
Contents of this article

  • 1. What type of paper is better for genealogy printing?
  • 2. How to choose paper when compiling a genealogy to avoid insects and mold
  • 3. Do you know the method and composition of genealogy?
  • 4. How many books does it cost to print a genealogy?

What type of paper is better for genealogy printing?

Commonly used papers for genealogy printing include offset paper, light paper, and rice paper. For the colored parts, coated paper or matte pink paper is mostly used, and a few use fine paper. Genealogy is commonly available in hardcover and vintage thread-bound volumes, as well as velvet-bound and soft-cover hardcover editions.

How to choose paper when editing a genealogy to avoid insects and mold

    In ancient times, when compiling family trees, rice paper printing was usually used to ensure the longevity of the family tree, and then a series of preservation methods were carried out. The preservation of family trees generally has two major elements: completeness and safety. In many cases, in order to protect the original, sometimes we need to make a copy of the family tree. In fact, most genealogies have gone through ups and downs for several generations, and those that have been stored are either incomplete or the paper is yellowed and the handwriting is unclear. The compilation of a genealogy takes a long time, and generally involves processes such as data collection, creation of examples (formulating a writing style), content editing, printing and publishing. So, how should we store the genealogy before compiling it so that it can be better passed on to future generations?
First of all, you need to pay more attention to the paper used for genealogy editing

    In the past, rice paper was generally used for genealogy editing. Rice paper has a history of thousands of years in China. It is easy to preserve, not brittle and does not fade over time, so it is known as "paper has a thousand-year lifespan". Rice paper also has the characteristics of being light and thin. Because of its thin characteristics, it cannot be printed on both sides. When binding, butterfly binding is used, which looks very ancient. Another great feature of rice paper is that the ink does not fade or change after being exposed to water. This is also the most difficult advantage of rice paper among people. Of course, the fact that it does not fade when exposed to water means that there is no problem if it dries immediately after being exposed to water for a short time. For example, after a rice paper work is wet with water, it can be ironed with an electric iron, which will not affect the paper. Influence.


   Store away from direct sunlight. Ultraviolet rays from sunlight can cause paper to yellow and become brittle. The bookshelf can be used to store hygiene balls, mothballs and other harmless anti-insect drugs. In addition, it should be protected from moisture and high temperature. High temperature and high humidity will cause the aging of paper, and humidity can also cause mildew and insect infestation in books. Genealogy books should be placed in a dry and ventilated place. The camphor wood box is generally moisture-proof and insect-proof. If the family tree is placed in it, it will not be infested by insects for a long time, which is helpful for the preservation of the family tree.

Scan into an electronic family tree

  Whether it is rice paper or camphor wood boxes, they are relatively expensive materials, and compiling a family tree will waste a lot of money. For modern people, keeping mobile phones and computers with them is more conducive to the preservation of electronic genealogy.

Does anyone know the method and composition of genealogy?

There are three ways to make it:

1. Compiled by elders in the clan

This is easy to understand. Find someone who is older in the clan and has a clearer understanding of the clan's personnel structure to improve the editing.

2. Electronic books

If you want to make an electronic family tree, you usually need to download an app to fill in family member information, and finally it will be automatically generated into a fixed family tree format. This sounds more convenient and time-saving, but there are also disadvantages. For example, the two most important points:

(1) The use of electronic genealogy apps is relatively complicated. Most of the people who edit the genealogy are older and do not know much about the functions of mobile phones. They have been studying for a long time and cannot understand it. In the end, they chose to go to a professional genealogy editing agency to make traditional paper genealogy.

(2) Electronic family trees usually have several fixed formats. You can only choose one of them and fill in the information according to its format requirements. Some families may not like these fixed formats very much, or want to change some content. If this is not possible, in the end, a professional genealogy editing and printing agency will be chosen for customized genealogy layout.

3. Traditional paper genealogy

It sounds like it has not progressed with the development of the times, but in fact, the progress of traditional paper genealogy lies in the details, such as:

(1) Paper. We all know that rice paper printing is the best paper preservation material, but it is not easy to make ancient rice paper. However, the progress of today's society has upgraded the quality of rice paper, which can meet the needs of hundreds of years of storage. .

(2) Typesetting. The family tree typesetting method can make small changes in the format according to the needs of family members or the arrangement of information materials. It is more user-friendly and easier for teachers to collect and organize genealogical information.

(3) Service. Genealogy editing is not a quick thing to do, but requires professional knowledge guidance to carry out the family tree compilation and printing work more smoothly. Traditional paper genealogy printing companies usually provide free one-on-one editing guidance. Services, such as the Jinqiu Genealogy | Zhongyuan Genealogy Compilation and Printing Center, are services that cannot be achieved by electronic genealogy.

Based on the above, electronic family trees and paper family trees each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I prefer traditional paper family trees. Paper family trees are more solemn, more ceremonial and respectful than electronic family trees. Of course, the above are only personal opinions and are for reference only.

Family tree components:

1. Score name and edition

2. Compilation of personnel directories and family photos

3. Preface and inscription

4. Routine

5. Genealogy theory

6. Ancestor portraits, portraits and pictures

7. Directory

8. Origin of surname

9. Enronglu and inscriptions

10. Directory of revised genealogies in past dynasties

11. Ancestral hall, tomb, county title, hall name

12. Generation

13. Lineage chart

14. Family tradition, family training, family rules

15. Biography, art, family records

16. Customs and etiquette

17. Contract, family property

18. Family documents and miscellaneous notes

19. Merit list and deeds introduction

20. Get the font size of the score

21. Appendix, postscript, remaining notes

How many books does it cost to print a genealogy?

The printing price is positively related to the following conditions, you need to provide
1. Quantity, the greater the quantity, the cheaper the unit price; otherwise if it is too small, you can consider digital
2. What kind of paper and how many grams, There are coated paper, offset paper, and rice paper
3. Color, how many specialties or 4 colors, etc.
4. Genealogy sample single page size, 16k square or other; how many pages are there in the sample
5. Hardcover, Simple binding, ancient thread binding; genealogy box
The above information is provided, and a more accurate price can be quoted
Consultation record · Answered on 2021-05-29
How many copies of genealogy printing does it cost?
The printing price is positively related to the following conditions. You need to provide 1. Quantity. The greater the quantity, the cheaper the unit price; otherwise, if it is too small, you can consider digital 2. What kind of paper and how many grams, including coated paper and offset paper. Rice paper 3. Color, how many specialties or 4 colors, etc. 4. Single page size of genealogy sample, 16k large or other; How many p5, hardcover, simple cover, antique thread binding are there in the sample? If the information above is provided in the genealogy box, it can be reported more accurately Price
Genealogy specification A4 board, more than 500 pages of the whole book, using about 130 grams of printing paper, including more than 30 pages of color illustrations on copper paper, hardcover with outer box. First printing of 100 copies
Hello, Sorry, I still can't get the price right.
This answer is indeed difficult. The printing factory can only quote after verifying the budgeted cost and processing price. You are a teacher who is unable to quote. Please tell the truth and express your understanding.
Thank you

The above is all about genealogy printing paper, what type of paper is better for genealogy printing, and related content about genealogy printing. I hope it can help you.

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