
Seafood is a common and delicious food in many people’s lives, but it is not suitable for everyone, especially pregnant mothers. Their bodies are special. They must not only ensure their own physical condition but also take care of the safety of their babies. Pregnant mothers There are many things to pay attention to during pregnancy, especially various foods, and you should pay more attention to what you eat. So do we knowcan pregnant mothers eat crabs? Can pregnant mothers eat shrimp?

Some people worry that crabs are cold in nature and prone to parasites, and some crabs even contain hormones. They believe that it is not suitable to eat crabs during early pregnancy. During this period, the fetus is not fully formed, and eating crabs may affect neurological development. In this regard, experts said that pregnant women are not completely prohibited from eating hairy crabs, but they must be in moderation. As for concerns about hormones contained in crabs, food safety experts believe that this needs to be justified by scientific testing data and cannot be blindly speculated.  

Can pregnant women eat crabs?

1. Don’t eat too many crabs

Pregnant women should not eat crabs without restraint and eat until they are full. This is wrong. Experts say that pregnant women can eat crabs, but they cannot eat too much. Crab is a cold food. Even ordinary people may be prone to side effects if they eat too much at one time. But experts believe that there is no direct relationship between eating crabs and causing miscarriage. Even pregnant women who do not eat crabs may have miscarriages. Therefore, it cannot be said that "eating crabs will definitely lead to miscarriages." Pregnant women can eat crabs, but it is best to only eat one at a time. As for the specific gestational age of pregnant women, there is no absolute rule about whether pregnant women can eat crabs.

2. Worry that crabs may contain hormones Some netizens are worried that crabs are cold in nature and are prone to retain parasites. Some crabs are fed oxytocin and contain hormones. Experts believe that this concern has no scientific basis. No matter what statement is made, it must be based on scientific basis. It must be based on scientific data and analysis to give everyone a more scientific statement. He believes that, for example, if you are worried that crabs may contain hormone components, you need to send the crabs to the relevant inspection department for random testing. Based on the test data analysis and test results, use scientific test results to speak, and it is not random guessing. Make inferences.

3. Crabs must be cooked thoroughly Since hairy crabs are high-protein food and can easily go bad, you must choose carefully when eating them. Even fresh crabs must be cooked thoroughly before eating. It is best to boil the water for 20 minutes after boiling. If pregnant women eat dead crabs by mistake, they may suffer from dizziness and abdominal pain in mild cases, or vomiting and diarrhea in severe cases. Crab itself is a cold food, so it is best not to eat it with other cold fruits, such as persimmons, otherwise it may cause diarrhea. In addition, pregnant women should not eat crabs too frequently. Eating crabs once or twice a week is quite a lot. Crabs are people’s favorite seafood. Can special groups like pregnant women eat crabs? What should pregnant women pay attention to in their diet during pregnancy? Yitong will pay attention to you:  

1. Can pregnant women eat crabs? From the perspective of Western medicine, crabs are a high-protein food, and high-quality protein is beneficial and harmless to the body. Western medicine definitely does not support this statement. This statement is disputed by traditional Chinese medicine. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is not advisable to be hot before delivery and not to be cool after delivery. According to common sense, eating some cool foods before delivery, such as hairy crabs, is not a taboo for pregnant women. Although hairy crabs are delicious and highly nutritious, they are not suitable for everyone, especially pregnant women and people with certain diseases. They need to eat less or not eat them under professional guidance. In fact, pregnant women are not completely prohibited from eating crabs, unless they are cold and weak. To be on the safe side, you can taste the deliciousness of hairy crabs a little bit, but don’t eat too much, let alone crab claws. Another thing to note is that hairy crabs, a high-protein food, can easily go bad, so you have to be careful when choosing them. Otherwise, if you eat dead crabs by mistake, you may feel dizzy and have abdominal pain, or even vomiting. , diarrhea and even miscarriage. Because crabs have the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood clots, they may unsettle the fetal gas, move the fetus, and may also lead to miscarriage. Experts remind that in addition to pregnant women who should not eat crabs, crabs that contain a large amount of high protein, high amino acids, high cholesterol, cold nature, and dampness poison are not suitable for patients with high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, fatty liver, obesity, allergies, and kidney disease. Patients with functional impairment are not suitable for eating large amounts of food.

2. What foods should pregnant women not eat  

1. High protein diet is not suitable

Insufficient protein supply can easily cause physical weakness of pregnant women, slow fetal growth, slow postpartum recovery, and sparse milk secretion. Therefore, the daily protein requirement of pregnant women is 90-100 grams. However, if you follow a protein diet, it can affect the appetite of pregnant women, increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, affect the intake of other nutrients, and make the diet nutritionally unbalanced. Research has confirmed that excessive intake of protein can produce a large amount of hydrogen sulfide, histamine and other harmful substances in the body, which can easily cause abdominal distension, loss of appetite, dizziness, fatigue and other phenomena. At the same time, excessive protein will not only increase the nitrogen in the blood, but also easily lead to an increase in cholesterol, which will increase the burden on the glomerular filtration function of the kidneys.

2. High-fat diet is not suitable

Although fat itself does not cause cancer, long-term craving for food will increase the concentration of bile acid and neutral cholesterol in the large intestine. The accumulation of these substances can induce colon cancer. At the same time, high-fat foods can increase the synthesis of prolactin, promote the occurrence of breast cancer, and are detrimental to the health of mothers and infants. A large amount of medical research data has also confirmed that breast cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer have familial genetic tendencies and are also related to long-term high-fat diet. If a pregnant woman is addicted to high-fat foods, her daughter's risk of reproductive system cancer will be increased.

3. Don’t eat too much salty food

Some pregnant women are fond of salty food, especially northern residents. Modern medical research believes that there is a certain relationship between the amount of salt consumed and the incidence of hypertension. The more salt consumed, the higher the incidence. Pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome is a disease unique to pregnant women. Its main symptoms are edema, high blood pressure and proteinuria. In severe cases, it may be accompanied by subjective symptoms such as headache, dizziness, chest tightness, dizziness, and even eclampsia, which may endanger the mother. Baby well.

4. Not prone to high-sugar diet

Pregnant women's renal sugar excretion function may be reduced to varying degrees during pregnancy. If blood sugar is too high, it will increase the burden on the pregnant woman's kidneys, which is detrimental to health care during pregnancy. A large number of medical studies have shown that excessive sugar intake will weaken the body's immunity, reduce the disease resistance of pregnant women, and make them susceptible to bacterial and viral infections, which is detrimental to eugenics.

5. High calcium diet is not suitable

Taking a large amount of calcium tablets Pregnant women blindly consume high-calcium diets, such as taking a large amount of calcium tablets, vitamin D, etc., which is harmful to the fetus. Nutritionists believe that excessive calcium supplementation in pregnant women may cause hypercalcemia in the fetus; after birth, the children will have premature closure of fontanelles, widening and protruding jawbones, anteversion of the bridge of the nose, and narrowing of the aorta, which is not conducive to the health of the fetus. The growth and development of children also damages the appearance and beauty of future generations. Generally speaking, pregnant women need 800 milligrams of calcium per day in the early stages of pregnancy, which can increase to 1,100 milligrams in the later stages. This amount is sufficient as long as they are reasonably consumed from daily dairy products, fish, meat, eggs and other foods. Additional supplements are required.  

6. Not suitable for long-term vegetarian diet

Some pregnant women follow a long-term vegetarian diet in order to pursue a "toned" body during pregnancy, or because of financial constraints, which is not conducive to the growth and development of the fetus. According to research, if you do not pay attention to nutrition during pregnancy and the protein supply is insufficient, the number of fetal brain cells can be reduced, affecting future intelligence, and can also cause fetal malformation or malnutrition; if fat intake is insufficient, it can easily lead to the birth of a low-weight fetus. , the baby's resistance is low and the survival rate is low; for pregnant women, anemia, edema and hypertension may also occur.   We are very concerned about the life and diet of pregnant women. This is not only related to the body of pregnant women, but also for the safety of the baby. So through the above description, everyone must also have some ideas about whether pregnant women can eat crabs. gained a more comprehensive understanding. Expectant mothers can eat crabs during pregnancy, but pregnant women should pay attention to some things when eating crabs. Pregnant women cannot eat crabs without restraint and must eat reasonably.

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