
Contents of this article

  • 1. Positive sentences, life insights and sunshine
  • 2. Sentences describing youth
  • 3. Best places to travel during winter vacation
  • 4. What are the emotional poems about plum blossoms for third grade students?

Positive sentences, life insights and sunshine

1. Unknowingly, I suddenly had this feeling. It wasn’t that I didn’t love, but that I couldn’t love. Entering a person's world, crying, thinking, falling in love, laughing, telling, you always watched without saying a word. Because of you, I long for it. But I heard disappointment in those few words, so I convinced myself to get used to being alone and walking silently alone. It’s not that I don’t want to love, it’s that I can’t love. Because I am afraid of hurting others, and I am also afraid of being hurt.

2. Many times, I want to love you, but find that I cannot love you; many times, I want to forget you, but find that you occupy an important position in my heart; many times, I want to say to you , I am really tired of loving you, but you don’t care. Many times, I want to give up loving you. It’s not that I don’t love you anymore, but that I love you too much, so I am willing to let you go.

3. One day, I will no longer be in your life. I will no longer comfort you when you sigh, I will no longer accompany you to be sad when you are sad, and I will no longer accompany you to break your heart when you are heartbroken. Although I am a jealous, a bit domineering person who cannot tolerate the person I like loving someone else. But I still hope that you live a better life than me, and I hope to see you live happily every day.

4. Unknowingly, we have become the most beautiful passers-by in each other's lives, wandering in the world with our own sorrows. In the same city, under two similar roofs, there is the same sunrise and sunset, the same firewood, rice, oil and salt. When you are drinking and drinking, will you suddenly think of someone and make your heart tremble for a moment?

5. Time flies so fast. There is no time to sort out many things. Time has already brought people to the next beginning. There is busyness and numbness. When you are quiet and think about the past year, you will be happy and sad. When so-and-so left, everything changed. I stopped crying, and the tears that needed to be shed were dried up. I just still think about what it would be like if we were still together now, and whether we still love each other deeply.

One day, one moment, I will still think of you

1. There is no soft love in a hard city. Life is not Lin Daiyu, and it will not be charming because of sadness.

2. Lonely people always remember everyone who appears in their lives, just as I always think of you.

3. Occasionally, I stand alone in the wilderness at dusk and preside over the sunset funeral for you.

4. You walk in the rain and you never hold an umbrella. You have your own sky and it never rains.

5. The past is a dream sealed in memory, and you are my only vivid memory. The water drops on the green leaves are the tears of longing.

6. Missing is a kind of happy sadness, a kind of sweet melancholy, and a kind of warm pain; missing is the long accumulation of yesterday and the longing for a beautiful future.

7. Whose fingers have slipped through thousands of years; who has asked over and over again whether he has forgotten it; I have exhausted all my sorrow waiting for you; but there is a desolation in your eyes that I don't understand.

8. Loneliness is a helpless choice. Loneliness is because you have not found a suitable companion. Loneliness is for the relief behind loneliness. The process of loneliness is a process of finding true love.

9. We can leave nothing behind in time, including pain, happiness and life.

10. My tears flowed down, watering the soft grass below. I wonder if in the coming year, there will be memories and sorrows everywhere.

11. I have always wanted others to know my feelings, the heaviness, the unspeakable sorrow and desolation, but how can I draw all my life wheels for you on a shallow piece of paper? How can I make you understand?

12. How can a seventeen-year-old have the sadness of a seventy-year-old? How can an eighteen-year-old have the waiting of an eighty-year-old?

13. I know I am not a very good recorder, but I like to look back on the road I came from more than anyone else. I not only look back, stand still, but then time leaves me and rushes forward vigorously.

14. In this sunny March, I walked through my thin youth, through the purple pansy, through the kapok, through the sorrow, joy and impermanence of time and shadow.

15. Those things that we once thought we never forget are forgotten by us in the process of never forgetting them.

16. Time passes by like floating clouds, and our youth shuttles thinly across the blue sky. .

17. Whenever I look at the sky, I don’t like to talk anymore, but whenever I talk, I dare to look at the sky. In the torrent of time, we will always grow up.

18. I used to be a person who loved looking up to the sky. The blue sky always gave me the courage to survive. But now I like the deep night sky, which tolerates all darkness and forbearance. No one can see the tears I leave.

19. When Alice loses the key to Wonderland, should she walk back sadly, or squat down and cry?

20. By standing on tiptoes, can we get closer to happiness?

21. Memory is like water poured into the palm of your hand. No matter whether you spread it flat or hold it tightly, it will eventually flow cleanly from your fingers drop by drop.

22. A lot of time walks through the fingers, leaving a lot of things called knowledge and emotions in your hands.

23. Hiding in a certain time, I miss the palm prints of a period of time. Hiding in a certain place, I miss a person who stands on the way to the beginning and also stands on the way to the end, making me care.

24. In fact, every flower has its own life. When the flower withers, it is the end of its life, and its seeds are the continuation of its life, continuing to withstand the wind, rain, and face the other side. A reincarnation.

25. Between the street lamp and me, who is whose passerby, who is the embellishment of whose life?

26. The wind does not understand the wandering of clouds, the sky does not understand the desolation of rain, and the eyes do not understand the cowardice of tears. So you don’t understand my choices, and you can understand my sadness. Not everyone is necessarily happy, and not every pain is inevitable. All must be told.

27. Happiness should be accompanied by sadness, and the sky should be sunny after the rain. If there is still rain after rain, if there is still sadness after sadness, please let us calmly face the parting after parting. Smile and look for an impossible you.

28. The real loneliness is in the crowd. When you face many familiar faces, you suddenly lose your language. That is true loneliness, as deep as drowning in the blue ocean and unable to breathe.

29. The wings of birds vibrate in the air. It is a noisy and cracking sound, full of fear, and a flow of uncertain destination.

30. Count the fallen leaves in front of the door, listen to the sound of rain outside the window, and the sound of wading through the water reminds me of you. Is your heart soaked by the rain still the same?

31. During those years, no matter which angle I read you from, you were perfect, and the parts you were missing had already been filled in with the brush of my imagination.

32. Looking back on the past, the days were filled with dazzling light and shadow, the barrier of memory, and the once heartbeating voices have gradually faded away.

33. I believe that a beautiful life is just a wordless elegy. The loneliness that overflows my heart has long since turned into ice, and you are the most beautiful note in this season.

34. Missing like wine makes you drunk as soon as you drink it. When you are drunk, you read the sad moonlight with all your enthusiasm. So, the moon is drunk, the night is drunk, and I am drunk too.

35. When you blend into the Milky Way, you will be in peace and quiet with the bright moon as your companion.

36. What life cannot lack is a rainy night - a rainy night alone on the pattering ground. On such a rainy night, there are tears in the sky and tears in the candles. The tears in the sky have sounds and the tears in the candles are tangible. The only thing that is flowing down the face of this person are dots of silent and hot tears.

37. Don’t let other people’s wandering footsteps crush your beautiful dreams of tomorrow. There is no banquet in the world that never ends. Maybe this world is really only hazy.

Emotional Quotes One Day

1. I put down my dignity, personality, and stubbornness just because I can’t let you go.

2. So far, I have no intention of giving up. My heart determines how long I will persist. I really don’t know how long I can persist.

3. Sometimes two people who cannot understand each other will be lonelier than when they are alone.

4. Will the love engraved on the back of the chair be like the flowers on the cement, blooming in a lonely forest without wind?

5. Don’t forget to bloom, that is your innate dream when you are still a seed.

6. There is a kind of forbearance that actually contains a kind of power, and there is a kind of silence that is actually a shocking confession.

7. What emotions can carry must be joys and sorrows. Those who cannot be carried by emotions must be lovers who cannot be together.

8. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget it, but the tears I shed did not fool me.

9. I don’t dare to expect too much, I just want to treat the moment as forever, and turn the present into memories, bit by bit.

10. Some people are destined to wait for others, and some people are destined to be waited for.

11. On the day you left, I decided not to shed tears and held my eyes open against the wind for even a moment.

12. I miss you so much, find a painter to draw you, put you in a cup, drink water and kiss you every day.

13. You are the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and I am just a passer-by in your life.

14. You need to learn some ways to ruin men, otherwise how will you deal with so many boring men!

15. Please don't burst into tears in front of him. He can't give you care and concern, at most he can only give you a little sympathy.

16. Don’t imagine what he should be like. What we really fall in love with and what we think we will fall in love with are often very different.

17. If you laugh once, I can be happy for several days; but if you cry once, I will be sad for several years.

18. The farthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you, but you don’t know that I love you.

19. When you truly love something, you will find how fragile and powerless language is. There is always gap between the words and feelings.

20. You will never see me when I am the loneliest, because I am the loneliest only when you are not by my side.

21. I choose to leave, not because I want to be fulfilled, not because I want to give up, but because I want to get to know you again.

22. The beauty said: I have no feelings, but I have a face. The old woman said: I have no temptation, but I have feelings.

23. Just because you cry doesn’t mean you are truly compassionate; if I smile, it doesn’t mean everything is fine.

24. If God wants to destroy a person, he must first make him crazy. But why hasn’t God destroyed me after I’ve been crazy for so long?

25. Emotions have great inspiring power. Therefore, they are an important prerequisite for all moral behaviors.

26. Forgetting is our unchangeable destiny. Everything is like a misaligned drawing. Everything in the past cannot be returned to the past. It just slowly extends and staggers bit by bit. Maybe we really should forget the staggered things.

27. Loving someone is not about promising her how good you will be to her, but knowing that love is hopeless but still waiting for her stupidly.

28. One day I will walk away from you silently without making any sound. I missed a lot and I was always sad alone.

29. It takes a minute to meet someone, an hour to like someone, a day to fall in love with someone, but it will take a lifetime for me to forget you.

30. There is no right or wrong in the world of love, and no one pays more. One is always willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. So don’t force happiness. What is yours is yours after all. It is not yours and it is not yours. Fate is destined, I just ask God to hurry up and let all the lovers in the world finally get married.

31. I look at you smiling, silent, proud, and disappointed just like now, so I am happy with you and sad with you, but I always stand in the present while you always stay in the past.

32. Don’t say forever, don’t say forever, who can promise the future? All we can grasp is the feelings of the place at that time. But a lifetime is also made up of countless present moments. If you work hard for every moment, it will last forever.

33. We are all ordinary people, hoping to do the most ordinary things and get the most ordinary feelings!

34. From the beautiful encounter to the crazy love, from the romance of love at first sight to the promise of life and death, the five days that passed by in a hurry made a man and a woman seem to have experienced several years of love transformation.

35. Emotion is actually a kind of dialogue, diluted with many feelings. In fact, feelings are also a kind of height of life, which makes many people sigh. In fact, feelings are a simple requirement of life, which leads to many ideals and many pessimisms.

36. I know it’s impossible for us, but I still love you sincerely. Although I really want to forget you and hate you, I really can't.

37. I thought that by covering my eyes, I could not see the world; I thought that by covering my ears, I could not hear all the troubles; I thought that when my footsteps stopped, my heart would no longer travel far; I thought that the love I need, Just a hug.

38. You can never see my front, not because I don’t let you see it, but because when you don’t look at me, I am always looking at you.

39. How many times have I told you, go to bed early at night and don’t go out, but you just don’t listen. No, it came into my dream again last night, making me unwilling to wake up!

40. No matter whether the storm comes again, let my love be with you forever. There is no need to prove the promise, my heart has already been given to you. I just want to be with you in this life.

41. Human life is nothing more than endless loneliness. Love is endless in the life of a lonely person. Loneliness is the eternal theme of love. I and my figure are alone. It said it had something secret to say to me. It says it misses you very much.

42. I forgot which day of which year, which month, which wall I carved a face on. A smiling face staring at me sadly. Will the love carved on the back of the chair bloom like flowers on the cement floor? In the windless forest, choosing a good man requires methods. Before you figure out the trick, you just need to learn to say no!

43. Singleness is the seed of spring, full of hope; singleness is the scorching sun of summer, full of passion and brilliance; singleness is the fallen leaves of autumn, full of freedom; singleness is the snowflakes of winter, endless romance.

44. Daiyu said: Feelings are a kind of sadness, and the feeling of tears is the state of feelings. Cao Cao said: Emotion is a kind of beauty. Not loving the country but loving the beauty is the reflection of emotion. Li Zicheng said: Emotion is a kind of tragedy, and committing suicide is the manifestation of emotion. Wu Zetian said: Emotion is a monument, and the wordless explanation is the relief of emotion.

45. If we are all children, we can stay where time is, sit together and listen to those stories that will never grow old while slowly laughing our heads off.

46. ​​If you think I'm a kite, either let me go or take me home. Don't tie me up with an invisible emotion and make me sad.

47. In life, all our beliefs come from emotions. At work, all our emotions originate from our beliefs. Emotions and beliefs enrich the various systems of our lives.

48. Emotions are a comprehensive psychological and physiological state of people's various feelings, thoughts and behaviors. They are psychological reactions to external stimuli and accompanying physiological reactions, such as joy, anger, sadness, joy, etc. . Emotions are personal subjective experiences and feelings, often related to mood, temperament, personality and temperament.

49. Emotion is a state of life. With feelings in life, life is full of temptation. If you have feelings in your life, your life will not be lonely. Only when there are emotions in life can life have color. Life is the representative of emotions, and emotions are the genes of life.

50. Love is a special test in life. In this examination room, no one is allowed to cheat. Once the cheating is exposed, the test results will be affected at best, and the qualification for the test will be cancelled.

51. If you still can't help thinking about him, if you still care about him, you might as well give him a possibility and give yourself a possibility.

52. Emotion is a smile, blooming the most beautiful smile in the world. Feelings are like a cry, letting go shows the most vivid true nature in the world.

53. There are two ways of life for a person, one is the emotional way of life, and the other is the spiritual way of life. Emotions solve emotional problems, and spirit solves faith problems.

54. A person who is addicted to the past and memories is a very cowardly person, because she (he) does not dare to face reality bravely. What is reality? Reality is change. There are no unchanging feelings and no unchanging people.

55. The greatest act of secret love is to achieve it. You do not love me, but I let you have what you want. True secret love is a lifelong career, don't give up just because he is far away from you. If you don't have this kind of sentiment, don't talk about secret love lightly.

56. Every girl is originally a tearless angel. She can never return to heaven just because she meets someone in the mortal world one day and sheds her first tear. .

57. When emotions only persuade us to do things that can be delayed, we should restrain ourselves from making any immediate judgments and use other thoughts to calm ourselves until time and rest allow the emotions in the blood to completely settle down.

58. Red represents happiness, black represents pain, green represents romance, pink represents reserve, purple represents dreams, orange represents opportunities, cyan represents thinking, and blue represents profundity. Only when various colors blend together can feelings have the meaning of life. thickness.

59. Love has not yet come, and life is carefree; the most painful things are just tests and exams. I felt a lot of pressure at the time, but looking back later, I realized how small it was.

60. In this sad and bright March, I walked through my thin youth, through the purple pansy, through the kapok, through the sadness, joy and impermanence that appear and disappear.

61. Not every effort will be rewarded, but efforts must be made for every harvest. This is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

62. I am getting closer to my dream step by step. Even if it is broken into pieces, I will try my best to save it and use everything I have to exchange it.

63. The kind of love that sublimates us and empowers us with beautiful feelings and thoughts can be regarded as a noble passion; while the love that makes us selfish, timid, and makes us indulge in blind and instinctive despicable behaviors , should be regarded as an evil passion.

64. Maybe the wintersweet hates the raging and unbridled winter wind, but still reveals its fragrance in the cold winter; maybe the fish hates the turbulence and ferociousness of the huge waves, but still keeps company with the huge waves, fulfilling the true meaning of life; maybe the fallen leaves are obsessed with this The heaven and earth are extremely attached to each other. However, when the autumn wind blows, it falls resolutely, saying goodbye to that beautiful world and fulfilling the grass buds that will sprout next year.

65. Some people will always be engraved in our memory. Even if we forget his voice, his smile, and his face, the feeling every time we think of him will never change.

66. If one day I no longer like you, will my life be as decadent and decadent as before? I don’t want that kind of life anymore, so before I give up on you, please at least like you. Fuck me.

67. When love is about to end, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to bring it to an end. When you doubt whether you want to bring an end to something, it means that you are simply reluctant to let it go and have no way to bring it to an end. Every relationship will come to an end, and when it comes, you can't stop it even if you want.

68. Don’t show off to him if you don’t love him anymore. Showing off to him just means that you still care about what he thinks and that you still miss him. Seeing this embarrassment, he will only be convinced that you have never forgotten him.

69. Emotions are a kind of disaster for losers, a kind of romance for optimists, a kind of conquest for heroes, and a kind of pain for the weak. No matter what kind of complex the feelings are, they are all. It is a reason that cannot be let go, this is emotion.

70. Feelings are like a river, a river that no one can cross. In history, some people crossed this river, one was the Tathagata who saved all sentient beings, because his dream was the dream of good men and women in the world.

71. Be strong when you are alone, hold your head high when tears have no shoulders to rely on, no one loves yourself more truly than yourself; when you are alone, we smile, walk with a smile, and face with a smile.

72. Be kind to the person who loves you, the person who doesn’t want you to be troubled, so he forces a smile on his face and lies to you that he is relieved; the person who silently pays attention to you and never leaves. If you are still hesitant, if you still can't help thinking about him, if you still care about his every frown, you might as well give him a possibility and give yourself a possibility.

73. If you haven’t finished talking about some things, just forget about it. Everyone is a king, domineering in his own world. You don’t want to listen to me, but you don’t want me to listen to you either.

74. If the emotion of kindness is not formed in childhood, then you will not be able to cultivate this emotion at any time. Because the formation of people's sincere feelings is linked to the understanding of the most important truths they first come into contact with, as well as the experience and feeling of the most delicate aspects of the motherland's language.

75. Life is endless and lonely. Love is endless in lonely life, loneliness is the eternal theme of love. I am alone with my shadow. It said it had something private to say to me. It said it misses you very much. It turns out that my shadow and I are both thinking of you.

76. Some people say: Love is like a rose. No matter where it goes, it always leaves a lingering fragrance on your hands. Some people say: Love is a song that sings all the joys and sorrows of life. In fact, feelings are a person's life state. When life ends, feelings are like the lingering fragrance on the hand, leaving only the taste of taste.

77. I forget which year, month and day I carved a face on which wall. A smiling face staring at me sadly. We smiled and said that we were staying at the same place in time. In fact, it had already been silently swept away by the torrent. Sweep away.

78. I don’t want to hang myself under your tree, because it will bring you worries, but I can’t help myself. Is it wrong to like someone?

79. It turns out that children who are involved with words are never happy. Their happiness is like playful children, wandering to the sky, wandering to the sky but refusing to come back.

80. There is no soft love life in the hard city. It is not Lin Daiyu, and it will not be amorous because of sadness. Thousands of people will never see through the mirror, but the mist between my fingers and the world for thousands of years are like my blink.

Positive sentences: If one day, you don’t have me in your life

1. If one day, I don’t exist in your life, please remember how good I was to you; if one day, I don’t exist in your memory, don’t forget every minute and every second of our encounter. When a person is used to the existence of another person, even if there is no like and love, he will still feel lost and a little sad. There is no such thing as fairness in the emotional world, and I won't care about it. The days we spend together will be the most beautiful memories of my life.

2. I learned to tell myself that when I’m sad, I can cry in a very embarrassing way. After my tears dry up, I should raise my head and smile beautifully. I promised myself to live authentically, no matter what others think of me, even if the whole world denies me, I still believe in myself. I told myself that if I want to live a happy life, I don’t need to think about whether anyone cares about me. I can be wonderful alone.

3. There is a relationship that can no longer be rekindled; there is a voice that can no longer be reverberated; there is a person that can no longer rely on each other; there are hands that can no longer be held, the warmth of the palm; some Things, no matter how much you like them, don’t belong to you; some people, no matter how much you miss them, are doomed to give up; instead of playing a small role in other people’s lives, it’s better to be yourself wonderfully; don’t talk about love easily, and the promises you make are the things you owe. debt.

4. Some hurts can never be forgiven. Some pain can never be healed. Some wounds never heal. Some scars can never go away. Some debts can never be made up for. Some pain can never be forgotten. No matter how hard you try and force yourself to not mind, no matter how loud you say you don't care, it will still hurt. It will always hurt.

5. Because I love you, I am serious, because I love you, I change; because I love you, I work hard; I am stupid, because of you; I feel pain, because of you; because I love you, I have the feeling and experience of being in love, I have had the feeling of betrayal, the feeling of separation, maybe the deeper the love, the more painful the injury; bowing my head, being silent, squatting in the corner, counting tears, my heart is lying, my tears are surrendering! You are the first one that I love so much! You are the first one to make me feel so hurt!

Sentences to describe youth

The sentences that describe the beauty of youth are as follows:
1. Youth is the thin and transparent mist in the morning, hazy and subtle, but suitable for wandering; youth is the stream of the mountain stream, beautiful and soft, but often floating, we Once we were innocent children, we hope to remain innocent all our lives. If you can choose,...
2. There is only so much warmth in life, and I gave it all to you, but you left me and you asked me how to smile at others again. In the world of youth, grains of sand turn into pearls and stones turn into gold. This is the charm of youth.
3. Singing the song of youth on the road of youth, my mood was so comfortable and free. Unknowingly, I had walked through the river of youth. Looking back! Looking back at the look of youth, flowers bloomed almost every moment. Looking back at the beauty of youth, almost every time...
4. Youth is a gesture, but also a kind of wealth, youth is a concept, and it is a kind of demeanor. My friend! Cherish your youth.
Youthful and beautiful sentences
1. I don’t have the courage to break my wings, but I can’t fly anywhere.
2. I always hide in the depths of the most classic sentences in the novel "Dreams and Seasons", listening to the flowers and the night singing all the nightmares, all the prosperity, all the sources of memories! Whether it is a blessing or a regret, as long as it passes, it is just a past event. One does not need to live for the past. But I will never forget that time, in the wasteland of time and the boundlessness of the region, we passed each other.
3. It turns out that the reason why I didn’t dare to look at the practice at that time was because I was afraid of keeping this moment in my heart for a long time. If there is no time, every detail will be like a ship that has lost its anchor, drifting to nowhere. But in fact, even without looking at the clock, Ning Yao still remembered all the details for a long time.
4. It turns out that the world can actually bend the body 180 degrees.

Best places to travel during winter vacation

In a blink of an eye

2021 has passed

2022 has begun

If you have missed the best time to travel to the beautiful scenery

No need to regret

Get ready for 2022

Witness the most beautiful spring, summer, autumn and winter in China

Encounter the most beautiful ice and snow world
01 Heilongjiang·Arctic Village
The Arctic Village in winter is the northernmost one In the Ice and Snow Kingdom, you can look for China’s northernmost home, northernmost outpost, northernmost post office and other unique geographical landmarks in China, and take photos with them. You can also send a postcard with various commemorative stamps to relatives, friends or yourself at the "Northernmost Post Office" here to commemorate your "Northernmost" footprints.
The extreme minimum temperature in winter has reached minus 52.3 degrees Celsius, creating a northern scenery of vast seas of snow, thousands of miles of ice, and thousands of miles of snow drifting.
Coordinates: Arctic Village, Mohe Township, Mohe City, Daxinganling Region, Heilongjiang Province Tourism Scenic Area
02 Heilongjiang · Harbin
Harbin in winter is a city that can always surprise people. You don’t know, when you come back to your house one night and open the curtains, you will see snow falling outside; you don’t know, when you walk on the street, at any corner you will encounter a small western-style building full of Baroque style; you don’t know, Every time you turn around by chance, you will see exquisitely carved ice sculptures on the snow...
When visiting Harbin in winter, no explanation is needed. Winter is here, skiing, ice sculptures, and snow scenery are almost all the best here.
Coordinates: Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

Looking for traces of early spring
03 Yunnan·Bingzhongluo
You can enjoy wild flowers in spring, rivers in summer, and snowy scenery in autumn and winter. There is also a lot of Juan and magnificence.
Walking along the thousand-year-old Tea Horse Road, you will be immersed in this beautiful pastoral scenery, surrounded by quiet and peaceful villages, dense primeval forests, and majestic snow-capped mountains.
Coordinates: Bingzhongluo Town, Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan
04 Hubei · Wuhan
“The sky is warm at the beginning, the sun is getting longer, and the spring is good. Wanhui is all proud at this time, competing for the fragrance. "Every February and March, the cherry blossoms at Wuhan University enter their peak blooming period.
Whenever the plump buds on the cherry blossom branches bloom, or the white or pink petals give the streets a new look, walking on the streets seems relaxed and in a happy mood.
Coordinates: No. 299 Bayi Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province

Go to a feast of flowers
05 Xinjiang · Yili
Some people say that Yili is comparable to Switzerland, with its vast grasslands, majestic snow-capped mountains, splendid sea of ​​flowers, and blue sky, is like a picture scroll, enough to support the saying of fairyland!
When you come here in spring, you will see flowers, clouds and rain, pink branches, fragrant wind and bright clouds. Being in it is like going to a mountain of flowers and a sea of ​​flowers, just like in a painting.
Coordinates: The northwest corner of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region includes Nileke County, Yining City
06 Tibet · Linzhi
Linzhi, a paradise where humans and gods coexist, with snow-capped mountains at the top and smoke from cooking pots at the bottom. Even if you only go there once in your life, it would be an honor. At the beginning of every year, just after the Spring Festival, the peach blossom branches in Linzhi, which have been deserted all winter, begin to cover the hillside with trees, stretching into the river valley, forming a sea.
The wild peach blossoms all over the mountains and plains vividly display the "snowy Jiangnan" and interpret the unique charm of the "pure land on earth".
Coordinates: Southeastern Tibet Autonomous Region

Let’s have a date with water
07 Zhejiang·Xitang
In April, when the flowers in the ancient town bloom, the old The trees turned new green, and the ink-colored Xitang suddenly turned into a fresh watercolor painting.
The beautiful elements of the ancient town, flowing water, spring flowers, and sunshine are all gathered here, and the excellent artistic conception described in those poems is perfectly presented in Xitang in a concrete way.
Coordinates: No. 258, Nanyuan Road, Xitang Town, Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province
08 Qingdao, Shandong
"You said you want to buy a house by the sea and live there with your lovely Chow Chow ......——"Rose"

I have always had a dream to live on the wide seaside. In the morning, I can listen to the sound of the waves to wake up my sleepy eyes, and in the evening, I can watch the sunset. A collector of dusk, seriously wasting his life at every sunset...
On the most beautiful day in April, Qingdao, located on the shore of the Yellow Sea, transforms into a splendid flower city, with refreshing flowers floating all over the city. The romantic and charming fragrance.
Coordinates: Qingdao City, Shandong Province

Charming ethnic customs
09 Guizhou·Qianhu Miao Village
The Qianhu Miao Village built on the mountain looks like a A boat drifting in the morning mist, the scenery in front of me makes me feel like I have traveled through a time tunnel and arrived at my hometown.
At night, thousands of lights light up from under the eaves of the wooden stilted buildings, and the stars are dotted, outlining the outline of the entire Miao village. It is dreamy and beautiful and cannot be missed.
Coordinates: Xijiang Town, Leishan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, Qianhu Miao Village, Xijiang, China
10 Daocheng, Sichuan
How many people have it on their travel lists. This is not a paradise, but a place that is better than paradise. It can capture everyone's heart easily.

Those who have not been there yearn for it endlessly, and those who have been there never forget it. If they miss the whole world, I don’t want to miss you either. One day, I will follow you.
Turn off the beauty, turn off the filter, stand the test of the camera, and still be stunningly beautiful. The only place like this is Daocheng Aden.
Coordinates: Daocheng Yading Scenic Area, Shangri-La Town, Daocheng County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province

The natural beauty of the lake and the sky
11 Yunnan·Dali
The weather in June is not As for the heat, it won’t be very cool even if the wind blows at night.
June is the best month to go to Dali, where you can hang out and be in a daze by the Erhai Lake, letting the refreshing summer wind randomly mess up your hair and blow away all the unhappiness in your heart.
Coordinates: Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan
12 Qinghai · Qinghai Lake
June is the most beautiful season in Qinghai Lake. The golden rapeseed flowers bloom freely and are fragrant, like a careless painter painting the blue A large bottle of golden paint was knocked over on the canvas.
You can't imagine that one day you will be able to see a golden "sea". The waves were turbulent and boundless, and the golden color was so brilliant that it made people feel dizzy for a few seconds. I walked and walked, but I couldn't reach the end. My whole body was wrapped in the fragrance of flowers, and there were flying butterflies everywhere.
Coordinates: The junction of Gangcha County, Gonghe County and Haiyan County

Poetic and picturesque scenery can be seen everywhere
13 Shandong · Mount Tai
The beauty of Mount Tai cannot be seen at a glance. The mountains look ordinary on the surface, but when you get closer to them, you can feel their aura and their stories.
The gentle glow is like a silk ribbon, making the manly Taishan suddenly look more delicate and tender.
Hongmen Road, Taishan District, Tai'an City, Shandong Province
14 Hubei · Enshi
When the magical 30 degrees north latitude and the equally magical 110 degrees east longitude pass through Enshi, Hubei Province, China, they create a mysterious and ethereal realm.
Surrounded by cliffs, this place is surrounded by cliffs and streams. It is so beautiful that it is unique in the world.

Sailing through the canyon is like floating in the air, which is not the same as visiting the Fairy Cave.
Coordinates: Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province

A beautiful holy land without scorching heat
15 Tibet
Tibet is famous for its majestic, magical and magnificent natural scenery. It has a vast territory, spectacular landforms and rich resources. Since ancient times, people on this land have created a rich and splendid national culture.
The precarious snow-capped peaks and the vast plateau pastures are a place full of mystery and temptation. There is no reason to refuse.
Coordinates: Tibet Autonomous Region
16 Jilin · Changbai Mountain
Although summer is short, the trees are lush, the flowers are colorful, and the grass is green.
Coordinates: Changbai Mountain, Antu County, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province

Welcome to the golden world
17 Jiangsu·Nanjing
Autumn in Nanjing is short-lived and also Shocked, willing to sink for it.
Red leaves and yellow leaves are floating all over the road, and the autumn paint box is completely knocked over here.
Coordinates: Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province
18 Xinjiang · Kanas
August is too early, October is too crowded, but the golden autumn of Kanas in September is beautiful.
Kanas at this time is a picture gifted by God to mankind, so beautiful that it is dazzling and vivid.
Coordinates: Burqin County, Altay Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

The forest is dyed into a beautiful picture
19 Hebei · Bashang Grassland
On the dam in the golden autumn, the forest is exhausted Dyeing, the color game is more vividly interpreted. The red pine, spruce, and white birch trees all over the mountains and plains have entered the most gorgeous period of the year.
A piece of red, a pile of yellow, a touch of green, several colors are intertwined with each other, with clear layers and magnificent waves. These beautiful trees, set against the dense and warm lakes and mountains, form the most gorgeous autumn colors on the dam.
Coordinates: 4 kilometers north of Datan Town, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Chengde City, Hebei Province Yushugou
20 Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan
An international nature conservation expert who has traveled around the world described it this way, "Seeing her , is the greatest honor in my life. "
October is the most beautiful time of Wuhua Lake. In this season, the lake is crystal clear, and the leaves of seven colors on the shore are intertwined with the reflections in the water, which is dazzling.
Coordinates: Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province

The magic of nature
21 Jiangxi·Wuyuan
Autumn in Wuyuan is inevitably distracting. , for a moment, I couldn't talk about the silence in front of me, for fear of waking it up.
In the warm autumn colors, white walls and green tiles collide with the natural background, ice and fire. Wuyuan is at its most layered at this time.
Coordinates: Wuyuan County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province
22 Fujian · Xiapu
You will definitely be amazed when you come to Xiapu in autumn. The soft light gives the sea a golden edge. Whether it is sunrise or sunset, the colorful beaches are unforgettable.
Seize the fleeting direct light in Xiapu, ponder the scattered light in the hazy sky, and never abandon the concentrated light leaking from the gaps in the dark clouds...

As the light and shadow change, the entire tidal flat will appear Different colors, sometimes you will see the scene of fishermen returning on gold foil, which is really wonderful.
Coordinates: Xiapu County, Ningde City, Fujian Province

Alternation of beginning and end
23 Beijing
When it snows, Beijing becomes Peiping, covering this solemn world with a A layer of white gauze, holy and lovely, with a touch of wintersweet as red as cold exposed in the ice and snow, a little less cold and imposing, a little more elegant and soft.
The tranquil and profound beauty tells us that 600 years of history have passed, but the snow in the Forbidden City has never changed year after year, day after day.
No. 4, Jingshanqian Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
24 Dali·Wuliangshan
In December in China, the cold wind is blowing and snowflakes are flying in many places, but Yunnan has ushered in another year early. The "spring" color.
The hope of spring, the vitality of summer, the harvest of autumn, the warm sunshine of winter...all blend into Wuliang Mountain filled with tea trees and winter cherry blossoms.
Coordinates: Wuliang Mountain, Jingdong Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province

Instead of envying other people's travels

it is better to bring this best travel schedule

Make your world colorful

What are the emotional poems about plum blossoms for third graders?

1. A collection of poems describing plum blossom love

Early plum blossoms

Li Gongming

Only the east wind comes and the west wind blows. The leaves in the mountains are empty.

Only the plum blossoms can't be blown away, still new white and new red.

red plum

Su Shi

The red plum blossoms are blooming every year, and they are about to bloom again by the riverside.

Cherish the sentimental Guan Yiling, send the spring with straightness and roots.

Early plum blossoms

Liu Zongyuan

Early plum blossoms bloom on tall trees, reflecting the blue sky.

The night fragrance floats in the late morning breeze, and the frost nourishes the dawn.

If you want to give me a gift from thousands of miles away, you will be separated by mountains and rivers.

When Han Ying is in ruins, what use is there to comfort distant visitors?

Shanyuan Xiaomei

Lin Bu

All the fragrances are swaying, and they are blooming alone, occupying the small garden with all the charm.

The sparse shadows are slanting across the clear and shallow water, and the faint fragrance is floating in the moonlight at dusk.

The frost bird steals its eyes when it wants to come down, and the white butterfly knows how to unite and break its soul.

Fortunately, we can have sex with each other by chanting slightly, and we don't need to be good at sharing gold bottles.

plum bossom

Jiang Weihan

There is a plum tree in front of Baiyutang. Today I suddenly see several flowers blooming.

Several doors are closed, how can one enter the spring scenery?

Xuemei (Part 1)


The plum blossoms and snow are fighting for the spring but are not willing to fall, so the poets put down their pens and commentaries.

The plum blossoms are three cents whiter than the snow, but the snow is less fragrant than the plum blossoms.

Xuemei (Part 2)


Plum blossoms without snow are not spiritual, while snow without poetry is too vulgar.

The sunset poem is full of snow all day long, and it is very spring when combined with plum blossoms.

plum bossom

Wang Anshi

There are several plum trees in the corner, and Ling Han is blooming alone.

I know it's not snow from a distance, because there is a faint fragrance coming.

Early plum blossoms

Zhang Wei

A tree with cold plum blossoms and white jade strips stands next to the bridge in Linlin Village.

I don’t know that the water flowers bloomed first, but it is suspected that they have not been sold after the spring snow.

Bu Suanzi Yongmei

Mao Zedong

Wind and rain send spring home, and flying snow welcomes spring.

There are already hundreds of feet of ice on the cliff, but there are still beautiful flowers and branches.

Qiao doesn't fight for spring, she only reports that spring has come.

When the mountain flowers were in full bloom, she smiled among the bushes.

Mo Mei

Wang Mian

The trees beside the inkstone washing pond at my house have blooming flowers with faint ink marks.

Don't let anyone praise you for the good color, just leave the pure air to fill the universe.

Mo Mei

Ju Jian

Don't hate the waste of painters. There is no need to seek differences, only similarities.

The jade face is not as beautiful as a jackdaw, so I entrust it with the dust of the Han Palace.

Early plum blossoms

All together

Thousands of trees are about to break due to the cold, but the solitary root is warm and alone.

In the deep snow in front of the village, a branch bloomed last night.

Mo Mei

Zhang Nian

The mountains, deep valleys, and waterside villages were once sparse with flowers and lost their souls.

I still hate the meaningless east wind, which blows misty rain and darkens the dusk.

Mo Mei

Zhao Bingwen

The painter does not paint the face with powder, but he is afraid that others will think he is straight.

It's impossible not to know each other when we meet, Xia Fu has always been looking for beautiful women.

Yi Mei

Li Shangyin

Settling at the end of the world, leaning towards the beauty of things.

Winter plum blossoms are the most hated, often used as last year's flowers.

white plum

Wang Mian

Wearing this body in the ice and snow forest is not like peaches and plums mixed with fragrant dust.

Suddenly, the fragrance spreads all night long, spreading like spring throughout the universe.


Wang Qi

The bamboo fenced hut is content to be free from the slightest bit of dust.

Just because he misunderstood Lin Hejing, the poet has been talking about it to this day.

Playing chess with Xue Zhaoming and losing a plum blossom poem

Wang Anshi

Huafa looks for spring and is happy to see plum blossoms. One of them is piled with snow near the road.

He recalled the old days of Fengcheng Nanmo, Xiangyao could not come with the post envoy.



Who knows the old age in front of me, only the plum blossoms accompany the loneliness.

The bright moon fills the sky like water, and when I wake up, I listen to the jade woman playing the flute.

Plum blossoms fall

In the middle of winter in December, the cold wind blows from the northwest.

Only the plum blossoms fall, floating without clinging to the branches.

Nostalgic for Zhushuangcai, strolling down Bingsi.

He Dang and spring reflect the hibiscus poem together.

Excellent fragrance and color, unique—on Wang Anshi's "Plum Blossoms"

There are several plum trees in the corner, and Ling Han is blooming alone.

I know it's not snow from afar, because there is a faint fragrance coming.

It snows every year,

I often put plum blossoms to get drunk,

There is no good intention in removing all the plum blossoms.

Winning clothes full of tears!

This year the world is far away,

Xiaoxiao's temples are blooming.

Look at the wind coming in the evening,

Therefore, plum blossoms should be ugly.

2. What are the poems describing "plum blossom love"?

1. "Recalling Plum Blossoms" by Li Shangyin of the Tang Dynasty

Settling at the end of the world, leaning towards the beauty of things.

Winter plum blossoms are the most hated, often used as last year's flowers.

2. "White Plum" Wang Mian, Yuan Dynasty

Wearing this body in the ice and snow forest is not like peaches and plums mixed with fragrant dust.

Suddenly, the fragrance spreads all night long, spreading like spring throughout the universe.

3. "Plum" Song Dynasty Wang Qi

The bamboo fenced hut is content to be free from the slightest bit of dust.

Just because he misunderstood Lin Hejing, the poet has been talking about it to this day.

4. "Plum" Yuan Gongxingzhi

Who knows the old age in front of me, only the plum blossoms accompany the loneliness.

The bright moon fills the sky like water, and when I wake up, I listen to the jade woman playing the flute.

5. "Die Lian Hua·The Curtain with Cold East Wind" by Ouyang Xiu, Song Dynasty

The east wind blows coldly behind the curtain.

The fragrant plum blossoms in the snow herald the early arrival of spring.

The branches of the red wax branches are small, and the ribbons are cut with gold knives.

The warm golden furnace smokes algae.

The wine enters the horizontal wave, making me sleepy and troubled.

Embroidered quilt and sleep well in the spring. Luo Gu did not realize the dawn on the screen window

3. A collection of love poems about plum blossoms

Feeling like old friends at first sight is the most beautiful encounter in my life.

Making a promise to you is the most eternal scenery in my plain years. I have always wanted to say that no matter where I go, what I want most is to be by your side.

May we love each other until the end of time. I believe we can wait together until our black hair turns white.

When you are here and I am here, everything will be like a piece of cake. There is not too much magnificence, only the sentence "I like you" can make each other care about each other.

My dear, you know, even if I am bruised and bruised, I still have the strength to love you. Some people you only look at once, but it affects their whole life.

Life is like making dumplings. No matter what the fillings are, I will wrap you tightly in my heart. No matter how the boiling water of life boils, my love for you can never be erased! Love is hurt, how many people have suffered, how many memories have been destroyed; love is sad, how many people have been cold, how many thoughts have been lost, even though moths fly to the flames, they still have no hesitation, only looking at love, hurting others and hurting themselves, but it is It cannot be cut off in a lifetime, so many lovesicknesses have been shed, so many infatuated tears have been shed, so many cups of turbid wine have been drunk, so many worldly loves have been tasted! If you are my lotus, then let me stay in love with you forever! "My eyes are raining for her, but my heart is holding an umbrella for her. This is love." At least once in your life, you forget yourself for someone.

I love you with all my heart. Please trust me.

Let the tide of love come closer to us little by little. No matter the wind or waves, I will stay by your side to protect you from the wind and rain. If I want to love someone, I want to abandon everything and just want to be with her.

Love has no reason, it comes from the throbbing in the heart; love has no excuse, it comes from looking back a thousand times. Even if the world disappears, my love for you will still be there.

Put that oath gently on your finger, and the two of you will live forever from now on. One growth only leads to one loss, only the old days bring us happiness.

Love is simple: one you, wholeheartedly. The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old together with you.

Open your hands dearly and let love stay at this moment. There is a calm love, and I will accompany you to watch the fleeting scenery.

Although you are not the best, you are the only one I love. I am willing to spend thousands of reincarnations in exchange for your eternity and eternity.

You are forever, no matter how long, no matter how far away, I will love you forever. The vow of love will always be with you and me.

Just because I glanced at you one more time in the crowd, I can never forget your face again.

I hold you in my heart, clasped my palms, and silently prayed to God to guide me in the direction. I don’t ask for eternity, but I just want to be by your side. Missing you is something I don’t have to think about every day. No matter how much time washes away, you have already stayed in my heart.

Although there are many flowers, there is no duplicate one. I hope you are destined for me in all my lifetimes. There are many people who like you, including me, but there are very few people I love, only you! No matter how the years change, my love for you never changes! Just for one person, throughout my life, to the end of the world, I only wish you peace! As long as I'm with you, there's nothing you don't want to do. Let me protect you forever for the rest of my life! We are all unique, any fate brings us together, and love keeps us together for a lifetime! On that day, you were the end of the world and I was the corner of the sea, looking at each other. In that life, you were the bright moon and I was the clear spring. I spent three lives with beautiful hair and cared for you all my life. I loved you every day, loved you every moment, and missed you every moment. I miss you every moment, and may God bless us in this life! I was too late to participate in your past, but I will accompany you to the end! I'm waiting for you in spring, a promise made by mountains and rivers over time. If you look up and see the clouds floating in the sky, it will be the most beautiful encounter in our lives. We have three parts of the world to fight for. Now I have my sword pointed at the end of the world, but I just want to play the piano for you. No worries from now on! In that life, by the West Lake, you played the strings for your beloved, and she danced gracefully for you. I couldn't play the love of my past life, and danced endlessly for a lifetime. The blue butterfly was drunk among the flowers, holding my hand to the end of the world.

Waiting for the flowers to bloom and fade as time goes by, my love for you has never changed! A lifetime of love, only for the beautiful woman! Do you know that you are the person I love most? It is not impossible to go through fire and water for you. I have never loved so deeply. I feel like I am the luckiest person when I meet you! Among millions of people, you and I met for the first time in that golden year and that season of flowers; we got to know each other on that day when the sun was shining brightly and the water was flowing on the small bridge; and we fell in love with each other when the summer breeze was gentle and we were admiring the stars side by side. . I would rather spend this life waiting for you to discover that I have always been by your side and never been far away.

Love is not that profound. Being able to depend on each other is the greatest happiness. Because of you, I believe in true love, and because of you, I believe in eternity.

I want to tell you loudly that you are always in my world. We all said that no matter what happens in the future, we must do well. Don't forget the promise we made naively! When I miss you, you are in the sky, when I miss you, you are in front of me, when I miss you, you are in my mind, and when I miss you, you are in my heart.

Just once in your life, fall in love with the purpose of getting married, and then stay together like that. In the passing years, the years will be peaceful. Just once in your life, let's fall in love with the purpose of getting married! Believe in it one last time and keep walking until you grow old. For me, nothing can be greater than you.

Love is the beating of your heart when you meet for the first time, but you still miss it thousands of times. Your place has to be the end of the world that I miss.

I will use my sincerity to accompany you and protect you for the rest of my life. Falling in love with you at first sight is the most beautiful encounter in my life.

Making a promise to you is the most eternal scenery in my plain years. The only miserliness in this life is that you are mine.

Thinking that you are with me in my future, I am not afraid of anything else. With you by my side in 2016, I believe we will not be afraid of wind and rain.

4. What are the ancient poems about plum blossom love?

1. May I be like a star, like the moon, and the light will shine brightly every night. ——Fan Chengda's "Che Yaoyao Chapter"

2. The sycamore tree and the rain in the middle of the night represent the true suffering of separation and love. Leaf by leaf, sound by sound, the air drips into the sky. ——Wen Tingyun's "Third of Three Gengluozi Poems"

3. The agreement between life and death is broad, and it is said by Zicheng. Hold your son's hand and grow old together. ——Anonymous "The Book of Songs·Beifeng·Drumming"

4. We are married as husband and wife, and our love for each other is unquestionable. ——Su Wu's "Wedding Hair as Husband and Wife"

5. When there is no end of the world, there is only endless love. ——Yan Shu's "Spring in the Jade House"

6. Life is a time to come back, and death is a longing for love. ——Su Wu's "Wedding Hair as Husband and Wife"

7. People are like clouds flowing into the river after the wind, and feelings are like the wadding stuck to the ground after the rain. ——Zhou Bangyan's "Spring in the Jade House"

8. Sex is not attractive, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ——Huang Chang's "Collection of Hangzhou Sayings and Poems"

9. Knowing that the love will always be there, I look at the sound of the river at the head of the river with regret. ——Li Shangyin's "Wandering Alone in Qujiang in Late Autumn"

10. Resting and leaning alone at the height of the Mingyue Tower, the wine fills my heart with sadness, turning into tears of lovesickness. ——Fan Zhongyan's "Su Muzhe"

5. Ancient poems describing plum blossoms and the emotions they express

Both fragrance and color are excellent and unique - Talking about Wang Anshi's "Plum Blossoms" There are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone.

I know it's not snow from afar, because there is a faint fragrance coming. Plum blossoms, with their beautiful fragrance and color, are unique in early spring. They have a strong character that is not afraid of severe cold and an enterprising spirit that is unwilling to lag behind. Therefore, they have always been chanted and praised by poets.

Among the numerous poems about plum blossoms in ancient my country, Wang Anshi's "Plum Blossom" can be called a distinctive and popular masterpiece. This plum poem praises the plum blossoms in early spring.

Although the whole poem only has 4 sentences and 20 words, it vividly depicts the charm and fragrance of plum blossoms in early spring. The first two sentences, "A few plum blossoms bloom in the corner of the wall, blooming alone in Linghan" describe the chilly early spring season, when nothing has sprouted, but a few plum blossoms in the corner bloom in the cold.

These two sentences describe plum blossoms, not depicting their shape, but conveying their spirit. The word "corner" indicates the location; "blooming alone" corresponds to "several branches of plum", conveying the message that plum blossoms have come to spring; the word "Linghan" indicates the time, highlighting the spring plum blossoms blooming proudly in the severe cold. Character traits.

However, these two poems are not the first to describe plum blossoms blooming proudly despite the severe cold. Before this, other poems have described it.

For example, the poem "Early Plum Blossoms" written by Chen poet Xie Xie of the Southern Dynasties: "Welcome the spring so we bloom early, and I don't mind the cold alone. I am afraid that after the flowers have fallen, no one cares to look at them." It is closely linked to the word "early" to express people's psychology. The words "doubt" and "fear" in the state are written as plum blossoms, which personify them, thus vividly reflecting their noble character of standing proud of the frost and fighting the snow to welcome the spring.

Compared with the previous two sentences, the latter two sentences, "I knew it was not snow from a distance, because there was a faint fragrance coming", are more novel and unique in describing the fragrance of plum blossoms. "I know it's not snow from afar", focusing on people's visual image, implicitly writing about the purity and whiteness of plum blossoms.

Although this poem denies that the few plum blossoms blooming alone in the corner that Ling Han saw in the distance are snow, it actually reflects the color of plum blossoms as white as snow in a tortuous way. Just imagine, if the plum blossoms are not white, but red or other colors, will the poet think of snow? Because plum blossoms resemble snow, the poem "Early Plum Blossoms" written by Zhang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "I don't know if the water blooms first near the water, but I suspect it is because the winter snow has not disappeared." The plum blossoms are mistakenly regarded as snow branches to reflect the early blooming of white plum blossoms, which are as bright as snow. It is the characteristics that give people a sense of being "wrong" but not wrong, and feeling strange in the "wrong".

The poem "I know it is not snow from afar" not only implicitly writes about the purity and whiteness of plum blossoms, but also indirectly explains that the "several branches of plum blossoms in the corner" written in the first two sentences are actually the poet vaguely seeing them from a distance. What you can see, and write about the fragrance of plum blossoms together with the next sentence "for there is a secret fragrance" that appeals to people's sense of smell. There is an inherent connection between the poems, showing the rigorous structure of the whole poem. When the poet wrote about the plum fragrance, he did not use any adjectives, nor did he splash ink to exaggerate it. Instead, he used the two lines of "remote knowledge" that "seem to be the most extraordinary thing from the ordinary" (Wang Anshi's words) cleverly and naturally.

There is a causal relationship between these two poems. It is precisely because the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from a distance that the poet "knows that it is not snow".

If the plum blossoms have no fragrance, the poet will inevitably mistake the "several plum blossoms in the corner" seen vaguely from a distance as snow branches. The poem about plum blossoms with two lines of mutual cause and effect has achieved an artistic effect of both fragrance and color, which is similar to Zhang Wei's poem "Early Plum Blossoms".

Of course, the two lines of the poem "remote knowledge" may not necessarily mean that the poet smelled the fragrance of plum blossoms in the distance and concluded that the plum blossoms were not snow. Rather, they were just fictional descriptions to express the strong fragrance of plum blossoms. If the plum blossoms sung in this poem "Plum Blossoms" not only make people appreciate its blooming charm in the cold weather, but also leave a distinct impression of its unique fragrance and color, then the poem itself is Just like the plum blossoms it chants, it is pleasing to the eye and enjoys the artistic beauty.

6. What are the poems about plum blossoms?

Bu Suanzi Outside the post station, beside the broken bridge, it is lonely and ownerless.

It is already dusk and I am sad alone, and it is even more windy and rainy. There is no intention of struggling for spring, and once everyone is jealous.

It was scattered into mud and dust, but only the fragrance remained the same. [Brief Analysis] Lu You loved plum blossoms throughout his life and wrote a large number of poems praising plum blossoms, praising their noble character of being proud of the frost and snow, weathering the cold wind, not afraid of violence, and not envious of wealth.

The image of plum blossoms created by the poem has the shadow of the poet himself, just as he wrote in his "Plum Blossom Quatrains": "How can one transform into a thousand billions, one plum blossom tree and one blooming man." This poem "Bu Shuanzi" also explicitly writes about plum blossoms. , implicitly writing embrace.

Its characteristic is to focus on the spirit of plum blossoms instead of describing the appearance. The first two sentences of the film say that plum blossoms bloom in the fields outside the post office, not in the golden houses and jade halls, and do not belong to the nobles.

The last two sentences talk about the experience of plum blossoms, which bloomed in the harsh wind and rain. The first two sentences of the next film say that he does not compete with the crowd of lovers and allows them to be jealous. The last two sentences of the film say that even if he is crushed to pieces, the quality of his fragrance will not change.

If we consider the situation in which the poet suffered repeated blows from the capitulationists throughout his life but his ambition to serve the country remains undiminished, it is really like "a plum blossom blooms on a tree and a young man blooms". "Plum Blossom" by Wang Anshi There are several plum blossoms in the corner, and Ling Han blooms alone.

I know it's not snow from afar, because there is a faint fragrance coming. Plum blossoms, with their beautiful fragrance and color, are unique in early spring. They have a strong character that is not afraid of severe cold and an enterprising spirit that is unwilling to lag behind. Therefore, they have always been chanted and praised by poets.

Among the numerous poems about plum blossoms in ancient my country, Wang Anshi's "Plum Blossom" can be called a distinctive and popular masterpiece. This plum poem praises the plum blossoms in early spring.

Although the whole poem only has 4 sentences and 20 words, it vividly depicts the charm and fragrance of plum blossoms in early spring. The first two sentences, "A few plum blossoms bloom in the corner of the wall, blooming alone in Linghan" describe the chilly early spring season, when nothing has sprouted, but a few plum blossoms in the corner bloom in the cold.

These two sentences describe plum blossoms, not depicting their shape, but conveying their spirit. The word "corner" points out the location; "bloom alone" corresponds to "several branches of plum", conveying the message that plum blossoms have come to spring; the word "linghan" indicates the time, highlighting the spring plum blossoms blooming proudly in the severe cold Character traits.

However, these two poems are not the first to describe plum blossoms blooming proudly despite the severe cold. Before this, other poems have described it.

For example, Xie Xie, a poet from the Southern Dynasty, wrote a poem called "Early Plum Blossoms": "Welcome the spring, so we bloom early, and I don't mind the cold alone. I am afraid of the flowers falling, and no one cares to look at them." It is closely linked to the word "early" to express people's psychology. The words "doubt" and "fear" in the state are written as plum blossoms, which personify them, thus vividly reflecting their noble character of standing proud of the frost and fighting the snow to welcome the spring.

Compared with the previous two sentences, the latter two sentences, "I knew it was not snow from afar, because there is a faint fragrance," are more novel and unique in describing the fragrance of plum blossoms. "Knowing from a distance is not snow" focuses on people's visual image and implicitly writes about the purity and whiteness of plum blossoms.

Although this poem denies that the few plum blossoms blooming alone in the corner that Ling Han saw in the distance are snow, it actually reflects the color of plum blossoms as white as snow in a tortuous way. Just imagine, if the plum blossoms are not white, but red or other colors, will the poet think of snow? Because plum blossoms resemble snow, the poem "Early Plum Blossoms" written by Zhang Wei, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "I don't know if the plum blossoms bloom first near the water, but I suspect it is because the winter snow has not disappeared." The plum blossoms are mistakenly regarded as snow branches to reflect the early blooming of white plum blossoms, which are as bright as snow. It is the characteristics that give people a sense of "wrong" but not wrong, and a sense of surprise in the "wrong".

The poem "I know it is not snow from afar" not only implicitly writes about the purity and whiteness of plum blossoms, but also indirectly explains that the "several branches of plum blossoms in the corner" written in the first two sentences are actually the poet vaguely seeing them from a distance. What you can see, and together with the next sentence "for there is a secret fragrance" that appeals to people's sense of smell, it writes about the fragrance of plum blossoms. There is an inherent connection between the poems, which shows the rigorous structure of the whole poem. When the poet wrote about the plum fragrance, he did not use any adjectives, nor did he splash ink to exaggerate it. Instead, he used the two lines of "remote knowledge" that "seem to be the most extraordinary things from the ordinary" (Wang Anshi's words), cleverly and naturally.

There is a causal relationship between these two poems. It is precisely because the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from a distance that the poet "knows it is not snow from a distance".

If the plum blossoms have no fragrance, the poet will inevitably mistake the "several plum blossoms in the corner" that the poet vaguely sees from a distance for snow branches. The poem about plum blossoms with two lines of mutual cause and effect has achieved an artistic effect of both fragrance and color, which is similar to Zhang Wei's poem "Early Plum Blossoms".

Of course, the two lines of "remote knowledge" may not necessarily mean that the poet smelled the fragrance of plum blossoms in the distance and concluded that the plum blossoms were not snow. They were just fictional descriptions to express the strong fragrance of plum blossoms. If the plum blossoms sung in this poem "Plum Blossoms" not only make people appreciate its blooming charm in the cold weather, but also leave a distinct impression of its unique fragrance and color, then the poem itself is Just like the plum blossoms it chants, it is pleasing to the eye and enjoys the artistic beauty.

Most of the poems and songs about flowers throughout the ages have plum blossoms as their theme. They either praise the unique charm of plum blossoms, or praise the beauty of plum blossoms, or praise the elegance of plum blossoms, or praise the dignity of plum blossoms. In the poem "A Gift to Fan Ye" written by Lu Kai from the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, he used plum blossoms as a token of friendship, which was unique: "When the plum blossoms are broken, I meet the messenger and send them to the people of Longtou.

Jiangnan has nothing, just give me a spring branch. "The poems about plum blossoms in the Tang Dynasty, in addition to describing grievances between friends, conveying friendship, and expressing one's life experiences, there were also excellent works that mainly imitated objects but contained beautiful connotations.

After the Song Dynasty, the number of works praising plum blossoms that used plum blossoms to convey friendship and express grievances between friends gradually decreased, while the number of works that wrote about the beauty of plum blossoms and praised the purity of plum blossoms gradually increased. g(m3 & People in the Song Dynasty were fond of plum blossoms, and they left many anecdotes about plum blossom planting, plum appreciation, plum blossom painting, and plum blossom writing for future generations.

The well-known scholar Lin Hejing, his couplet: "The sparse shadows are slanting across the clear water, and the faint fragrance floats in the moonlight at dusk", which is like a groundbreaking poem. It has attracted the attention of the poetry world since the two Song Dynasties and has become a plum blossom song that will last forever. So much so that the two words "sparse shadow" and "hidden fragrance" have become the names used by later generations to fill in plum poems.

Wang Shipeng, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, once asserted: "The dark fragrance and the moon's beautiful verses will overwhelm all poetic talents throughout the ages." Why is the reflection so great? Gein uses "dark fragrance" and "sparse shadows" to describe plum blossoms, which have both form and spirit, and fully express the beauty of plum blossoms. He also uses water and the moon as a foil to highlight the noble character of plum blossoms that endure loneliness and coldness and do not follow the trend of the times.

"How can one transform into hundreds of billions, one plum blossom tree and one blooming man?" This famous poem by Lu You can be regarded as a favorite among people in the Song Dynasty.

7. What kind of emotions do the plum blossoms in the poem convey?

Plum blossoms symbolize nobility and perseverance.

Plum blossom is a famous traditional Chinese flower. It is not only its elegant and elegant demeanor that makes ancient

Today, poets and painters praise it for its icy muscles and jade bones, and its cold-smelling quilt.

It is regarded as the essence of the nation and respected by the world. Loved by Chinese literati of all dynasties

There are many people who appreciate and praise plum blossoms.

Plum blossom, with its noble, strong and humble character, gives people the spirit of determination and hard work.

excitation. In the severe cold, plum blossoms are the first to bloom and spring is the only one in the world. Therefore, plum blossoms are the first to bloom.

It is often used by the people as an auspicious symbol to spread the good news of spring. Legends about plum blossoms

The beautiful meanings of things and plum blossoms are widely spread in our country and are widely used.

8. A collection of poems describing plum blossom love

1. May I be as bright as the stars and the moon, shining brightly every night.

——Fan Chengda's "Che Yaoyao Pian" 2. Wutong trees and rain at midnight indicate the bitterness of separation and love. Leaf by leaf, sound by sound, the air drips into the sky.

——Wen Tingyun's "Third of Three Gengluozi Poems" 3. The agreement between life and death is broad, and it is said with Zicheng. Hold your son's hand and grow old together.

——Anonymous "The Book of Songs·Beifeng·Drumming" 4. When they are married as husband and wife, there is no doubt about their love. ——Su Wu's "Wedding Hair as Husband and Wife" 5. When the ends of the earth are limited, there is only endless love.

——Yan Shu's "Spring in the Jade House" 6. Life is about coming back, and death is about longing for lovesickness. ——Su Wu's "Wedding Hair as Husband and Wife" 7. As time goes by, love never ends.

Heart like dual screen, there Chien knot. ——Zhang Sheng's "Qianqiu Sui" 8. People are like clouds flowing into the river after the wind, and their feelings are like the wadding stuck to the ground after the rain.

——Zhou Bangyan's "Spring in the Jade House" 9. People who are not charming will be fascinated by beauty, but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. - Huang Chang's "Collection of Hangzhou Sayings and Poems" 10. I know that my love will always be there when I am here, and I look forward to the sound of the water in the head of the river.

——Li Shangyin's "Wandering Alone in Qujiang in Late Autumn" 11. Resting and leaning alone high in the Mingyue Tower, the wine enters the heart of sorrow, turning into tears of lovesickness. ——Fan Zhongyan's "Su Muzhe" 12. Who is the kind of person who wants to open up Hongmeng? All just for the romantic love.

——Cao Xueqin's "Introduction to A Dream of Red Mansions" 13. Holding hands and looking into each other's teary eyes, I was speechless and choked. ——Liu Yong's "Yulin Ring" 14. Tenderness is like water, and good times are like dreams.

If the love between two people lasts for a long time, how can they stay in court? ——Qin Guan's "Magpie Bridge" 15. Acacia is without words, so don't waste tears on the flower paper.

——Yan Jidao's "Two of Three Partridges in the Sky" 16. Ask the world what love is, and teach you the promise of life and death. ——Yuan Haowen's "One of Two Songs About Touching Fish" 17. Fish Shen Yan Yao went to the end of the world and began to believe that separation in the world is painful.

——Dai Shulun's "Lovesickness" 18. You are like dust on the road, and I am like muddy cement. They rise and fall in different ways. When will they meet in harmony? ——Cao Zhi's "The Moon on a High Building" 19. A one-night stand is as long as the distance between the earth and the earth is long. ——Zhang Zhongsu's "Swallow Tower" 20. There are thousands of lovesickness in one inch, and there is no place in the world to arrange it.

——Li Guan's "Butterfly Loves Flowers" 21. Weijiang will keep his eyes open all night long and repay his life without raising his eyebrows. ——Yuan Zhen's "Three Songs of Sorrow and Feeling" 22. With tearful eyes, I asked the flowers without saying a word, and the red flowers flew across the swing.

——Ouyang Xiu's "One of Two Poems of Butterfly Love Flower" 23. If there is a beautiful woman, you will never forget it when you see her. If you don't see her for a day, you will miss her like crazy. ——Anonymous "Feng Qiu Huang·Qin Song" 24. The spring silkworms will not run out until they die, and the wax torch will turn to ashes before the tears dry up.

——Li Shangyin's "Untitled" 25. It's useless to think about lovesickness, but it's just madness to be melancholy. ——Li Shangyin's "Third of the Six Untitled Poems" 26. The pearls of Huanjun shed tears, and they wish they had met before they were married.

——Zhang Ji's "Yan of a Chaste Woman" 27. When will we know each other when we miss each other? It's embarrassing to be at this point in the night. ——Li Bai's "Three Five Seven Words" 28. The passage of time should be a waste of good times and good scenery.

Even if there are thousands of customs, who can tell them? ——Liu Yong's "Yulin Bell" 29. I have been missing you all night, and suddenly I came to the window and suspected that it was you.

——Lu Tong's "Thinking" 30. I sincerely know that everyone has this hatred, and poor couples are sad for everything. ——Yuan Zhen's "Two of Three Poems on Sorrow" 31. Life and death are uncertain in ten years.

If you don’t think about it, you will never forget it. Thousands of miles away, a lonely tomb, nowhere to speak of desolation.

Even if we meet each other, we should not know each other, our faces are covered with dust, and our temples are like frost. ——Su Dongpo's "Jiangcheng Zi" 32. After we said goodbye, we met again and again, and shared our dreams with you several times.

——Yan Jidao's "One of Three Partridges in the Sky" 33. The crowd searched for him thousands of times, but suddenly looking back, the man was there, in the dimly lit place. ——Xin Qiji's "Qingyun Case·Yuan Xi" 34. Who can complain about loneliness?

As a preface, it’s always an easy task. ——Liu Yong's "Day and Night Music" 35. If the love between two people lasts for a long time, how can they stay together day and night?

——Qin Guan's "Magpie Bridge Immortal" 36. Once upon a time, there was no water in the sea, except for Wushan, it was not a cloud. I look back lazily at the flowers, half destined to practice Taoism and half destined to be a king.

——Yuan Zhen's "Li Si" 37. People's passion has become less passionate, and now they are really not passionate. ——Nalan Xingde's "Breaking Through the Sands of Huanxi" 38. Du Dao is a good match between gold and jade. I only remember the alliance between wood and stone.

Facing the sky, you can see the crystal clear snow in the mountains; never forget the lonely forest in the fairyland. ——Cao Xueqin's "Lifelong Mistake" 39. There is only the moon in the spring court, which is like a falling flower for someone who has left.

——Zhang Mi's "Sending People" 40. Recalling the king's heart is like the water of the West River, flowing eastward day and night without rest. ——Yu Xuanji's "Jianling's Sorrow and Hope" 41. Good dreams are hard to come by.

Who knows how I feel at this time. Tears in front of the pillow and rain in front of the curtain, dripping into the light through the window.

——Nie Shengqiong's "Partridge Sky" 42. It seems that the stars are not last night, for whom the wind and dew stand at midnight. ——Huang Jingren's "One of Two Qihuai Poems" 43. I don’t know that my soul has died, and there are dreams accompanying it.

No one knows except the moon in the sky. ——Wei Zhuang's "One of Two Songs for a Female Crown" 44. I only hope that your heart will be like mine, and you will live up to your love.

——Li Zhiyi's "Business Operator" 45. I wish to be a winged bird in the sky, and a twig on the ground. As time goes by, this hatred will last forever! ——Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" 46. How much leisure is there? Yichuan tobacco, the city is full of wind and rain, and plums are yellow and rainy.

——He Zhu's "Hengtang Road" 47. Only if you don't miss lovesickness in your life, you will miss lovesickness, which will harm lovesickness. ——Xu Zaisi's "Toad Palace Song·Spring Love" 48. The concubine is like a mountain in the mountains, but the man is like a Buddha.

——Zhu Yizun's "Song of Yuanyang Lake" 49. The moonlight is a curtain of dreams, and the spring breeze is full of tenderness. – Qin Guan’s “Eight-Six Sons” 50. The emperor was about to tell the date of return, but Chun Rong swallowed without saying a word.

——Ouyang Xiu's "Spring in the Jade House" 51. Don't come to the half-year-old music book, an inch away from the intestines with thousands of knots. ——Wei Zhuang's "Ying Tianchang" 52. The water smoke sinks in the beast's furnace and the remaining flowers in the green marsh are written line by line in the biography of lovesickness.

——Zhang Kejiu's "Sai Hongqiu" 53. The thin figure shows self-pity in the autumn water, you must pity me and I pity you. ——Feng Xiaoqing's "Resentment" 54. Only if you don't love lovesickness in your life can you love lovesickness, which will harm lovesickness.

——Xu Zaisi's "Order of Guigui" 55. Change my heart for yours, and we will know each other deeply and remember each other deeply. ——Gu Xin's "Revelation of Heartfelt Feelings" 56. The sorrow of separation gradually becomes infinite, and the distance is like spring water.

——Ouyang Xiu's "Treading on the Shasha" 57. He should not be infatuated with love in his life. There is no place in the world for lovesickness. ——Kuang Zhouyi's "Reducing Words in Huanxisha" 58. This feeling can be recalled later, but it was already at a loss at the time.

——Li Shangyin's "Jin Se" 59. Why die if you have success? I am willing to be a mandarin duck and not envy the immortals. ——Lu Zhaolin's "Ancient Meaning of Chang'an" 60. Love is as deep as the sea, and old things are as far away as the sky.

——Le Wan's "Bu Shuzi" 61. Life has been full of love and obsession since ancient times, and this hatred has nothing to do with the wind and the moon. ——Ou Yangxiu's "Spring in the Jade House" 62. Even if you buy a fortune for a thousand dollars, who will complain about this?

——Xin Qiji's "Taking Fish" 63. The fallen flower man is independent, and Wei Yuyan flies together. ——Yan Jidao, "Two Poems of Linjiang Immortal" 64.

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