. Most of them are special information about the family. The scope is wide and complex, ranging from clan disputes to contracts.

18. Literature

The collection is all the writings of the ancestors of the family, including family rules and family training. Some are included in full and some are only cataloged.

19. Revise the surname

The content that is often included is: the name of the leading editor and the name of the person who donated the funds, which are arranged at the end of the spectrum.

Twenty and five server pictures

The five clothes are an important basis for family laws and regulations. Many family trees are appended with pictures of the five clothes to make the clan members pay attention to and understand them and avoid confusion.

21. Yu Qinglu

After the family tree is compiled, a few blank pages are often left at the end, symbolizing the continuity of descendants.

Twenty-two, lead the score font size

In order to prevent family genealogy from being passed on to others, the genealogy is followed by a serial number, which is then registered, and then family members claim the name and conduct regular spot checks.

The above is all about how to write a family tree, how to write a family tree preface (example), and related content about making a family tree. I hope it can help you.

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