
Contents of this article

  • 1.Who is Shelley?
  • 2. The past belongs to Death and the future belongs to you
  • 3.Whose son is Shelley?
  • 4. Shelley’s Elegy for Keats

who is shelley

  Full name: Percy Bysshe Shelley
  Birth and death: August 4, 1792 - July 8, 1822
   Percy Bysshe Shelley, English romantic poet. Born in Sussacos County in 1792, he encountered a storm while traveling in a small boat in July 1822 and drowned in the Gulf of Spezia. He was 30 years old.
  Main works:
  The Irishman`s Song (1809)
  War (1810)
  The Devil`s Walk (1812)
  Queen Mab (1813)
  A republican Feelings Of A Republican On The Fall Of Bonaparte (1816)
  Marianne`s` Dream (1817)
 <x3 >To The Lord Chancellor (1817)
  Ozymandias (1817)
  The Past (1818)
< x3> On A Faded Violet (1818)
  Invocation To Misery (1818)
<x3 > To Mary (1818)
  The Revolt of Islam (1818)
  England in 1819, 1819)
  [1] Ode To The West Wind (1819)
  A Starving Mother (1819)
   Prometheus Unbound (1819)
  Rosalind and Helen (1819)
  The Cenci , 1819)
  Mimosa (The Sensitive Plant, 1820)
  The Cloud (1820)
  To the Skylark (To A Skylark, 1820)
  Ode To Liberty, 1820)
  Adonai s, 1821)
  A Broken Lamp (Lines, 1822)
  The Cenci (1819, Tragedy in five acts)
  Oedipus Tyrannus (1820, verse drama)
  Greece (Greece, 1821, lyric drama)
  Essays and Essays The Necessity of Atheism (1811)
  The Refutation of Deism (1814)
  Suggestions for Putting the Reform to a National Vote (1817)
  A Defense of Poetry (1821)
  Plato's "Symposium"
   Homer's "Ode to Venus" and others
  Part of Dante's "Inferno"
  Part of Goethe's "Faust"

The past belongs to Death and the future belongs to you

Full name: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Birth and death: August 4, 1792 - July 8, 1822
Generally translated as Shelley, a British romantic poet, born in Warnham, near Horsham, Sussex, England, his grandfather was a baronet and his father was a member of Parliament.
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Shelley began to try writing poetry when he was 8 years old. During his years at Eton, Shelley collaborated with his cousin Thomas on the poem "The Wandering Jew" and published it The satirical novel "Zastroch".
At the age of 12, Shelley entered Eton College, where he was abused by his seniors and teachers. This phenomenon was very common in schools at that time, but Shelley did not swallow it like ordinary freshmen. He openly He resisted these, and this rebellious personality burned up his short life like fire.
In 1810, the 18-year-old Shelley entered Oxford University and was deeply influenced by the works of British free thinkers Hume and Godwin. Shelley habitually wrote his thoughts on God, politics and society into pamphlets and distributed them Give it to some strangers and ask them for their opinions.
On March 25, 1811, Shelley was expelled from Oxford University after less than one year of enrollment for distributing "The Necessity of Atheism". Shelley's father, a conformist country squire, asked Shelley to publicly declare that he had nothing to do with "The Necessity of Atheism". When Shelley refused, he was kicked out of the house. Shelley, who had been cut off from financial support, lived alone for a period with the help of his two sisters. During this period, he met Heliette Westbrook, his sister's classmate and the daughter of a small hotel owner. . Shelley only met this sixteen-year-old girl a few times. She was lovely and pitiful. When Shelly saw a letter from her in Wales saying that she was being abused by her father at home, he resolutely rushed back to London and brought her with him. This poor girl who loves him embarks on the road of elopement. They married in Edinburgh and lived in York.
On February 12, 1812, Shelley, who sympathized with Ireland, which was forcibly annexed by Britain, and his wife went to Dublin to support the liberation cause of Irish Catholics. There, Shelley delivered an impassioned speech and distributed a Letter to the Irish People. ” and “Proposal for the Establishment of the Philanthropist Association.” Driven by political fervor, Shelley spent the next year traveling throughout England, distributing his liberal pamphlets. In November of the same year, he completed the long narrative poem "Queen Mab". This poem is rich in philosophy and criticizes the hypocrisy of religion and all the inequalities that exist between the feudal class and the working class.
In 1815, Shelley's grandfather passed away. According to the primogeniture law at that time, Shelley, who was financially very poor at the time, received an annuity, but he refused to enjoy it exclusively and shared the property with his sister. In addition to "Alastor" this year, Shelley wrote more short essays involving philosophy and politics.
In May of the following year, he and Mary traveled to Europe again, and had a close relationship with Byron on the shores of Lake Geneva. The friendship between these two great poets of the same generation lasted until Shelley's death. Shelley's later work "Julian and Motor" "Lo" is based on Byron and himself as prototypes. In November of the same year, Shelley's wife threw herself into the river. In court, because she was the author of "Queen Mab", the justice awarded the custody of the two children to her father-in-law. For this reason, Shelley suffered a heavy blow and died. Even his closest friends did not dare to mention his children in front of him. Out of pain and anger, Shelley wrote "To the Lord Chancellor" and "To William Shelley". Shelley married Mary. In order not to affect the educational rights of his children with Mary, Shelley and his family left England forever.
From 1818 to 1819, Shelley completed two important long poems, "Prometheus Unbound" and "The Affair", and his extremely immortal masterpiece "Ode to the West Wind". "Prometheus Unchained", like "Queen Mab", cannot be published publicly, while Shelley's most mature and perfectly structured work "Qianqi" has been called "the worst work of our time" by British critics. , seems to be from the hands of the devil."
John Keats passed away on February 23, 1821. In June, Shelley wrote "Adoni" to express his mourning for Keats, and to accuse the British literary world and the causes of Keats's early death. The current social situation at that time.
On July 8, 1822, Shelley took the boat "Don Juan" he built himself when he encountered a storm on his way back to Lerici from Lehengdu Sea. The boat capsized. Shelley and the two people on the boat were not spared. According to local laws in Tuscany, any object floating on the sea must be burned. Shelley's body was cremated in a Greek ceremony by his friends Byron and Trelawney. They smeared frankincense on the body. On top, sprinkle salt on the fire. In January of the following year, Shelley's ashes were brought back to Rome and buried in a place that he considered to be the most ideal resting place during his lifetime.
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Shelley's marriage was used by his enemies as the best weapon to attack him from the beginning. When those romantic chivalry cooled down rationally, he The more real side of that hasty marriage began to emerge as the two people grew up. Shelley had to admit that marriage did not save his wife, it just tied two people together to endure another kind of torture. Mentally and emotionally, the differences between the two people are getting bigger and bigger. During this period, Shelley met Godwin's daughter Mary Godwin (1797-1851). They fell in love and traveled to the European continent together. Their ideals about love and marriage were so pure that they were even the most stringent. The critics were also unable to deliver their speeches. After Shelley's death, Mary edited and annotated the complete collection of his poems.
Main works
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The Irishman`s Song (1809)
War (War, 1810)
The Devil Travels (The Devil `s Walk, 1812)
Queen Mab (1813)
Feelings Of A Republican On The Fall Of Bonaparte (1816)
Mary Anne Marianne`s` Dream (1817)
To The Lord Chancellor (1817)
Ozymandias (Ozymandias, 1817)
The Past (1818)
On A Faded Violet (1818)
Invocation To Misery (1818)
To Mary (1818)
The Revolt of Islam (1818) <ph 33> Ode To The West Wind (1819)
A Starving Mother (1819)
Rosalind and Helen (1819)
The Sensitive Plant , 1820)
The Cloud (1820)
To A Skylark (1820)
Ode To Liberty (1820)
Prometheus Unbound, 1820)
Adonais (1821)
A Broken Lamp (Lines, 1822)
The Cenci (1819, a tragedy in five acts)
Tyrannical Oedipus Tyrannus (1820, poetic drama)
Greece (1821, lyric drama)
Essays and essays The Necessity of Atheism (1811)
Refutation of Deism (1814)
Proposal to put reforms to a national vote (1817)
Poetry Debate Protector (1821)
Plato's "Symposium"
Homer's "Ode to Venus" and others
Part of Dante's "Inferno"
Part of Goethe's "Faust"
A poem attached
On A Faded Violet
The odor from the flower is gone,
Which like thy kisses breathed on me; The breath that your kiss revealed to me;
The color from the flower is flown, The color of the flower has faded,
Which glowed of thee, and only thee! As bright as you once glowed, only thee you!
A shriveled, lifeless, vacant form,
It lies on my abandoned breast,
And mocks the heart, which yet is warm , with its cold and silent rest.
With cold and silent rest. Taunting my still burning heart.
I weep ---- my tears revive it not; I sigh ---- it breathes no more on me;
I sigh ---- it breathes no more on me;
ph68>Its mute and uncomplaining lot
Is such as mine should be.

Whose son is Shelley?

Shelley, English name (Percy Bysshe Shelley), is one of the most talented lyric poets in the history of British literature, and is also known as the poet among poets. He had extensive knowledge in his life and was not only a Platonist, but also a great idealist. The poems he creates are lively and positive. Major works: Poetry   The Irishman`s Song (1809)   War (1810)   The Devil`s Walk, 1812)   Queen Mab (1813)   Feelings Of A Republican On The Fall Of Bonaparte (1816)    Marianne`s` Dream (1817)   To The Lord Chancellor (1817)   Ozymandias (1817) <x3 > The Past (1818)   On A Faded Violet (1818)   Invocation To Misery (1818)  <x3 >To Mary (1818)   The Revolt of Islam (1818)   Ode To The West Wind (1819)   A Starving Mother (1819)   Rosalind and Helen (1819) )   The Sensitive Plant (1820)   The Cloud (1820)   To A Skylark (1820)    Ode To Liberty (1820)   Prometheus Unbound (1820)   Adonais (1821)   A broken lamp Lines (1822)    Script   </B>The Cenci (1819, tragedy in five acts)   The Tyrannical Oedipus Tyrannus, 1820, verse drama)   Greece (Greece, 1821, lyric verse drama)   Thesis and prose The Necessity of Atheism (1811)  <x 3> Refutation of Deism (1814)    Proposal to put the reform to a national vote (1817)    Defense of Poetry (1821)    Translation <x3 > </B>Plato's "Symposium"   Homer's "Ode to Venus" and others  Part of Dante's "Inferno"  Goethe's "Faust" part

Shelley's Elegy for Keats

I cry for Adonis - he is dead!
Oh, weep for him! Although our tears
cannot melt the frost that freezes his beautiful forehead!
And you, melancholy hour, have been singled out by time
to bear our loss; impart your sorrow to your peers
: you should say: "Atoni
is He who died with me; if the 'future' dares not to -
forget the 'past', his destiny and reputation must be a
ray of light, an echo, added to eternity!
Great Mother, where were you then,
when your son fell, pierced by the arrow
that flew from the dark? Oh, when Adonis passed away,
where was poor Urania? She was sitting in heaven with her eyes closed
, and amid the echoes,
she heard an echo that reawakened all the lost music with a gentle trembling
; This beautifies the intrusion of death,
just as flowers on a grave cover the corpse beneath.
Oh, weep for Adonis - he is dead!
Wake up, sad mother, wake up and mourn!
But what’s the use? Let your hot tears
dry in the hot eye sockets, and let your howling heart
rest silently and without complaint like his heart;
because after he died, he has gone to all the good things
Where he goes; Oh, don't think that the greedy Hades
will still hand him over to the realm of life;
Death is feasting on his silence and mocking our mourning.
The most touching mourner, cry again!
One more condolence, Urania! --he died!
He, the creator of an immortal music,
blind, old, alone, the glory of his country
consecrated with lust and blood by priests, slaves and stranglers of freedom

trampled and slandered by all kinds of evil; he went to the abyss of death
fearless; but his bright soul
still hangs high in the world; he is the third of the Sons of Light.
The most touching mourner, cry again!
Not everyone dares to climb that glorious position;
Those who can be complacent in the dark night of time
are blessed, because although the sun has faded,
their candlelight is still burning; There are also some
noble people who were struck down by the jealous wrath
of men or gods, and perished in their splendid years;
even more still live on, trudging the thorny road,
Work hard without complaint, and move towards a peaceful residence with a good reputation. 6 >Nourished by tears of true love, not dew;
O most touching mourner, cry again!
Your last and dearest hope has come to nothing;
He is a flower whose petals have not yet opened
but are cold and dead;
the lily is destroyed ——The storm also calmed down.
He has gone to the noble capital, where
the majestic Death presides over his court
amid beauty and decay. He exchanged his purest breath
for the tomb of a person who will be famous throughout the ages.
Come and cry, while his body is still beautiful
lying under the azure Italian sky,
quietly sleeping like condensed dew,
don’t wake him! He must have left behind all worries and
was enjoying his deep and quiet tranquility.
He would not wake up, oh, never again!
In that hazy corpse room, the pale shadow of death quickly spread
, ​​while at the door
the invisible "rot" was waiting, waiting to guide him
to the final step to her dark place. Residence:
Hungry sat in wait, but pity and awe
dampened her lust; unless impermanence and darkness
drew down the curtain of death from his sleep,
Otherwise, how could she dare to tear such a beautiful captive apart?
Oh, weep for Adonis! ——Brilliant dreams,
messengers of thoughts winged by passion,
these are his herds, fed and
loved by the
vigorous springs of his young heart, The music of his soul; but now
no longer roam in the excited mind;
they shrivel in the place of their birth, surrounding the cold heart
lamenting their misery, for in the sweet After the pain of birth,
they no longer gain strength and lose the tenderness of home forever.
One dream still hugged his cold head,
and kept beating him with the wings of moonlight, shouting:
"Our love, hope, sorrow, are not dead;
Look at the eyelashes of his dim eyes
lifting a tear, like dew on the petals of a sleeping flower.
This must be a dream left in his mind. "
Oh, unfortunate angels whose heaven has fallen!
Little did she know that those were her own tears; she finally
disappeared, like a cloud that has dried up its tears, leaving no trace.
Another dream washed his limbs with a cup of crystal dew
as if applying balm;
Another dream cut off her fluffy curls
weaved them into garlands and He put it on his head,
the wreath shone with frozen tears instead of real pearls;
there was also a dream that was too sad, determined to break
her bow and arrows, as if to use this lighter
The loss choked her sorrow; and in order to slow down the fire on the
arrow, she placed the arrow next to his ice cheek.
A glorious dream fell on his lips,
from which she usually gained strength with every breath she took,
thus piercing prejudice
And into the stirring heart of the listener
With music and lightning: but the dank death
has turned her kiss on his lips to cold ice;
Oh, as if in the cold In the condensation of the night, the moonlight's
pale fog ring was suddenly illuminated by the meteor.
She flowed through his pale limbs, and then disappeared.
There are other illusions... "desire" and "belief",
winged "faith" and veiled "destiny",
glory and darkness, and " The
flickering incarnations and hazy shapes of "hope" and "fear";
and "sorrow", which brought her family to "sigh",
and "joy", blurred by tears. , it was not the eyes
but the dying smile that led her forward -
all of them formed a gorgeous row of phantoms,
like the mist on the creek in autumn, moving slowly.
Everything he loved and turned into thoughts:
beautiful sounds, shapes, scents, colors,
came to mourn Atoni. "Morning" is walking up to
her eastern lookout, her hair spread out
(studded with dewdrops that have not yet fallen to the ground),
obscuring the eyes of the sky that illuminate the day;
In the distance, the gloomy thunder is groaning;
The dim ocean cannot sleep quietly,
And the strong wind swirls around, whimpering in panic.
The melancholy "Echo" sits in the silent mountain,
nourishing her sorrow with the songs that can still be remembered,
she no longer answers the wind, no longer answers the spring water,
Nor does she answer the shepherd's trumpet, the sunset bell,
or the love of the bird perched on the green branches;
because she can no longer learn his song, which
is better than the words of the beautiful boy She cherished him even more
(It was his contempt that turned her into a haze),
Therefore, if the woodcutter does not compose songs, he only hears mournful chants. 16
Without the joy, why wake up this gloomy year?
Have Hyacinth ever loved Apollo so much?
Daffodil never loved herself as much as she loves you now
? They stand dim and dry
among the dejected companions of their youth,
the dew turns to tears, and the fragrance to pity.
The sister of your soul, the solitary nightingale
never mourned her companion so bitterly; The falcon that nourishes her
strong young, though she flies and howls around
her empty nest, never
mourns you like Albion: Curse, who
should stab you Your pure heart,
scared away the guests among them, your angelic soul!
Oh, I am so sad! Winter has come and gone,
but sorrow comes with the change of seasons;
the breeze and flowing water sing a cheerful tune again;
ants, bees and swallows are walking through the world again;
New flowers and leaves decorate the tomb of the four seasons;
Birds in love mate on every branch,
And make green nests among the thorns in the fields;
Green earthworms and golden snakes, like It was the flames
that woke up from their slumber and rushed outside.
From the heart of the earth, the vigorous stream of life
flows through woods, rivers, fields, mountains and oceans,
as if from the beginning of the universe, God descended
after chaos, Life flows through everything with movement and impermanence
; the countless lamps in heaven
sink into the waves of life and shine more softly;
all humble things are full of life's desire,
they Radiate yourself, spend in love the
beauty and joy which the resurrected energy bestows upon them.
When the rotting corpse touches this spring air?
it spreads into flowers, exhaling soft air;
and when the sunlight turns into fragrance, these flowers
resemble those on the ground The stars burn death brightly,
and laugh at the maggots that squirm joyfully in the earth;
all that dies is resurrected. Is it possible that only the human mind
will be destroyed by invisible lightning, like a sword
destroyed before the scabbard? Oh, with just one flash,
the hot atoms melted in the cold silence.
Alas! Everything we love and cherish about him, if it weren't for
because of our sadness, it seems as if it never existed,
and how could sadness last forever? Oh, how sad!
Where do we come from? Why was it born? What kind of actors or audience are you going to perform on this stage
? No matter how high or low you are,
you will eventually give back to death everything that life has borrowed.
As long as the sky is blue and the fields are green,
the dusk will lead to the night, and the night will urge the morning light.
The moons and moons change sadly, and one year awakens the sadness of another year.
He will not wake up, alas, never again!
"Wake up," cried Misery, "O mother who has lost her son,
wake up from your dream! Use tears and sighs
to soothe your deep heart that hurts more than him. ”
All the visions that accompanied Urania’s eyes,
all the “echoes” that had been silent to hear their sister’s song
now shouted: “Wake up! "
Like thoughts being suddenly stung by the snake of memory,
the eclipsed "brilliance" suddenly woke up from Wen Xiang's dream.
She got up, like an autumn night leaping from the east -
Oh, the gloomy and sad autumn night has replaced the
golden day, because the day has begun
Eternal wings, like souls leaving the body,
turn the earth into dead bones. Sadness and fear
struck and shook Urania's heart so much,
surrounded her with such misery, like a storm cloud
that only urged her to run,
toward Ah The tomb where Tong Ni rests quietly.
She ran out of the quiet kingdom of heaven,
ran through the tents and the big city built with steel and stone,
ran through the human heart, this heart was so light to her
The steps were not soft, but stung
her invisible, tender soles; she also ran past
prickly tongues and more prickly thoughts,
they could not stop her, so they She pierced,
And like the tears of May, her holy blood flowed,
Spreading eternal flowers on the humble way.
For a moment in that morgue, Death
was ashamed at the sight of this divine vitality,
blushing to shame; then Atoni
seemed to be there again Breathing, the faint brilliance of life
flashed across his limbs, oh, these were the limbs she loved so much not long ago
. Urania cried:
"Don't leave me, don't make me miserable and mad,
like the dark night left by lightning! "Her cries
awakened Death, who then smiled and let her embrace him.
“Wait a minute! Say even one more word to me;
Kiss me for as long as a kiss allows;
That word, that kiss, will remain in my empty heart
and in my burning mind , outlive everything else,
Sorrowful memories will be their food;
This memory, now that you are dead,
is like a part of you, Adoni! I am willing
to give up my life and everything to join you!
But I am linked to the flow of time, how can I escape from it!
[ 27
“Oh, beautiful child! You are so gentle,
why did you leave the familiar path of the world prematurely,
and use your broad heart but weak hands
to tease the hungry dragon in its lair?
Since you have no protection, then where are
your mirror, shield, wisdom, and spear of contempt?
If you can wait patiently for your soul
to become fuller like a crescent moon and complete its orbit,
then the demons in the wasteland of life will surely flee from you.
"The group of jackals only have the courage to pursue the weak;
The evil crows only make noises at the dead bodies;
The falcons are only loyal to the banner of the winner,
The 'ruin' has stepped on They dare to harass the place,
and spread plague from their wings; Oh, you see,
as long as the Apollo of this era shoots an arrow with a golden bow
and smiles, that group of robbers
They ran away, not only did they not dare to show off their evil intentions again,
but they also flattered the heel that stepped on them.
"When the sun rises, many insects are hatching their eggs;
when it sinks, those insects that live and die
will sink to death in groups and never rise again,
only The immortal stars awaken again;
so it is in the world of life:
When a divine soul soars, its joy
makes the earth glow and the sky pale; and when it sinks,
The group
who share or dim its brilliance will die, leaving the dark night of the spirit to wait for the illumination of the giant star.
She had just finished speaking when some shepherd boys from the mountains came,
their wreaths were withered and the immortal robes were torn;
First came the wanderer of heaven, whose fame
Like heaven falling over his head,
ah, an early but lasting monument, -
he came, the splendor of his song was buried
in sorrow; Ireland sent from her country
the sweetest singer of her woes,
and love made "sorrow" fall like music from his tongue.
Among the lesser known visitors, there was one
as weak as a ghost; he walked alone,
like the last cloud at the end of the storm,
thunder. His death knell; he seemed tired of
gazing like Actaeon at the beauty of nature,
and now he was lost, he galloped feebly through
the wastes of the world, for on that rough road
He is following his own thoughts as
a pack of hounds, of which he is their father and captive.
is a leopard-like elf, beautiful and agile -
is a seemingly "desperate" love - is a kind of divine power,
but his whole body is covered with "fragility", he I simply cannot
bear the weight of the "moment" that is pressing on my head;
he is a lamp that is about to burn out, a shower that has fallen,
he is a broken wave, at the moment of speaking
Isn’t it already broken? The deadly sun smiles
on the haggard flowers; although life ignites the cheeks with blood
, the heart within may be broken.
On his head were bloomed pansies
and carved blue and white violets,
and in his hand he held a staff with a cypress branch at the top,
Surrounded by dark ivy branches,
still dripping dew from the forest at noon;
The wooden stick trembled because the beating heart
was shaking his weak hand; this The mourner
is the last to come, mourning alone,
like a stray deer struck by a hunter's arrow.
All the people stood aside and laughed with tears when they heard his painful
moaning, for they knew that
he sang new sorrows in foreign languages,
It might be that he uses the misfortunes of others to mourn
his own; Urania saw the
richness of this visitor and murmured: "Who are you? "But he remained silent.
He suddenly opened the pansy with his hand, revealing
his forehead that was burned by the brand and coagulated with blood.
He looked like Cain or Christ - ha, I hope so!
Whose gentle voice mourns the dead?
Who covers his forehead with a black cloak?
Whose shadow bends melancholy over the white corpse bed
, as silent as a tombstone?
His heart was so heavy that he could not make a sound.
Now that he is here, he, the most refined wise man,
who taught, loved, comforted and praised the deceased,
how can I break
the love in his heart with an abrupt sigh? The silence of ritual arrangements for the dead.
Our Atoni drank the poison—oh!
Which deaf murderer would be cruel enough to
inject a dose of disaster into the cup of youth’s life?
Now the nameless maggot has to deny
his sin, for even he feels
that the music from the beginning brought forth jealousy and evil
(besides roaring in a heart)
It's all silent, and people just want to listen to beautiful songs,
Oh, but the hands that play are cold and the golden piano has broken!
Live on, slander will not change your reputation!
Stay alive! Don't be afraid that I will give you a heavier condemnation,
You, a nameless black spot on the immortal name!
But you must know: you are the one spreading disaster!
Whenever a good opportunity comes to you, spit out the poison at will
and let the fangs bite people all over:
Remorse and inferiority will follow you closely,
Shame will burn in you Hidden forehead,
you will tremble like a drowned dog - just like today.
Why should we grieve that our beloved ones are
far away from these carrion-eating kites in the world?
He has traveled and slept with the eternal ancients.
How can you fly to the place where he rests? ——
Let dust to dust return! But the pure spirit
must return to the glorious source from which it came;
as a particle of eternity it will transcend duration
and impermanence, ever shining, eternally conserved,
and you Cold ashes will be piled on the hearth of shame.
Oh, shut up, shut up! He did not die, nor did he sleep,
He just woke up from the dream of life;
Instead, we, obsessed with fanatical illusions,
engaged in useless disputes with some phantoms,
We have been intoxicated with the sharp edge of the spirit
to stab the nothing that cannot be harmed. We are corroding like corpses in the
spiritual chamber, tormented by
fear and sorrow every day, and cold hope
swarms in our mud bodies like maggots.
He is flying above our night shadows,
jealousy and slander, hatred and pain, and
the uneasiness that people mistakenly call "joy",
They can no longer touch him and make him uncomfortable.
He will no longer be infected by the gradual corrosion of troubled times
, nor will he lament and mourn
the coldness of a heart, or the increase of horse teeth;
much less, when The spirit itself ceases to burn,
and pours its ashes into the unpityed urn.
No, he is alive and awake, - the death is just "illusion",
Don't mourn for Atoni.
Let your dew turn to radiance, young morning, for
the spirit you mourn has not faded;
Grottoes and forests, groan not!
Hold it, you fainting flowers and springs; and space,
why do you cover your shawl like a mourning veil on the
unhappy earth? Let it be clear and cloudless,
even in the face of the joyful stars that mock the earth!
He becomes one with nature: in her music,
from the thunder's cry to the nightingale's canto,
his voice is heard; he becomes
A presence that
can be felt in light and darkness, in grass and rocks; wherever the forces of nature
move, there is him expanding
(she has incorporated his life into her own ’s life),
she dominates the world with her untiring love,
supporting it from below and igniting it from above.
He is a part of "beauty", and this "beauty"
was once more lovely by him; he indeed
accepted his share from the spirit of the universe
(This spirit sweeps across the dull and stupid world,
forcing everything to inherit its own form,
even if the unwilling dregs hinder its flight,
it will eventually transform from chaos into its proper pattern;
Finally, it will pour out all its beauty and power
from people, animals, vegetation, and leap into the light of heaven).
In the firmament of time, the brilliant stars
may be dimmed, but they will never die;
they are like the sun and moon, rising to their due height,
and dying It's just that the low fog can cover
but it can't erase the bright light. When young hearts
are lifted up from the bottom of human desire by lofty spiritual thoughts,
letting earthly love and life fight for their destined
fate, then the dead stand high
gloomy and Above the violent clouds, it seemed like light was flowing.
Far away, in that formless realm,
heirs to some half-dead reputations, they rose from
established beyond human thought. Chatterton--the majestic anguish had not faded from his face; Sidney was still as solemn and gentle as he had been when he had fought, was wounded, lived and loved: oh, a The pure spirits,
rose up; and Rugan, whose death made him praised:
They rose up, and the image of Nirvana, rebuked, stepped aside.
There are many others (though unknown in the world,
but as long as the flame caused by the spark endures,
their talents will be passed on and will not die)
shining with eternal glory , stood up.
"You are one of us," they cried,
"for you, the unruly constellation
spinning in darkness for a long time without a god;
look! Only it is silent in the harmony of heaven.
Our Chang Geng, come and ascend your flying throne! ”
Who else cries for Atoni? Oh, come on,
recognize him, recognize yourself, the infatuated one!
Your heart can embrace the suspended earth as much as possible,
and shoot the brilliance of your spirit, with you as the center
toward the sky, until its broad light
fills the boundless space: then Well, just retreat
to a point of day and night in our world;
be more open-minded, otherwise you will be trapped in despair,
if hope ignites hope, leading you to the edge of the cliff.
Or go to Rome, oh, in that cemetery
it is not he who is buried, but our joy:
it is not for the sake of those who are buried
ours that we go to pay homage Ages, religions, and empires in ruins;
for a poet like him need not borrow immortal glory from
the ravagers of the world,
he is already among the emperors of thought,
They have all been enemies of the declining trend of the times.
Among the things that have passed away, they are the only ones who will not pass away!
Go to Rome, - there is heaven,
there are cemeteries, cities, woods and wastelands,
where the ancient cleft mountains rise,
Flowering weeds and fragrant trees are covered
on the bare bones of the ruins;
go and let the elves in that place guide
your steps onto a sloping green path,
There, like a baby's smile, brilliant flowers
are spreading around the grass, covering the dead;
The gray walls are broken all around, and the silent time
is eating away It is like a faint fire on a rotten tree;
a pyramid tomb stands solemnly,
like a flame turned into marble, covering the
corpse ashes of an ancient man, who just chose
This place will be his eternal green place;
Below is a field, where the latecomers will set up their tents of death under the clear sky,
to welcome him we have lost. , breathing just stopped.
Stand here: these tombs are still new,
the sorrow that placed the bones in the tombs
still retains its atmosphere; but if
this atmosphere is gone, Please don't open
the tears of a sad soul here! Otherwise,
when you return home, you will find that you
also have bitter tears in your heart. In the darkness of the tomb,
seek the shade that the cold winds of the world cannot blow.
Atoni has gone, why should we be afraid?
"One" exists forever, "many" change and pass away,
the light in heaven is eternal, and the shadows on the earth are impermanent;
like a roof covered with colored glass, life
Color stains the eternal white light,
until death crushes it. --Death,
if you wish to be with the one you seek!
To the place where all else returns! The blue sky of Rome,
flowers, ruins, stone statues, music, and words are not enough
to explain the true meaning of the glory expressed by all these.
My heart, why do you hesitate, step back, shrink back?
Your hope is gone; it will never be seen again in this world
; now it is time for you to follow!
From the cycle of the seasons, from the hearts of men and women,
a luster has faded; that which was cherished
only invites conflict, and rejects it and languishes.
The soft sky is smiling, and the breeze is murmuring:
That’s Adoni’s greeting! Oh, leave quickly,
Since "death" can bring people together, why bother letting "life" isolate them!
The light, its smile is shining through the whole universe;
The beauty, in which all things work and move;
The blessing is the curse of life that taints people
What cannot be eradicated; that living love
​​is blindly entangled in the web of life by man and beast, by land, sea and sky,
: it burns
brightly or darkly, depending on the desire for love How the flame of man
reflects it; now, it is shining upon me,
swallowing up the last cloud of cold humanity.
The spirit of the universe that I called out in poetry?
has come to me; my spiritual boat is rocking,
far away from the shore, far away from the timid people -
Let me ask: How dare their ship go to face the storm?
I saw the huge land and sky split!
I was drifting far away in the darkness, fearfully;
At this time, Atoni’s soul brilliantly
penetrated the interior of the heaven, bright as stars,
from there The abode of the immortal spirit beckons to me.

The above is all about who wrote Adonais, who Shelley was, and the related content about Adonai. I hope it can help you.

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