Expectant mothers are generally prone to losing their appetite. Therefore, expectant mothers can eat some snacks in addition to the main meal. In addition to satisfying their cravings, they can also supplement different nutrients for themselves and the baby in their belly.
Recipes for pregnant women:
1. What to eat during 1 month of pregnancy
In the first month of pregnancy, the embryo has just formed. The amount of food in this month should be slightly more than that in pre-pregnancy to meet the needs. At this time, the diet should be carefully cooked. You can eat more barley flour in the staple food and seasoning in the non-staple food. Mainly sour. In the first month of pregnancy, protein plays a decisive role in the rapid development of the fetal brain. A slight deficiency may cause lifelong mental retardation. Recipes for pregnant women for one month of pregnancy: cold shredded shredded vegetables, yellow croaker soup, fried tofu with tomatoes, pickled crucian carp soup, homemade pickled cucumbers, roasted rapeseed, sesame spinach, cold celery leaves, roasted winter bamboo shoots, roasted eggplant, white fungus mixed with bean sprouts, dry stir-fried celery, Orchid and rapeseed, roasted tofu meatballs, braised peanuts with tofu, spicy cucumber shreds, bean sprouts mixed with dried fragrant seeds, sweet and sour red dices, stir-fried vegetarian chicken with raw bamboo shoots, mushrooms and beans, grilled day lily vegetarian wings, and tomato yellow croaker. Dietary taboos for pregnant women during the first month of pregnancy:
① The diet for pregnant women should pay attention to reasonable and comprehensive nutrition, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. Eat more milk, beans, seafood, meat, sesame, fungus, animal liver, peanuts, walnuts, corn germ, lean pork liver, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. ② Pregnant women like to eat sour food. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sour food can nourish the liver and nourish the fetus. ③ It is advisable to eat less or no spicy food to avoid affecting fetal gas. ④ When pregnant women are deficient in vitamin B1, they will experience nausea and vomiting, so they should try to eat more foods rich in vitamin B1 at this time. Such as animal liver, soybeans, peanuts, etc. ⑤ Nausea and vomiting may also occur when the liver of pregnant women is not functioning properly, so pregnant women should also eat more foods that can promote bile secretion, such as milk, egg yolks, and lemons.
2. What to eat during the second month of pregnancy Generally in the second month of pregnancy, some pregnant women begin to experience dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, abnormal appetite, liking to eat sour food, dislike of greasy food, and nausea. , morning vomiting, abnormal taste and other symptoms, which in turn lead to reduced food intake, partial eclipse, picky eating, etc., which can easily lead to unbalanced diet, unreasonable nutritional structure, imbalance of acid-base balance in the body, and finally affect the normal development of the fetus. The first 8 weeks of pregnancy is an important stage of fetal differentiation and development. Adequate nutrition and a reasonable diet are very beneficial to the fetus and pregnant women. Recipes for pregnant women in the second month of pregnancy: hawthorn carp and egg soup, cold pork liver, spinach with sesame sauce, strawberry mung bean porridge, fried assorted vegetables, assorted fruit juice rice, bean kernel rice, creamed corn shoots, green celery mixed with dried fragrant vegetables, sweet and sour cabbage (during pregnancy) , shredded potatoes, stir-fried bean sprouts and leeks, shredded apples, sweet and sour radish skin, celery mixed with silver sprouts, braised cabbage hearts with Hericium mushrooms, stir-fried day lily with black fungus (during pregnancy), pine nut kelp, sweet and sour pork ribs, roasted shredded pork with yuba, Shredded beef with bell pepper, braised yuba with walnuts and celery, braised yuba, stir-fried pork slices with lemon, stir-fried three beans, pine nut tofu, steamed beef with pickled mustard, and corn rice balls. Dietary taboos for pregnant women in the second month of pregnancy:
① The daily diet of pregnant women should be based on high-quality protein (fish, eggs, milk or dairy products, soybeans or soy products, etc.) and calcium, and vitamins should be added as needed to regulate them well. ② In the second month of pregnancy, pregnant women have severe early pregnancy reactions. To prevent vomiting, they can eat dry food before getting up, such as toasted steamed buns, biscuits, etc. Do not eat porridge or soup. ③ Vomiting usually lessens after dinner, so you can have a heartier dinner. Eating small meals frequently or eating light, delicious, less greasy food is also helpful in preventing morning sickness. ④ Pregnant women who are two months pregnant can choose more foods that pregnant women usually eat, preferably lean meat, fish, eggs, noodles, milk, soy milk, fresh fruits and vegetables.
3. What to eat during 3 months of pregnancy
In the third month, as long as a pregnant woman eats a full meal, her body can obtain enough calories and protein. However, in the complex metabolic process, it also needs the help and catalysis of vitamins, so pregnant women should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. . The first trimester of pregnancy is the period when the fetus's bones and internal organs are forming. It is best for pregnant women to eat more foods containing calcium and protein, and at least 40 grams of protein per day can maintain the protein balance of pregnant women. Recipes for pregnant women in the third month of pregnancy: fish dumplings, bean sprouts stir-fried with shredded pork, sea rice mixed with celery, fish-flavored liver slices, peanut stewed pig trotters, shrimp oil mixed with tofu, dry steamed carp, spicy and sour squid rolls, Chinese toon egg fried rice, sour shrimp roe Spinach, egg yolk and cauliflower soup, dried shrimps and vermicelli soup, dried tofu mixed with beans, jellyfish skin, five-threaded cucumber, assorted salads, spinach and shredded pork jelly, steamed buns, sweet and sour yellow croaker, shredded pork mustard soup, stomach-building radish soup, mushrooms Grilled eggplant, tiger skin walnut kernels, grilled white fungus, boiled cabbage with sea melon seeds, sweet crispy white fungus cup, fried carrot sauce, eggplant mixed with sesame sauce, and roasted winter melon with dried shrimps.
4. What to eat during 4 months of pregnancy
The focus of the diet during the fourth month of pregnancy is to enable pregnant women to consume adequate nutrients. During this period, due to the end of the early pregnancy reaction, the body and mind are comfortable, and the internal environment of the fetus is also very stable. It is also a period when the appetite is suddenly strong. The fetus, which has not needed much nutrition in the past, has now entered a period of rapid growth and needs more nutrition. Nutrition, therefore pregnant women should consume more nutrients such as protein, vegetable fats, calcium, and vitamins. Especially for people who have had severe early pregnancy reactions, their nutritional status is not good. In order to recover the losses, they must eat enough meals and pay attention to dietary therapy. Recipes for pregnant women in the 4th month of pregnancy: bean sprout sashimi, fried tripe kernels, millet noodles, steamed beef soup, stewed winter rice, milk rice, papaya and mutton soup, musu meat, wild rice scrambled eggs, roasted duck liver, shrimp stew Tofu, stir-fried squid with pickled vegetables, braised sea cucumber, stir-fried leeks with dried shrimps, walnut pearls, nutritious beef bone soup, roasted chicken with chestnuts, pork knuckles with almonds, cucumber noodles with shredded pork, vegetable buns, assorted sweet porridge, roasted chicken wings with Hericium, egg skin Stir-fried spinach, stir-fried rapeseed with shrimps, green fish maw, sesame sauce tomatoes, rabbit meat soup with walnuts and red dates, stir-fried black shreds, three-color steamed buns, and white lentil porridge. Dietary taboos for pregnant women in the 4th month of pregnancy: ① Since pregnant women have to bear the nutritional needs of two people, they need more nutrients than usual, but they should control the consumption of salty foods, spicy foods and cold foods, such as garlic, chili, cold drinks, etc. Because these can become causes of diarrhea, miscarriage and premature birth. ②Drink a glass of warm water every morning.
③ Avoid excessive fat and overly refined diet, and be sure to ensure the intake of iron and vitamins. ④ Pregnant women should pay attention to weight gain in the fourth month of pregnancy and should consume calories reasonably. It is recommended that 350 to 500 grams of cereal staple food, such as rice, flour, corn, millet, etc., should be consumed every day during this period. 100-150 grams of animal food, such as cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, fish, eggs, etc. 50 grams of animal offal, at least 1 to 2 times a week. 100-200 grams of fruit. 500-750 grams of vegetables. 250-500 grams of milk and dairy products. 50 grams of beans and bean products, such as tofu, soy milk, red beans, mung beans, soybeans, etc. 25 grams of fats and oils, such as cooking oil.
5. What to eat when you are 5 months pregnant?
Fetal growth levels off at 20 weeks, and you need to focus more on nutrition at this time. The loss of appetite in early pregnancy has long disappeared. Your appetite will increase greatly during this stage. You should try to eat more nutritious and balanced foods and avoid overeating. In the fifth month of pregnancy, pregnant women are prone to anemia and should be careful. Recipes for pregnant women in the 5th month of pregnancy: Fried eggs with green pepper, sweet and sour fish rolls, lotus tofu, roasted rapeseed with sea rice, duck wontons, honey-glazed pork chops, longan meat porridge, braised fish lips with three delicacies, eight-treasure porridge, walnut glutinous rice porridge, black glutinous rice porridge , pea porridge, fried eggplant box, scallion pancake, egg skin shaomai, corn and shrimp dumplings, five-nut dumplings, sea cucumber porridge, pork liver and spinach soup, mixed with dried shredded tofu, fried tender corn with bell pepper, carp blood soup, Ginger loach soup, glutinous rice and lotus seed porridge, jujube porridge, osmanthus steamed buns, fried pork liver with walnuts, hibiscus shredded chicken, red dates and mutton bone porridge, mushroom and millet porridge.
Dietary taboos for pregnant women in the 5th month of pregnancy: ① Excessive eating will increase the difficulty and pain during childbirth. In addition, it can easily cause high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. At the same time, it has no good effect on the development of the fetus, so a scientific diet is very important. of. ② Pregnant women should pay attention to timely supplementation of iron during this period. Iron is rich in liver, egg yolks, seaweeds, spinach, snow peas, perilla leaves, soybeans, soybean powder, brown sugar, and honey. ③ In the fifth month of pregnancy, the bulge in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman is already very conspicuous, and the abdomen feels saggy and loose. Food is not easy to digest in the stomach after meals. You can reduce the amount of food you eat at each meal, and divide three meals a day into four meals. Five meals, that is, small meals and frequent meals. ④ Starting from this month, pregnant women should pay attention to calcium supplementation and take cod liver oil. However, some people take a large amount of cod liver oil because they are eager to supplement calcium. This is not appropriate, because taking too much cod liver oil will cause abnormal fetal bone development. Cause many adverse consequences. ⑤ For pregnant women who work indoors for a long time and lack opportunities to bask in the sun, they should supplement vitamin D appropriately under the guidance of a doctor to promote calcium absorption.
6. What to eat during the 6th month of pregnancy During the 6th month of pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman will appear more bloated, and by the end of this month, she will look like a standard pregnant woman with a big belly. At this time, the nutritional needs of pregnant women and fetuses increase sharply, so attention should be paid to increasing appropriate amounts of nutrients to ensure the body's needs. While increasing nutrition, focus on increasing vitamin intake. Recipes for pregnant women in the 6th month of pregnancy: Stir-fried shredded eel, assorted yuba, shredded eel with parsley, smoked dried mushrooms, stir-fried celery with peanuts, scrambled egg with leek, stir-fried shredded eel, whitebait and green bean pine, fried shrimp balls with peach kernel ham , Shrimp shredded radish soup, pickled cabbage and broad bean soup, lotus seed and longan soup, egg and garlic noodles, fresh meat buns, barbecued pork buns, crab roe buns, braised egg dumplings, shortbread, green onion pancakes, kung pao chicken (during pregnancy), walnut rice porridge , Shouwu red date porridge, mullet and winter melon soup, carp stewed with radish, fried amaranth with scallops, soybean sprouts and pig blood soup, winter melon and chicken soup, crucian carp stewed with kelp, liver puree rolls, cucumber and fungus soup. Dietary taboos for pregnant women in the 6th month of pregnancy: ① Due to the accelerated energy and protein metabolism in pregnant women, the demand for vitamin B family increases. Since these vitamins cannot be stored in the body, there must be sufficient supply to meet the needs. Therefore, pregnant women should During this period, you should consume lean meat, liver, fish, milk, eggs, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits that are rich in such substances. ② During the sixth month of pregnancy, iron intake must be indispensable. Because iron is an important mineral, its role is to produce hemoglobin, and hemoglobin can transport oxygen to cells.
The human body needs to take in a small amount of iron and store it in tissues. The fetus absorbs iron from this "storehouse" to meet its own needs. Therefore, pregnant women must eat more iron-rich foods during pregnancy, such as milk, meat, green vegetables, fruits, etc.
7. What to eat when you are 7 months pregnant?
After the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetal brain is developing and metabolic activity is also enhanced. The pregnant woman's appetite increases and requires a large amount of calories and protein. As the fetus grows faster in the later stages of pregnancy, more nutrients need to be stored in the fetus, and the nutritional needs of pregnant women also reach their peak. To this end, we should diversify our diet, try our best to expand the sources of nutrients, and ensure the supply of nutrients and calories. Recipes for pregnant women in the 7th month of pregnancy: Roasted quail eggs with mushrooms, coral cabbage, fried rapeseed with pork liver, duck blood tofu soup, fried pork loin with peach kernels, claypot yellow beef, sweet lotus root glutinous rice porridge, shredded potatoes and green peppers, Dongpo tofu, sesame seed cakes , stewed beef soup (during pregnancy), chopped green onion and egg soup, carp and red bean soup, longan beef soup, quail and wolfberry soup, lotus root and peanut bone soup, tofu soup, black-bone chicken and indica rice porridge, winter melon and carp head porridge, red bean and brown sugar porridge, red date and walnut cheese , tomato and pork liver noodles, meat and vegetable buns, fruit dumplings, Sichuan pickles, vegetarian Sixi steamed dumplings, assorted savory porridge, carp and japonica rice porridge, five-color seaweed soup, fried Hericium mushrooms. Dietary taboos for pregnant women in the 7th month of pregnancy: ① In order to meet the nutritional needs of this period, pregnant women should add more soy protein, eat more tofu and drink more soy milk on the basis of the diet in the second trimester. ②In order to meet the need for a large amount of calcium, you should eat more seafood such as kelp and seaweed. ③In order to meet vitamin needs, eat more animal livers. ④ It is not advisable to eat more animal fats and reduce salt intake. Avoid eating foods with high salt content such as pickles and salted eggs. People with obvious edema should control their daily salt intake to 2-4 grams. ⑤ Avoid spicy seasonings, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and supplement calcium appropriately.
8. What to eat during 8 months of pregnancy
In August, pregnant women will have difficulty moving due to their bulky bodies. At this time, the uterus has occupied most of the abdomen, and the pregnant woman's stomach is squeezed, which affects her appetite, so she often feels like she is not full. During this period, the mother's basal metabolic rate reaches its highest peak. Nutrition should be supplemented as much as possible, multiple meals a day should be implemented, and various nutrients should be taken in a balanced manner to prevent obesity and growth retardation. During this month, the fetus begins to store fat in the liver and under the skin. If carbohydrate intake is insufficient at this time, it will lead to the decomposition and mobilization of protein and fat in the mother's body, easily leading to protein deficiency and ketoacidosis. Various fish, shrimp, chicken, eggs, milk and soy products can provide high-quality protein. In the eighth month of pregnancy, the supply of calories should be ensured. In addition to a large amount of glucose for rapid fetal growth and storage of glycogen and fat in the body, a certain amount of fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, is also needed. This is also the peak period of brain proliferation, the cerebral cortex proliferates rapidly, and the abundant linoleic acid can meet the needs of brain development. During this month, in order to reduce the harm of premature rupture of membranes, copper intake should also be increased. In recent years, with the emphasis on trace elements and improvements in detection methods, it has been found that the serum copper values ​​of women with premature rupture of membranes are lower than those of women with normal rupture of membranes. This indicates that premature rupture of membranes may be related to serum copper deficiency. Copper plays a key role in the maturation of the collagen and elastin fibers of the collagen fibers, which in turn provide the fetal membranes with their special elasticity and plasticity. If the level of copper is low, it can easily cause the fetal membranes to become thinner, more brittle, and less elastic and tougher, leading to premature rupture of the fetal membranes. Recipes for pregnant women in the 8th month of pregnancy: sesame cabbage, honey walnuts, braised cabbage with bamboo shoots, stir-fried pumpkin with sardines, braised asparagus with butter, stir-fried fish sticks with shepherd's purse, cuttlefish and peanut ribs soup, pickled cabbage and shredded pork noodle soup, stir-fried day lily with black fungus, silver Shredded chicken with sprouts, pork liver and spinach, sweet and sour ginseng and squid slices, three-color edamame kernels, steamed crucian carp, fried kidneys, roasted tendons, pork and winter melon dumplings, chicken and pea rice, mixed spinach, five-spice peanuts, fried lentils, fresh crab Pot stickers, fresh meat rice dumplings, stir-fried cauliflower with mushrooms, spinach and egg soup, shrimp skin and radish soup, spicy sea cucumber soup, fresh meat mixed with vermicelli, glutinous rice and coconut porridge, squid and pigeon egg soup. Dietary taboos for pregnant women in the 8th month of pregnancy: ① Pregnant women can supplement with vegetable oil. Corn, peanuts, sesame and other fruits also contain linoleic acid.
②In order to reduce edema and pregnancy-induced hypertension, add less salt to your diet. At the same time, your diet should not be unrestrained, and your weight gain should be limited to less than 400 grams per week.
③Copper in the human body is usually absorbed through food. Foods with high copper content include liver, beans, seafood, shellfish, vegetables, fruits, etc. If pregnant women do not have a picky eclipse and eat more of the above foods, copper deficiency will not occur, which can reduce the chance of premature rupture of membranes.
9. What to eat during the 9th month of pregnancy Dietary strategies: During the 9th month of pregnancy, vitamins and sufficient iron and calcium must be supplemented. Adequate water-soluble vitamins, with thiamine (vitamin B1) being the most important. If thiamine is insufficient this month, it can easily cause vomiting, fatigue, and physical weakness. It can also affect uterine contraction during delivery, prolonging the labor process, and making delivery difficult. Thiamine can be obtained from meat, grains, and soy products. Vitamin K is a nutrient necessary for normal blood coagulation. It is very abundant in food and can be produced by intestinal bacteria. However, because it can be dissolved in fat, it is difficult to enter the blood of the fetus. Therefore, newborns are particularly prone to bleeding, and bleeding in the brain or spine can cause cerebral palsy. Some obstetricians and gynecologists are accustomed to injecting vitamin K into newborns. Unfortunately, large amounts of synthetic vitamin K are toxic and this precaution is not advisable. Recipes for pregnant women in the 9th month of pregnancy: Salted duck liver, carrot and beef brisket rice, lemon duck liver, beef porridge, winter melon and mutton soup, casserole Huaishan black-bone chicken soup, baby cabbage and cuttlefish soup, lentil brown sugar porridge, leek and egg pot stickers, green salt and three shreds. Dietary taboos for pregnant women in the 9th month of pregnancy: ① In order to ensure that the fetus has enough vitamin K, in the last month of pregnancy, you should eat more foods rich in vitamin K, such as fresh liver, cooked green vegetables, and fresh yogurt. wait. ②In the ninth month of pregnancy, please continue to control your salt intake to reduce the discomfort caused by edema. Since there is not much space in the stomach of pregnant women, do not drink a large amount of water at one time to avoid affecting eating.
10. What to eat during the 10th month of pregnancy In the final stage, pregnant women neglect their diet due to psychological stress. Many pregnant women will have fear of the delivery process and feel that the waiting days are particularly long. At this time, family members should help the pregnant women adjust their mood. Make some foods that pregnant women love to eat to reduce psychological stress. Recipes for pregnant women in the 10th month of pregnancy: milk oatmeal porridge, stewed black-bone chicken with wolfberry, seaweed beef, hot kidneys, home-style braised hairtail, carp soup, purple amaranth porridge, old pigeon soup, eel and pig's trotters. Dietary taboos for pregnant women in their 10th month of pregnancy:
① This period is the peak of relative proliferation of fetal brain cells, which requires sufficient fatty acids to meet the development of the brain. Fatty acids are found in higher amounts in marine fish and eggs. ② This period is a period when relatively large amounts of protein are stored in the body, so you should eat more animal foods and soy foods. Such as fish, lean meat and liver of pig, cow, sheep, etc. ③Lack of vitamins can easily cause vomiting, fatigue, weak uterine contraction during delivery, and delay the labor process. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables every day, and choose according to your own taste. ④ During this month, because the growth and development of the fetus has basically matured, if pregnant women are still taking calcium and cod liver oil, they should stop taking it as soon as possible to avoid increasing the metabolic burden. The supply of heat energy is the same as in the second trimester, and the intake of fat and sugar is appropriately limited to avoid making the fetus too large and affecting delivery.

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