
The cold dew season has arrived. Historical records record that "the cold dew on Douzhi Hanjia is cold dew. At this time, the dew is cold and cold, and it will condense, so it is called cold dew." At this time, the temperature is even lower, dew has condensed in the air, and it is gradually getting chilly. The ancients regarded "dew" as a symbol of cooler weather. During the "white dew" solar term in mid-autumn, "the dew condenses and becomes white." By the "cold dew" in the late autumn, "the dew is cold and will condense into frost." Frost will appear in some areas of my country at this time, but the north is already showing a late autumn scene, with white clouds and red leaves, and occasional early frost; the south is also getting darker with autumn, and the cicadas are still alive. In ancient my country, cold dew was divided into three periods: the first period is when swan geese visit; the second period is when birds enter the water and turn into clams; the third period is when chrysanthemums have yellow flowers . With the arrival of cold dew, the climate turns from hot to cold. As the cold increases, everything gradually becomes desolate. At this time, Yang Qi gradually recedes and Yin Qi gradually arises. The human body's yang energy also converges, and the yin essence is hidden inside, so the main focus should be on maintaining the yin essence.   Moisturizing yourself is the eternal theme of autumn health care. Cold dew is in the five Qi, the dominant Qi is Yangming Zaojin, and the polite Qi is Jueyin Fengmu. Autumn fever is common, and people are susceptible to lung and large intestine diseases, such as colds, bronchitis, asthma, lung tumors, hemorrhoids, etc. Autumn does not look like autumn. It does not store but grows instead, so it is also important to calm the liver. Especially friends whose birth year ends in 2, they are born with "old age, prevailing customs, and evil spirits in the spleen and earth". During this period, you should pay more attention to calming liver wind and nourishing liver blood. You should drink more liver-nourishing tea and less liver-nourishing tea. Be excited, less angry. Pay special attention to maintaining sleep, and strengthen health care intervention with traditional Chinese medicine and external treatments before and after the solar term.   Those with elderly people at home should focus on taking care of their heart and brain and beware of the onset of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and respiratory diseases, especially those living in the north. Friends whose birth years end in 3 and 6 should also pay special attention to preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases during this period, and use moxibustion to treat the navel, Mingmen, and Neiguan.   In addition, stroke, recurrence of chronic bronchitis in the elderly, recurrence of asthma, pneumonia and other diseases also seriously threaten the life safety of the elderly. In this troubled autumn and the cold dew solar term, middle-aged and elderly people should postpone their morning exercise time appropriately. Experts point out that the period from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m. is the most dangerous period for the heart of the elderly. Medicine has proven that the elderly are prone to stroke and sudden death during this period. If the elderly perform inappropriate exercise at this time, they are particularly prone to accidents. It is best for the elderly to exercise between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., and the amount of exercise should be appropriate.  

      No exposure to cold dew
      The proverb goes: "White dew does not expose the body, cold dew does not expose the feet." Once the cold dew is over, the temperature difference between day and night increases, so it is especially important to keep your feet warm. "All diseases arise from cold, and cold arises from the feet." The feet are where the three yin and three yang meridians of the foot pass. Cold evil can easily invade the human body from the feet and affect the functions of the human internal organs. To keep your feet warm, in addition to wearing shoes and socks with good thermal insulation properties, you should also develop the habit of soaking your feet in hot water before going to bed. Soaking feet in hot water can prevent respiratory tract infections, dilate blood vessels, improve the nutrition of the skin and tissues of the feet, and reduce the occurrence of lower limb pain.
    Diet and health
   "In the golden autumn, dryness is in season." At this time, dryness and evil qi can easily invade the human body and consume the yin essence in the lungs. Therefore, the diet in late autumn should be nourishing yin and moistening dryness (lungs). The ancients said: "In autumn, you should eat hemp to moisten dryness." Eat more foods that nourish yin and moisturize the lungs: such as honey, sesame, tremella, lotus root, water chestnuts, lily, tomatoes, pears, bananas, walnuts, etc. Eat less spicy food, and reduce the amount of ginger, pepper, etc. used as condiments. Eat more sweet and light spleen-tonifying foods: It is advisable to eat sweet and light spleen-tonifying foods during cold weather, such as yams, jujubes, japonica rice, glutinous rice, seabass, duck meat, lotus seeds, etc. During the cold dew season, people's spleen and stomach have not yet fully adapted to the climate change, so they should not rush to eat rich, sweet and rich foods, otherwise the spleen and stomach will easily become abnormal and cause fire, phlegm, dryness, and even damage to yin.
Medicinal food recommendations:    
Function: Nourish yin and moisten the lungs, strengthen the spleen and stomach Chestnuts are warm in nature, sweet and mild in taste. They contain a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, which can soften blood vessels, and can also nourish the kidneys and strengthen bones. Because chestnuts have good functions of nourishing the stomach and strengthening the spleen, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the muscles, promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding, they are especially suitable for the elderly with sore waists and legs, joint pain, etc.
Cold dew solar term health soup
Recommended Cold Dew Solar Terms Health Soup : Strengthens the spleen and moisturizes the lungs, metal and water complement each other. 
Meridian health care
       The original text in "Zun Sheng Ba Jian" reads: "The movement governs the five qi of Yangming. The cold water of the bladder is sufficient for the sun." The cold dew solar term corresponds to the bladder meridian of the human body. The bladder meridian runs from the Jingming point at the inner corner of the eye to the Zhiyin point on the little toe. It can be said to be "from head to toe". It is the meridian with the most acupuncture points in the human body. When there is cold dew, you can often massage the Weizhong point on the bladder meridian. The specific massage method is: use the thumbs of both hands to press the Weizhong point on both sides, pressing and relaxing once, and the intensity should be enough to make you feel a little sore. , generally it can be pressed about 20 times continuously, and at the same time, it is coordinated with the flexion and extension of the legs. When pressing, if you can apply a little scraping oil or medicinal wine, the effect will be better. Regular massage of the Weizhong point can not only treat low back pain , but also effectively relieve the soreness and pain in the legs.

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